Era至今為止發行過8張專輯,分別是1998年的《Era》、2001年的《EraⅡ》、2002年的《Era Version 2002》(創世紀1&2精選集)、 2003年的《The Mass》、2005年的《The Very Best of Era(創世紀精選)》、2008年的《Reborn》(重生)、2009年的《Classics》、2010年的《The Essential》、2010年的《CLASSICS II》。
1996--Era(曲目: 1. Era 2. Ameno 3. Cathar Rhythm 4. Mother 5. Avemano 6. Enae volare mezzo 7. Mirror 8. Ameno (Remix) 9. Sempire d'amor 10. After Time 11. Impera)
2000--Era II (曲目:1. Omen Sore 2. Divano 3. Devore amante 4. Sentence 5. Don't U 6. Infanati 7. Madona 8. Hymne 9. Misere Mani 10. In Fine)
2002--Era Version 2002(創世紀1&2精選集)
2003--The Mass (彌撒)(曲目:1. The Mass 2. Looking For Something 3. Don't Go Away 4. Don't You Forget 5. If You Shout 6. Avemano orchestral 7. Enae volare 8. Sombre Day 9. Voxifera 10. The Champions)
2005--The Very Best of Era(創世紀精選)(曲目:1. Ameno (Remix) 2. Don't Go Away 3. The Mass 4. Mother (Remix) 5. Misere Mani 6. Avemano rchestral 7. Looking For Something 8. Don't U 9. Enae volare 10. Cathar Rhythm 11. Divano 12. Don't You Forget 13. Hymne 14. Sentence 15. I Believe 16. Looking For Something (Darren Tate Mix Edit)
2008--Reborn (重生) (曲目:1. Reborn 2. Prayers 3. Dark Voices 4.Sinfoni Deo (Inspired By The Ave Maria Of Caccini) 5. Come Into My World 6. KilimanDjaro 7. Thousand Words 8. After Thousand Words 9. Last Song 10. Come Into My World (Remix)
2009--Classics(經典)(曲目:01. Caccini Redemption + Ave Maria;02. Vivaldi Sunset Drive + Spring;03. Verdi Arising Force + Nabucco;04. Verdi The Chosen Path + La Forza Del Destino;05. Bach Ritus Pacis + Concerto No.3;06. Malher Adagietto + 5'th Symphony;07. Haendel Dark Wonders + Sarabande + Ombra Mai Fu;08. Vivaldi Winds Of Hope + Winter;09. Levi Sombre Day;10. Barber Adagio For Strings
2010--The Essential(曲目:01 – Ameno – 2010 Remix 02 – Reborn 03 – Hymne 04 – Prayers 05 – The Mass – Surround Sound 06 – Devore Amante – Album Version 07 – Madona – Album Version 08 – Dark Voices 09 – Enae Volare – SACD Stereo 10 – Era – Album Version 11 – Divano – Album Version 12 – Impera – Album Version 13 – Sentence – Surround Sound 14 – Verdi + The Chosen Path + La Forza Del Destino 15 – I believe In G
2010--CLASSICS II(曲目:01:Ave Paternum Deo 02:Madeus 03:Abbey Road Blues 04:A Brand New Day 05:Voxifera 06:Prelude 07:I'm No Angel 08:Journey 09:Thunder Flash 10:Outro Madeus
2013--Arielle Dombasle(曲目:01 Ave Maria 02 Cold Song - King Arthur 03 Adagio Of Barber (Edit Agnus Dei) 04 Sins 177 05 Don't Take Pleasure Of My Pain 06 After Time 07 Just Close Your Eyes 08 Tiesto Demoni 09 Lost Jericho 10 Thousand Words (Edit We Call Your Name)
《The Mass》傳承了Eric Levi自首張專輯《Era》起便汲汲經營的音樂特色,匠心獨具的融合流行、搖滾及古典樂,經過截枝去葉後而產生簡潔有力的音樂風格。為了超越經典, Eric Levi更擷取德國知名音樂家Carl Orff最受盛讚的作品《Carmina Burana/布蘭詩歌》,為首發同名單曲“The Mass”的骨幹;新輯中還收錄了“Don't Go Away”、“Looking For Something”、“Don't You Forget About Me”、以及曾被韓國首席女高音Sumi Jo/曹秀美選錄,並在漢城世界盃足球賽開幕典禮上獻唱的“The Champions”等精彩曲目,儘管如此,《The Mass》的磅礴氣勢和聽覺場景,仍被視為Eric Levi這位曾為搖滾樂團Shakin Street吉他手的跨界新星,樹立新世紀音樂的代表作。大量運用交響樂、以古典與流行、搖滾碰撞出絢麗音樂火花的《The Mass》,給人無限的想像空間:時而如摩西開海的壯闊,時而又像沙漠中拖動巨石的孤寂。對Eric Levi來說,音樂本身只要能去觸動聽眾們的聽覺神經、開啟聽者們的想像,這種感動就已無遠弗屆了。
專輯中第一曲“The Mass ”,將膾炙人口的“Carmina Burana 布蘭詩歌”與來自《Era II》的經典曲目“Divano”巧妙的熔於一爐,彼此銜接之妙,雖然終究不及Enigma的天衣無縫,但珠玉在前,能達至如此程度已經難能可貴。最後兩曲都是氣勢渾厚磅礴的大合唱,而且兩曲風格一暗一明,各有千秋,我個人都頗為中意,相當值得一聽。
最後隆重特別推薦的是,第四曲“Don't You Forget 還記得么”。前奏中女孩與男孩的對話天真無邪卻意味深遠,令人眼前一亮。此後悠悠傳來的女聲充滿了歲月滄桑的感慨,那輕輕的哼吟仿佛是在回憶孩提時那或許無意卻永世難忘的承諾。韶華雖逝,但那至真至誠的誓言,你還記得么?這首曲子令我一聽再聽,浮想聯翩,堪稱極品之作。
感覺這個專輯更時尚化了,原有風格依稀可見而漸漸褪卻淡化。女聲很動聽,合唱聲部混合了Tribe元素。第6軌《Thousand Words》的配樂極為恢宏壯觀,與人聲唱吟動靜相宜,就連那些重唱也是異常美妙,細節掌控拿捏的精到絲毫畢現。到了第8軌《Kilimandjaro》已經完全不是 Era 以前的風格了哈。最後超過9分鐘的混音大概是送給club一族的禮包罷。
01. Sinfoni Deo
02. Reborn
03. Dark Voices
04. Come Into My World
05. Prayers
06. Thousand Words
07. After Thousand Words
08. Kilimandjaro
09. Last Song
10. Come Into My World (Remix)
《Classics 古典》(2009)
2009年11月02日,蟄伏一年的 Era 終於推出其新專輯《Classics 古典》。全輯選取了十首耳熟能詳的古典曲目,用電子、聖歌混合氛圍的的形式重新進行演繹,帶給我們別樣的感覺。相對而言,Era 今次還是有些突破,雖然是粘合了電子音樂的手法,但依然保持了古典音樂的那種深奧玄秘的特點,使作品在擁有典雅端莊的氣質同時帶有鮮明的時代特徵。如今,紛繁複雜的現代音樂流派各成一體,音樂藝術也趨向於多樣化,都完全脫離了古典的美學傳統。在此大環境下,Era 始終保持特色,成為開拓新世紀音樂道路上的披荊斬棘新的一員先鋒大將,期待 Era 下次會更出色。
01. Caccini Redemption + Ave Maria
02. Vivaldi Sunset Drive + Spring
03. Verdi Arising Force + Nabucco
04. Verdi The Chosen Path + La Forza Del Destino
05. Bach Ritus Pacis + Concerto No.3
06. Malher Adagietto + 5'th Symphony
07. Haendel Dark Wonders + Sarabande + Ombra Mai Fu
08. Vivaldi Winds Of Hope + Winter
09. Levi Sombre Day
10. Barber Adagio For Strings
《The Essential》(2010)
Producer: MercuryArielle Dombasle
Genres : 新世紀
Release date : 13/07/2010
ERA, THE ESSENTIAL, the consecration of a legend. an imaginary language supported by a fascinating and timeless music. A magical world in which everyone can interpret his dreams. Here's how ERA has touched the hearts and souls of millions of men and women around the world. The Essential is the best of the saga Era and it includes the major themes of Era for over 10 years as well as new unreleased versions!