EDI,全稱 Electronic Data Interchange,譯名:電子數據交換。是由國際標準化組織(ISO)推出使用的國際標準,是指一種為商業或行政事務處理,按照一個公認的標準,形成結構化的事務處理或訊息報文格式,從計算機到計算機的電子傳輸方法,也是計算機可識別的商業語言。例如,國際貿易中的採購訂單、裝箱單、提貨單等數據的交換。
EDI 是英文 Electronic Data Interchange 的縮寫,中文可譯為“電子數據交換”,港、澳及海外華人地區稱作“電子資料通”。EDI 商務是指將商業或行政事務按一個公認的標準,形成結構化的事務處理或文檔數據格式,從計算機到計算機的電子傳輸方法。簡單地說,EDI 就是按照商定的協定,將商業檔案標準化和格式化,並通過計算機網路,在貿易夥伴的計算機網路系統之間進行數據交換和自動處理。俗稱“無紙化貿易”。
另外,市場競爭也出現了新的特徵。價格因素在競爭中所占的比重逐漸減小,而服務性因素所占比重增大。銷售商為了減少風險,要求小批量、多品種、供貨快,以適應瞬息萬變的市場行情。而在整個貿易鏈中,絕大多數的企業既是供貨商又是銷售商,因此提高商業檔案傳遞速度和處理速度成了所有貿易鏈中成員的共同需求。同樣,現代計算機的大量普及和套用以及功能的不斷提高,已使計算機套用從單機套用走向系統套用;同時通信條件和技術的完善,網路的普及又為 EDI 的套用提供了堅實的基礎。
正是在這樣的背景下,以計算機套用、通信網路和數據標準化為基礎的 EDI 應運而生。EDI 一經出現便顯示出了強大的生命力,迅速地在世界各主要工業已開發國家和地區得到廣泛的套用。正如香港TRADELINK 公司的宣傳資料所指出的那樣:“當 EDI 於 20 世紀 60 年代末期在美國首次被採用時,只屬於當時經商的途徑之一;時至今日,不但美國和歐洲大部分國家,以至越來越多的亞太地區國家,均已認定 EDI 是經商的唯一途徑”。
由於 EDI 具有高速、精確、遠程和巨量的技術性能,因此 EDI 的興起標誌著一場全新的、全球性的商業革命的開始。國外專家深刻地指出:“能否開發和推動 EDI 計畫,將決定對外貿易方面的興衰和存亡。如果跟隨世界貿易潮流,積極推行 EDI 就會成為巨龍而騰飛,否則就會成為恐龍而絕種”。
20 世紀 60 年代末,歐洲和美國幾乎同時提出了 EDI 的概念。早期的 EDI 只是在兩個商業夥伴之間,依靠計算機與計算機直接通信完成。
20 世紀 70 年代,數字通信技術的發展大大加快了 EDI 技術的成熟和套用範圍的擴大,也帶動了跨行業 EDI 系統的出現。80 年代 EDI 標準的國際化又使 EDI 的套用躍入了一個新的里程。
時至今日,EDI 歷經萌芽期、發展期已步入成熟期。英國的 EDI 專家明確指出:“以現有的信息技術水平,實現 EDI 已不是技術問題,而僅僅是一個商業問題”。
ISA01Authorization Information Qualifier:min/max – 2/2
ISA02Authorization Information:min/max – 10/10
ISA03Security Information Qualifier:min/max – 2/2
ISA04Security Information :min/max – 10/10
ISA05Interchange ID Qualifier:min/max – 2/2
ISA06Interchange Sender ID:min/max – 15/15
ISA07Interchange ID Qualifier:min/max – 2/2
ISA08Interchange Receiver ID:min/max – 15/15
ISA09Interchange Date:min/max – 6/6
ISA10Interchange Time:min/max – 4/4
ISA11Interchange Control Standards ID:min/max – 1/1
ISA12Interchange Control Version Number:min/max – 5/5
ISA13Interchange Control Number:min/max – 9/9
ISA14Acknowledgment Requested:min/max – 1/1
ISA15Test Indicator:min/max – 1/1
ISA16Subelement Separator:min/max – 1/1
Sample ISA segment (length of each element is not per standard) ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*167520391 *ZZ*39319445 *991201*1248*U*00200*000000001*0*P*> Syntax and value content for Interchange Control Header
ISA01-02 (Authorization qualifier and information)
If you select a value other than 00 for the Authorization qualifier, enter a value for the Authorization information. There is no default value for Authorization information. This is an optional alphanumeric field, with a minimum of one character and a maximum of 10 characters.
ISA03-04 (Security qualifier and information)
If you select a value other than 00 for the Security qualifier, enter a value for the Security information. There is no default value for Security information. This is an optional alphanumeric field, with a minimum of one character and a maximum of 10 characters.
ISA05-06 (Sender qualifier and identifier)
Enter a value for the Sender identifier. This is an alphanumeric field, with a minimum of one character and a maximum of 15 characters. By default, each of these properties is a null. Once you have entered a value for either of these properties, you can replace it with a different value, but you cannot return the field to a null value.
ISA07-08 (Receiver qualifier and identifier)
Enter a value for the Receiver identifier. This is an alphanumeric field, with a minimum of one character and a maximum of 15 characters. By default, each of these properties is a null. Once you have entered a value for either of these properties, you can replace it with a different value, but you cannot return the field to a null value. ISA08 must be an unique number with proper identifier present in ISA07
ISA09 (Interchange Date)
This element consists of Interchange Date. The date format is YYMMDD of 6 length
ISA10 (Interchange Time)
This element consists of Interchange Time. The time format is HHMM of 4 length
ISA11 (Standard identifier)
The default value for the standard identifier is U - U.S. EDI Community of ASC X12, TDCC and UCS.
ISA12 (Interchange Control Version Number)
The value is 00401 if ANSI 4010 standard is adopted. It can have 00501,00302 etc. Required field. Minimum five characters, maximum five characters.
ISA13 (Interchange Control Number)
The default value is 1. It should be an unique number per ISA-IEA loop and generally gets incremented by 1. Required numeric field. Minimum one character, maximum nine characters. Generally, all service providers have their own algorithim for ICN generation.
ISA14 (Technical acknowledgment required)
The value can be either 0 or 1
ISA15 (Usage indicator)
The default is T - Test Environment. The other value can be P indicating Production Environment.
ISA16 (Component separator)
The default value is : if the type is Char, and 3a if the type is Hex. This element is limited to the values in the ASCII character set. Segment terminator The default value is ~ if the type is Char, and 7e if the type is Hex. You can leave this data element empty, but if you do, you need to designate a suffix. This element is limited to the values in the ASCII character set. Suffix Segment identifier, either None, CR (carriage return), LF (line feed), or CR LF (carriage return/line feed). If you designate a Suffix, the Segment terminator data element can be empty. If the Segment terminator is left empty, you must designate a suffix. The segment terminator and suffix pair can be any of the following values:
Segment terminator
Segment terminator + carriage return
Segment terminator + line feed
Segment terminator + carriage return/line feed
Carriage return
Line feed
Carriage return/line feed
GS Segment The GS segment identifies the application type for the interchange for both sender and receiver. This segment can be used to route EDI data to various systems or locations by trading partners (ex: different A/P systems, different physical locations). The GS segment is also the beginning of a functional group. This segment is also used to provide control information · GS01 -Functional Group Header Code:min/max – 2/2 - AG = Application Advice - IN = Invoice - PO = Purchase Order - PR = P.O. Acknowledgement - RA = Payment - RQ = Request For Quote - RR = Response to RFQ · GS02 -Application Sender's Code:min/max – 2/15 · GS03 -Application Receiver's Code:min/max – 2/15 · GS04 -Date- :min/max – 8/8 CCYYMMDD as of 4010. · GS05 -Time- HHMM :min/max – 4/8 · GS06 -Group Control Number- :min/max – 1/9Like the ISA control number, is used for audit and to detect duplicates, missing, or out of sequence groups. Most importantly, the 997 Functional Acknowledgment, which acts as a return receipt for the group, references the group control number. May take any numeric value so long as there are no duplicates in the interchange, but is usually incremented by one for each group of this type sent to the same trading partner. · GS07 -Responsible Agency Code- :min/max – 1/2X for X12 or T for TDCC · GS08 -Version/Release/Industry Identifier Code- :min/max – 1/12.The first six characters specify the X12 version and release, while any of the last six may be used to indicate an Industry standard or Implementation Convention reference. “004010VICS" Sample GS segment GS*PO*9732397773T*999999999*20060607*1248*1*X*004010
EANCOM標準最初是由EAN大會1987年構想,並提出,是根據當時新興的 UN / EDIFACT 標準開發。相比 TRADACOM 訊息集,EANCOM更詳細。EANCOM由GS1維護。EANCOM最初為零售業開發,並隨後發展成為使用最廣泛的UN / EDIFACT的子集,已經推廣到一些其他行業,如醫療、建築和出版等。
EDI 的迅猛發展,其影響已波及全球。但 EDIFACT和 ANSI X.12 兩大標準在某種程度上制約了 EDI 全球互通的發展。例如當一個美國的公司要與它在歐洲或亞洲的子公司或貿易夥伴聯繫時,因雙方所採用的 EDI 標準不同,就要進行複雜的技術轉換才能達到目的。雖然絕大多數翻譯軟體的製造廠商都支持這兩個標準,但仍會給用戶或廠商造成一些不必要的麻煩。
為了在國際貿易中更快、更省、更好地使用 EDI,世界各國特別是歐、美等工業已開發國家,都在強烈要求統一 EDI 國際標準。即“講一種語言,用一種標準 (In speaking of the application of EDI, we must speak one language and use one standard)。”
國際商會總會已在1990年版國際貿易條規中,特別將EDI納入許可的貿易程式中,即“遠距離數據交換統一規則”(Uniform Rules of Conduct for the Interchange of Data by Teletransmission)。未來從事國際貿易往來中,凡通過EDI的各種商務檔案均獲得國際商會國際仲裁院認可,並具有法律效力。