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  • 外文名:Delusion
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[dɪˈluːʒn]
  • 美式音標:[dɪˈluːʒn]


英 [dɪˈluːʒn] 美 [dɪˈluːʒn]
n. 錯覺;妄想
[ 複數 delusions ]


delusion of persecution 被害妄想 ; 妄想狂 ; 損害妄想 ; 被害貪圖
delusion of negation 否定妄想 ; 虛無妄想 ; 否認妄想 ; 否定妄想否定妄想
Capgras Delusion 卡普格拉妄想症 ; 綜合症 ; 卡普格拉貪圖症 ; 替身綜合徵
delusion of jealousy 嫉妒妄想 ; 嫉妒貪圖 ; 夢想 ; 嫉妨妄想
delusion of grandeur 誇大妄想 ; 誇大妄想大妄想 ; 貪圖 ; 誇大妄想大妄想
jealous delusion 嫉妒性妄想
hypochondriac delusion 疑病妄想


  • I was under the delusion that he intended to marry me. 我有一種錯覺,他要娶我。
  • Insinuations about her mental state, about her capacity for delusion, were being made. 當時有對她的精神狀態的影射——說她有妄想症的影射。
  • Granted, some amount of delusion is probably part of the human condition. 當然,一定程度的妄想可能是人類狀況的一部分。
  • Soon his delusion will pass away and be forgotten, and his poor mind will be whole again. 不久,他的妄想就會消失,被遺忘,他可憐的心靈就會恢復健康。
  • "I don't think the findings that we have are any evidence of personal delusion," says Epley. 埃普利說:“我認為我們的發現不是任何個人錯覺的證明。”
  • Isn't it exactly a kind of persecutory delusion? 這種想法是不是被害妄想症的一種呢?
  • That has proved a delusion. 事實證明,這是一種妄想。
  • But of course this was a delusion. 當然,這只是個妄想。
  • The delusion did not last long. 這種妄想並沒有維持很久。
  • Yet this may prove a delusion. 但這最終可能是個幻想。
  • For delusion it is, on three levels. 在三個層面上可見這是一個錯覺。
  • It must needs be a delusion. 那不過是一種幻覺罷了。
  • We have heard this foolish delusion before. 我們以前曾經聽到過這類愚蠢的幻想。
  • "THE GOD DELUSION" is an irreverent book. 《假象的上帝》是一本大不敬之書。
  • We've bought into the same ridiculous delusion. 我們就此陷入了同樣荒謬的幻想。
  • No doubt inadvertently, Samsung feeds this delusion. 毫無疑問,三星助長了這種錯覺。
  • You develop a particular delusion, like it's getting dark. 我們想像一個特殊的錯覺,就像是這裡正在變黑。
  • Is science wrong when it says free will is a delusion? 當科學說自由意志是一種假象的時候,科學錯了嗎?
  • Republicans, by the way, seem less susceptible to this delusion. 順便說一下,共和黨人似乎受這種錯覺的影響較小。
  • Politicians often feed this delusion. Barack Obama is no exception. 政客常常助長這一妄想,巴拉克·歐巴馬亦不例外。
  • Is this just another collective delusion that will end in tears? 這會是另一個集體的幻覺破滅嗎?
  • Maybe giving up nagging only means giving up the delusion of control. 停止嘮叨可能意味著放棄控制他人的幻想。
  • The second delusion might be termed excessive faith in shock-and-awe. 第二種錯覺可以被稱為對“震撼與威懾”的篤信不移。
  • He has the tyrant's delusion that "only God", as he puts it, can displace him. 正如他所聲稱的那樣,他有著暴君一樣的妄想,“只有上帝”能取代他。
  • But stagnant rates of mobility risk turning the American dream to delusion. 但是停滯不前的流動率,極可能使美國夢成為妄想。
  • Although it may be partly delusion, the same is true of the failure belief. 雖然有一些積極信念只是錯覺,失敗信念也如此。


