drivers license》的發行取得一定成績後,奧利維亞·羅德里戈乘勝追擊推出單曲《deja vu》。“déjà vu”在法語中是既視感的意思,即某些人們從未見過場景卻有似曾相似的感覺。而奧利維亞把既視感放進愛情關係中,寫下“你現在對她說的那些情話、聊的話題全部都是我帶給你的,你難道不會想到我。”而在bridge段奧利維亞則想致敬泰勒·斯威夫特的歌曲《
Cruel Summer》中歇斯底里的吶喊。

Car rides to Malibu
Strawberry ice cream one spoon for two
And trading jackets
Laughing 'bout how small it looks on you
Watching reruns of Glee
Bein' annoying singing in harmony
I bet she's braggin' to all her friends
Saying you're so unique
So when you gonna tell her
That we did that too
She thinks it's special
But it's all re-used
That was our place I found it first
I made the jokes you tell to her
When she's with you
Do you get deja vu when she's with you
Do you get deja vu hmm
Do you get deja vu huh
Do you call her almost say my name
'Cause let's be honest we kinda do sound the same
Another actress I hate to think that I was just your type
And I bet that she knows Billy Joel
'Cause you played her "Uptown Girl"
You're singing it together
Now I bet you even tell her how you love her
In between the chorus and the verse
So when you gonna tell her
That we did that too
She thinks it's special
But it's all re-used
That was the show we talked about
Played you the songs she's singing now
When she's with you
Do you get deja vu when she's with you
Do you get deja vu
Do you get deja vu
Strawberry ice cream in Malibu
Don't act like we didn't do that s**t too
You're trading jackets like we used to do
Yeah everything is all re-used
Play her piano but she doesn't know
That I was the one who taught you Billy Joel
A different girl now but there's nothing new
I know you get deja vu
I know you get deja vu
I know you get deja vu
《deja vu》以迷幻炫目的Psychedelic Pop風格,以及獨特出眾的另類流行風格交織而成,千迴百轉的旋律構架,精準細膩的歌詞描繪,情感意象的捕捉,讓聽眾見證了奧利維亞·羅德里戈的創作力。《deja vu》中青春失戀的種種情緒在一句句質問與嘲笑中推進,最後爆發出最真誠的怒火與心碎。不需要所有人共情,《deja vu》是奧利維亞所代表的

該曲MV由Allie Avital執導,於2021年4月2日在視頻平台YouTube上線,MV中奧利維亞·羅德里戈在海岸線旁驅車駕駛,重新審視了愛情。奧利維亞的目光落在了其前男友的新女友