College English:Writing 2

College English:Writing 2是一本大學英語教材。


  • 中文名:大學英語寫作2
  • 外文名:College English:Writing 2
  • 類型:書籍
  • 領域:英語
College English: Writing 2
It is my second time to read the passage in Unit1, but I also find it is a little difficult, especially I can’t grasp themeaning of words in this passage well.
In paragraph 4, there are three phrases about ‘years’: teen years, ‘mid-life crisis’ years, and declining years. Teen years are thepeople whose age is between 13 and 19 years old; ‘mid-life crisis’ isthe feeling of unhappiness, anxiety and disappointment that some people experience intheir "mid-life crisis " years; declining years are the later years of life when one becomes more and moreweak.
A phrase ‘give no clue to ’ is used twice in paragraph 4 and 5. I have never seen it before. ‘Clue’ is a noun, which means “a sign or some information which helps you to find the answer to a problem, question or mystery “, but I still don’t know the phrase. So I look it up by dictionary. In the dictionary, there are only three words about ‘clue’, just have a phrase---‘not have a clue’, which means ‘to be completely unable to guess, understand, or deal with something’. So I connect it with the context, I think it means ‘ there is no sign or some connection’.
In paragraph 4 and 5, there are two scientific researches About happiness. Onetells us that there is(去掉)no time of life is notably happier or unhappier. Anothertells us that happiness doesn’t have a favorite sex. I agree with them. No matter what is someone’s age or gender, it has no connection with happiness.


