能源英語 2——Energy English 2

能源英語 2——Energy English 2

《能源英語 2——Energy English 2》是2016年智慧財產權出版社出版的圖書,作者是趙明學、周英莉、楊曉華、鄒秀娟。


  • 書名:能源英語 2——Energy English 2
  • 作者:趙明學
  • ISBN:9787513038980
  • 出版社:智慧財產權出版社
  • 出版時間:2016-08




趙明學, 男, 漢族, 1982年1月畢業於黑龍江大學英語系英語語言文學專業,獲碩士學位;教授職稱,外國語言學與套用語言學碩士學位研究生指導教師。 趙明學老師長期以來一直從事英語教學工作,有25年高校教齡,曾先後在哈爾濱工業大學、幾疊刪盼蘇州城建環保學院中國礦業大學(北京)任教;教學經驗豐富,教學成果突出,2次獲得省部級教學成果獎。趙明學教授自1996年開始指導碩士學位研究生,主要從事套用語言學,包括語再檔趨仔用學、語篇分析、句法學,以及英語教學奔慨重等領域的研究。他熱愛教學工作,工作勤奮、治學嚴謹,長於探究。近年來有多篇文章發表。在早期的成果中,還有多本教材出版和十餘篇論文發表。此外,趙明學教授還於1988年在中國駐美國休斯敦總領事館教育處工作,1994年去加拿大進行學術訪問,1997年到英國參加學術會議,1998年到美國、加拿大以及加勒比海地區進行文化交流,2004年去澳大利亞、紐西蘭和香港考察,2008年前往英國、瑞典、挪威和芬蘭學習考察。
1. An Action Research of the Chinese Context-Based Intercultural Teaching-----A Case Study of an Intercultural Exchange Project between American and Chinese College Students,2013.4 Intercultural Comunication Studies, ICS XXII (1)
2. Comparative Study of Employment Attitudes of Chinese and American College Students and Suggestion to China’s Employment Guidance System,2013.6,《現代教育研究》, 中華工商聯合出版社
3. 中美大學生飲食文化差異的分析和解讀,2012.5,《中央高校基本科研業務費項目研究成戒判籃果學術交流會論文集2012年》
4. 對美國外語教學中網路跨文化交流項目的研究,2012.3《大家》(核心類)
5. 大學英語跨文化教學中對生產性雙語現象的研究,2011.5《中央高校基本科研業務費項目研究成果學術交流會論文集2011年》
6. Transference of the Optimal Relevance (專著) 2011 Academic Press Corporation
7. 《蝸居》和《絕望的主婦》中透視出的中西婚姻模式,2010.7,《電影文學》核心類
8. 美國教育中的行為表現評估,2010.8,《教育理論與實踐》(核心類)
9. 高校英語專業跨文化交際課程教學現狀調查研究,2010.6,《中國外語教育》,第三卷,第二期
10. 《英語寫作基礎教程》,2013,北京師範大學出版社
楊曉華,中國礦業大學(北京),1978-,女,講師,研究方向:語言學及英語語言教學。從事本科英語教學十年,負責講授本校英語專業本科能源英語課程及講義的編寫。參加過的科研課題有:a. 大學英語課程體系開設專門用途英語課程的教學改革,J100802。b. 2009年度中央高校青年基本科研業務基金(QW2009),本人為項目負責人c. 基於專業境遙斷內容的大學英語研討式口語研究與實踐(2009北京市教育科學規劃課題);d. 以專業為依託的大學英語口語教學實踐研究(2008北京市教委教改項目);發表論文近十篇。


1Energy Reserve and Security
1.1Are Conventional Energy Sources Depleting
1.2Are New Energy Sources Sufficient
1.3Which Energy Sources Ensure Energy Security
2Energy and Economy
2.1Are Conventional Energy Sources Economical
2.2Are Conventional Energy Sources a Powerful Boost of Economy
2.3Are New Energy Sources Expensive
2.4Do New Energy Sources Promote Economy and Alleviate Economical Poverty
3Energy and Technology
3.1Energy Extraction
3.2Energy Processing and Harnessing
3.3Energy Storage
3.4Energy Delivery
4Energy and Environment
4.1Are Conventional Energy Sources the Devils of Destroying the Earth
4.2Are New Energy Sources Protective of Environment
4.3The Awareness of Energy Conservation And Environmental Protection
5Energy and Policy
5.1Policies on Conventional Energy Sources
5.2Policies on New Energy Sources
6How to Choose a Topic
6.1How to Brainstorm a Topic
6.2How to Develop a Research Question
6.3How to Write a Working Title
7How to Search for Information
7.1Where are Reliable Sources from
7.2How to Read Selectively
7.3How to Find Topic Sentences
7.4How to Refer to the Organization of the Text
7.5How to Read Critically
7.6How to Take Notes
8How to Listen to an Academic Lecture
8.1Getting Yourself Familiar with Lectures
8.2Following Signpost Language
8.3Making Perfect Lecture Notes
9How to Write a Literature Review
9.1What is a Literature Review
9.2How to Write a Literature Review
9.3Citation and Documentation
10How to write an Academic Essay
10.1Writing an Introduction
10.2Writing the Body of a Secondary Research Essay
10.3Writing a Conclusion
10.4Writing an Abstract
11How to Prepare and Organize Your Oral Presentation
11.1How to Open Your Presentation
11.2How to Deliver the Main Part of Your Presentation
11.3Using Visual Aids
11.4Summary and Interaction with Audience
5. 大學英語跨文化教學中對生產性雙語現象的研究,2011.5《中央高校基本科研業務費項目研究成果學術交流會論文集2011年》
6. Transference of the Optimal Relevance (專著) 2011 Academic Press Corporation
7. 《蝸居》和《絕望的主婦》中透視出的中西婚姻模式,2010.7,《電影文學》核心類
8. 美國教育中的行為表現評估,2010.8,《教育理論與實踐》(核心類)
9. 高校英語專業跨文化交際課程教學現狀調查研究,2010.6,《中國外語教育》,第三卷,第二期
10. 《英語寫作基礎教程》,2013,北京師範大學出版社
楊曉華,中國礦業大學(北京),1978-,女,講師,研究方向:語言學及英語語言教學。從事本科英語教學十年,負責講授本校英語專業本科能源英語課程及講義的編寫。參加過的科研課題有:a. 大學英語課程體系開設專門用途英語課程的教學改革,J100802。b. 2009年度中央高校青年基本科研業務基金(QW2009),本人為項目負責人c. 基於專業內容的大學英語研討式口語研究與實踐(2009北京市教育科學規劃課題);d. 以專業為依託的大學英語口語教學實踐研究(2008北京市教委教改項目);發表論文近十篇。


1Energy Reserve and Security
1.1Are Conventional Energy Sources Depleting
1.2Are New Energy Sources Sufficient
1.3Which Energy Sources Ensure Energy Security
2Energy and Economy
2.1Are Conventional Energy Sources Economical
2.2Are Conventional Energy Sources a Powerful Boost of Economy
2.3Are New Energy Sources Expensive
2.4Do New Energy Sources Promote Economy and Alleviate Economical Poverty
3Energy and Technology
3.1Energy Extraction
3.2Energy Processing and Harnessing
3.3Energy Storage
3.4Energy Delivery
4Energy and Environment
4.1Are Conventional Energy Sources the Devils of Destroying the Earth
4.2Are New Energy Sources Protective of Environment
4.3The Awareness of Energy Conservation And Environmental Protection
5Energy and Policy
5.1Policies on Conventional Energy Sources
5.2Policies on New Energy Sources
6How to Choose a Topic
6.1How to Brainstorm a Topic
6.2How to Develop a Research Question
6.3How to Write a Working Title
7How to Search for Information
7.1Where are Reliable Sources from
7.2How to Read Selectively
7.3How to Find Topic Sentences
7.4How to Refer to the Organization of the Text
7.5How to Read Critically
7.6How to Take Notes
8How to Listen to an Academic Lecture
8.1Getting Yourself Familiar with Lectures
8.2Following Signpost Language
8.3Making Perfect Lecture Notes
9How to Write a Literature Review
9.1What is a Literature Review
9.2How to Write a Literature Review
9.3Citation and Documentation
10How to write an Academic Essay
10.1Writing an Introduction
10.2Writing the Body of a Secondary Research Essay
10.3Writing a Conclusion
10.4Writing an Abstract
11How to Prepare and Organize Your Oral Presentation
11.1How to Open Your Presentation
11.2How to Deliver the Main Part of Your Presentation
11.3Using Visual Aids
11.4Summary and Interaction with Audience


