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《chinese》是英國歌手莉莉·艾倫(Lily Allen)專輯《It's Not Me, It's You》中第4首單曲,於2009年2月9日發行。


  • 中文名稱:中國菜
  • 外文名稱:Chinese
  • 所屬專輯:《It's Not Me,It's You
  • 歌曲時長:03:28
  • 發行時間:2009-02-09
  • 歌曲原唱Lily Allen
  • 歌曲語言:英語




I see you from the sky 我看見你從天而降
And I wonder how long it will take me to get home 並且我想知道我要多久才能回家
I wait for an hour or so at the carousel 我等待一個小時然後就天旋地轉
I have a cigarette to pass the time 我要等一支煙的時間
Cause the traffic's hell 因為這該死的交通堵塞
I don't want anything more 我不想再要其他東西了
Than to see your face when you open the door 只要當你打開門時能看見你容顏就夠了
You'll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea 當我們乾杯或者喝茶的時候,你會令我緊張地如此僵硬
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV並且我們會訂份中餐然後看電視
Tomorrow we'll take the dog for a walk 明天我會帶著狗去散步
And in the afternoon then maybe we'll talk 然後在下午時我們可能會聊聊天
I'll be exhausted so I'll probably sleep 我會因此而精疲力竭,然後我可能會睡覺
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV 然後我們會訂份中餐然後看電視
You wipe the tears from my eye 你擦拭掉了從我眼睛裡流下的淚水
And you say that all that it takes is a phone call 你說事情全怪那一通電話
I cry at the thought of being alone and then 我一想到自己的孤獨就哭了
I wonder how long it will take til I'm home again 我想知道直到我再一次回家,那會花掉我多少時間
I don't want anything more 我不想再要其他東西了
Than to see your face when you open the door 只要當你打開門時能看見你容顏就夠了
You'll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea 當我們乾杯或者喝茶的時候,你會令我緊張地如此僵硬
I know it doesn't seem so fair 我知道那看起來不太公平
But I'll send you a postcard when I get there 但當我到達後我會給你寄張明信片的
I don't want anything more 我不想再要其他東西了
Than to see your face when you open the door 只要當你打開門時能看見你容顏就夠了
You'll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea 當我們乾杯或者喝茶的時候,你會令我緊張地如此僵硬
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV 並且我們會訂份中餐然後看電視
Tomorrow we'll take the dog for a walk 明天我會帶著狗去散步
And in the afternoon then maybe we'll talk 然後在下午時我們可能會聊聊天
I'll be exhausted so I'll probably sleep 我會因此而精疲力竭,然後我可能會睡覺
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV 然後我們會訂份中餐然後看電視


