Calling Michael


  • 外文名:Calling Michael
  • 說明:美國歌迷送給Michael
  • 補充:感人
  • 主人公:Michael


2003年年底到2005年 對於邁邁來說是最黑暗的時期,陰謀,金錢,貪慾 這些加在一起編造了一個彌天大謊,無情得砸在了他的頭上,邁邁所承受的壓力也是沒有人能夠了解的。但是慶幸的是他還有歌迷,這些真正用心去愛他的人們在背後一直支持他給他鼓勵和溫暖。


I just want you to know that you don’t need to proof your innocence 我只想說,你不需要證明自己無辜
Because we will(all?) always believe in you 因為,我們一直相信你
Without your tears, how could I cry 沒有你的眼淚,我也無法哭泣
Without your warmth, how could I care 沒有你的溫暖,我不知如何關愛
Without your strength, how could I survive 沒有你的力量,我更無法生存
I’d like to say: I love you, and thank you for everything. 我想說:我愛你,並且感謝你所帶來的一切
and we will support you everytime and everywhere 我會一直支持你,無論何時,無論何地
I want you know that I am believe in you 我想你知道,我相信你
So keep the faith, because we love you very very much 所以請保持信心吧,因為我們非常非常愛你
Every time when I look into(looking to?) your eyes 每一次我注視你的眼睛
I know the allegations are nothing but lies 我知道,那些傳言除了謊言什麼都不是
Together with your fans 和你的Fans在一起
I will reach out of my hand 我會伸出手
I still believe that you are innocent 我一直相信你是無辜的
Oh~~ 喔~~
so(how?) many times in trouble and pain 多少次陷入麻煩與痛苦
so(how?) many rumors drive insane 多少謠言令人瘋狂
Let's say: 只需說:
Michael, you are absolutely innocent 邁,你是絕對絕對無辜的
And they can't go on like it 他們無法容忍你
cause we need to keep the faith 我們需要保持信念
to the day i hope this ice(those Nazi?) will disappear 直到冰層融化的那一天
Every time when I looking to your eyes 每一次我注視你的眼睛
I know the allegations are nothing but lies 我知道,那些傳言除了謊言什麼都不是
Together with your fans 和你的Fans在一起
I will reach out of my hand 我會伸出手
I still believe that you are innocent that you are innocenet我一直相信你是無辜的
we love you so much, and we miss you. 我們是如此地愛著你,我們想念你
day and night i am feeling sad i cry日日夜夜我是如此悲傷淚留不止
All those accusations hurts and i give up asking why 所有的那些傳言是如此傷人,我已經不想去問為什麼
people sometimes are so cruel人們有時是如此殘忍
treating you much like a fool把你當做白痴對待
but i am standing here to let you know that i won't think you are freak any more...not any more可是我站在這裡,想讓你知道,我不會再把你當做奇怪的人,再也不會。
Every time when I looking to your eyes 每一次我注視你的眼睛
I know the allegations are nothing but lies 我知道,那些傳言除了謊言什麼都不是
Together with your fans 和你的Fans在一起
I will reach out of my hand 我會伸出手
I still believe that you are innocent 我一直相信你是無辜的
when you are all alone 當你孤單時
and your hope is about to go當你想要離開這個世界
even the darkest night will give the stars so bright就算最黑的黑夜,也會將星星點亮
catch your way baby home catch your way baby home找到你回家的路吧寶貝!找到你回家的路
anytime you are bitter and pain任何時候當你苦痛
never lose your faith不要失去信心
cause i will be there因為我們在這裡
i support and fight for you however i can我支持並盡我所能地為你抗爭
please keep the faith and god bless you請保持信心,上帝保佑你
we love you and we support you我們愛你支持你
i am so proud to be your fans我以成為你的Fans為榮
michael i need you 邁, 我需要你
we believe you are innocent我們相信你是無辜的
i support you 100 percent我100%支持你
Every time when I looking to your eyes 每一次我注視你的眼睛
I know the allegations are nothing but lies 我知道,那些傳言除了謊言什麼都不是
Together with your fans 和你的Fans在一起
I will reach out of my hand 我會伸出手
cause I still believe that you are innocent 我一直相信你是無辜的
michael you are a genius邁邁你是天才
michael you are incredible邁邁你令人難以置信
you show so much strenghth and love even in these difficult times 你是如此的堅強與充滿愛心,即使是在那些艱難的日子裡
i will always be here for you, take care我將永遠和你在一起,保重!
Never suspect on your dream, innocent will win this game, i love you for ever more從不曾懷疑你的夢想,純潔無辜的者將最終勝利,我前所未有的愛你,永遠
i know you are innocent我知道,你是無辜的。


