We have each other’s backs and we give each other the benefit of the doubt. Look for ways to love and support each other.
Have Fun 開心有趣
Look for the fun in all we do. Let’s not take ourselves so seriously.
Unending Curiosity 好奇無止境
Think outside the box. Challenge the status quo. Think holistically.
Be Humble 謙虛
Remember Rule #6. We win as a team. Be willing to share the credit.
Do the Right Thing 正直
Be true to yourself and others. Make your team proud. Be transparent, honest and objective.
Results Matter 專注結果
We don’t get points for starting, we get points for finishing. Focus on delivering the desired results. Make sure you listen and understand the results that are expected.
Own It 有擔當
Take ownership of problems and solutions. If you see an opportunity to fix something or make it better, do it.
Perform Above and Beyond 追求卓越
Do whatever it takes to meet the needs of our clients and the company. Let’s exceed expectations.
根據顧客的需求,CEA提供工廠審計服務和監測服務。參觀公司前,我們團隊將對公司進行初步調查,包括公開發布的金融信息和生產歷史。一旦來到公司,團隊將評估製造商的生產設備、原材料和最終產品。CEA還將根據供應商的產品標準來檢查成產前的材料清單,以保證這些材料確實用於生產過程。然後,為了與市場標準相比,CEA還會檢查質量控制流程、日常設備維護和生產力提高項目。最後,整個製造過程的生產流程都將被監測和檢查,以確保如flash test 等重要工藝步驟全部按行業要求完成。最終的分析報告將與客戶分享,實地考察如顧客要求也可一同前往。