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  • 詞性:名詞、及物動詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈblæklɪst]
  • 美式音標:[ˈblæklɪst]


英 [ˈblæklɪst] 美 [ˈblæklɪst]
n. 黑名單
vt. 將……列入黑名單
[ 複數 blacklists 第三人稱單數 blacklists 現在分詞 blacklisting 過去式 blacklisted 過去分詞 blacklisted ]


The Blacklist 黑名單 ; 罪惡黑名單 ; 黑名單救贖 ; 第一季
Blacklist Studio 黑名單工作室
Handy Blacklist 掌上黑名單 ; 掌中黑名單 ; 反黑先鋒
hollywood blacklist 荷里活黑名單 ; 好萊塢黑名單
Splinter Cell Blacklist 黑名單 ; 細胞分裂黑名單
BlackList Mobile 移動黑名單 ; 手機黑名單
The Blacklist Season 罪惡黑名單第四季 ; 第一季 ; 黑名單第二季 ; 第三季
Real-time Blacklist 上的即時黑名單列表
Mobile BlackList 移動黑名單


  • 1A government official disclosed that they were on a secret blacklist.一位政府官員透露說,他們被列入了秘密黑名單。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2and are on the blacklist.淘寶網、北青網、大旗網以及39健康網均在黑名單之列。
  • 3A blacklist is illegal now.現在,列黑名單是不合法的。
  • 4All stories except Blacklist got done.除“黑名單”之外,所有的故事都完成了。
  • 5Put him in your blacklist.把他拖到你的黑名單里。
  • 6She was on the company's blacklist.她被列在這家公司的黑名單上。
  • 7I also think blacklist is good idea.我還認為,黑名單是個好主意。
  • 8If your neighbor ends up in a blacklist, you will too.一旦你的鄰居被拉進黑名單,你也無法倖免。
  • 9To prevent it from doing this, you can blacklist modules.為了防止錯誤的發生,你可以使用模組禁用列表。
  • 10A white list contains favored items (as opposed to a blacklist).白名單(white list)中列的是喜歡的東西(與黑名單相對應)。
  • 11The FATF recently removed Myanmar, the last country on its blacklist.FATF最近也將它黑名單上的最後個國家緬甸除卻。
  • 12The EU blacklist is available on the Internet at歐盟的黑名單可以通過網際網路在上查到。
  • 13After my mind It's a very good idea to create a blacklist of casino.在我心這是一個很好的主意來建立黑名單的賭場。
  • 14It usually has a negative connotation (blacklist, black humor, 'black death').它通常具有否定含義(黑名單、黑色幽默、“黑死病”)。
  • 15I wish they would do that anyway, not only because you're on a "blacklist".我希望他們對任何外國人都這樣做,而不僅僅是針對在黑名單上面的人。
  • 16A "blacklist" is a list of persons or organizations to be boycotted or punished.“黑名單(blacklist)”是一個要受抵制或懲罰人或組織的名單。
  • 17The products in the blacklist had been returned, destroyed or used for other purposes, AQSIQ said.質檢總局表示,"黑名單"里的不合格產品目前均已依法做退貨、銷毀或改作他用處理。
  • 18Blacklisting: in this approach, all characters in the blacklist are filtered out from the input.黑名單:在這種方法中,黑名單中的所有字元都會從輸入中過濾掉。
  • 19Other circumstances approved by Risk Management Department that can be deleted from the Blacklist.其他經風險管理部調查後認定可以出庫的情況。
  • 20Don't release the goods until the cheque has been cleared, Mr. Smith is on our blacklist of slow payers.史密斯先生在拖延付款的黑名單上,所以支票未兌現之前別發貨。
  • 21Airlines already blacklist passengers for all sorts of reasons, from bad behavior to breaking their ticket rules.航空公司因各種原因將乘客們紛紛列入黑名單,從不良行為到違犯機票規則。
  • 22The Internal Blacklist System will be developed and maintained as part of the DEDUPE module of Bank CAS System.內部黑名單作為銀行CAS系統中DEDUPE模組中的一部分被開發和維護。
  • 23The third picture 'no no' is being shot with a double chin and fourth on the blacklist were obvious drunken shots.第三種不盡人意的照片是拍到雙下巴;而女性喝得醉醺醺的照片被列入了黑名單第四位。
  • 24The blacklist will be mainly applied in credit facility application, lending and post-lending maintenance periods.內部黑名單的使用主要在授信申請階段、放款階段、貸後維護階段。
  • 25When a message is received by an MTA, a distributed blacklist filter is called to determine whether the message is a known spam.當MTA收到一條訊息時,會調用分散式黑名單過濾器來確定這條訊息是否是已知的垃圾郵件。
  • 26But at one time, some businesses refused to employ people who were on a blacklist for belonging to unpopular organizations.但是曾經有一段時間,有些企業會拒絕雇用黑名單上的人,因為其屬於不受歡迎的組織。
  • 27Its main current use is to help hashcash users avoid losing email due to content-based and blacklist-based anti-spam systems.當前它的主要作用是幫助hashcash用戶避免因為使用了基於內容和基於黑名單的(blacklist - based)反垃圾郵件系統而丟失郵件。
  • 28The IWF's blacklist is used by the vast majority of British Internet service providers to maintain decency standards for their subscribers.IWF的黑名單為絕大多數的英國網際網路服務供應商所用,目的在於為其用戶維護道德標準。


