Alan parson\x27s project

Alan parson\x27s project

Alan Parsons Project 中文名亞倫派森實驗樂團,來自英格蘭,活躍於上個世紀七八十年代,Alan Parsons是樂團的絕對靈魂,由他主導專輯的作品編寫與錄製,演唱部分則固定邀請幾位歌手輪流擔綱。


  • 中文名:亞倫派森實驗樂團
  • 外文名:Alan Parsons Project
  • 國籍:英格蘭
  • 職業:職業音樂人
  • 代表作品:《Eye in the Sky》 《Tales of Mystery and Imagination》


Alan Parsons進軍歌壇前曾擔任The Beatles《Abby Road》專輯的錄音師,也曾為The Hollies製作過五張專輯。他為Pink Floyd的經典專輯《Dark side of the moon》擔任所有的錄音工程,其呈現出的逼真音效,震驚了世界樂壇。
後來由於這張專輯的成功,1976年他也組建了自己的前衛搖滾樂隊Alan Parsons Project。1982年的他們的專集《Eye in the Sky》獲得巨大成功,擠入TOP 10並取得白金銷量。1976年的專輯《Tales of Mystery and Imagination》,也成為經典收藏品。
Alan parson\x27s project


Old And Wise 智者老矣 The Alan Parsons Project Written by Eric Woolfson and Alan Parsons Lead Vocal: Colin BlunstoneAs far as my eyes can see.. 在我的視線所及 There are shadows approaching me.. 陰影不斷向我逼近 And to those I left behind 覆蓋了我遺留的痕跡 I wanted you to know 我曾要你知道You've always shared my deepest thoughts 你一直分享著我最深的思緒 You follow where I go 你跟隨著我的足跡 And oh, Oh When I'm old and wise 智者老矣 Bitter words mean little to me 殘酷的言語對我已毫無意義 Autumn winds will blow right through me 秋風將會吹透我的身體 And someday 某一天 In the mist of time 在這時間的霧翳 When they asked me if I knew you 當他們問我是否認識你 I'd smile and say you were a friend of mine 我會微笑著訴說我們曾經的友誼 And the sadness would be lifted from my eyes 眼中已消散了悲悽 Oh when I'm old and wise Oh 智者老矣 As far as my eyes can see.. 在我的視線所及 There are shadows surrounding me.. 陰影在我四周密無縫隙And to those I leave behind 覆蓋我遺留的痕跡 I want you all to know 我要你知道 You've always shared my darkest hours 你一直分享著我最陰暗的記憶 I'll miss you when I go 我會思念你,當我離去 And oh, Oh When I'm old and wise 智者老矣 Heavy words that tossed and blew me 沉重的話語折磨我的心緒 Like autumn winds will blow right through me 就像秋風吹透我的身體And someday, 某一天 In the mists of time 在這時間的霧翳When they ask you if you knew me 當他們問你是否認識我 Remember that you were a friend of mine 不要忘記我們曾經的友誼As the final curtain falls before my eyes 當最後的幕布垂落我的眼底Oh when I'm old and wise Oh 智者老矣 As far as my eyes can see... 在我的視線所及


