Adrian Borland

Adrian Borland

Adrian Kelvin Borland(1957.12.06 - 1999.04.26,年僅41歲),英國歌手,歌曲作家,吉他手,和唱片製作人. 以作為後朋克樂隊The Sound(1979–88)主唱而最為著名. 樂隊解散後,又發行了5張個人專輯. 在他因分裂情感性障礙結束生命後,又發行了3張紀念專輯.

Adrian Kelvin Borland (6 December 1957 – 26 April 1999,aged 41) was an English singer, songwriter, guitarist and record producer.He was best known as the lead singer of post-punk band The Sound (1979–1987).Following a substantial solo career spanning five albums, he succumbed to the symptoms of schizoaffective disorder and committed suicide in April 1999.There published 3 posthumous albums after that.


  • 外文名:Adrian Kelvin Borland
  • 國籍英國
  • 出生地:漢普斯特德
  • 出生日期:1957年12月6日
  • 逝世日期:1999年4月26日
  • 星座射手座
  • 經紀公司:Red Sun,Play It Again Sam,Resolve, Earth
  • 代表作品:I Can't Escape Myself、White Room、Total Recall
  • 主要成就:後朋克樂隊 The Outsiders
    後朋克樂隊 Second Layer
    後朋克樂隊 The Sound
  • 別名:Joachim Pimento
  • 職業音樂家
  • 流派後朋克,另類搖滾,新浪潮,獨立搖滾


Adrian Borland出生在倫敦的漢普斯特德.父親是Bob Borland,是一名英國國家物理實驗室(位於倫敦泰丁敦)的物理學家.而他的妻子則是一名英語教師.
Adrian Borland was born in Hampstead, London, the son of Bob Borland, a physicist at the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, London, and his wife, an English teacher.
Borland played guitar left-handed.


The Outsiders (1975 - 1979)
在國小,Borland就和Graham "Green" Bailey(The Sound貝斯手,Second Layer合作者)成為了好朋友.
At primary school the young Borland was already friends with future Sound bassist (and Second Layer collaborator) Graham "Green" Bailey.
Adrian Borland
Adrian Borland
Borland的第一個樂隊,The Outsiders,(名字的靈感來源於阿爾貝·加繆的小說《局外人》)以Adrian Borland為核心(負責唱歌和彈吉他),以及貝斯手Bob Lawrence,鼓手Adrian 'Jan' Janes.他們自行發行了第一張LP《Calling On Youth》,成為了英國第一張自行發行的朋克專輯.
Borland's first band,The Outsiders,inspired by Albert Camus' novel The Outsider, was formed with Borland at its nucleus, manning vocals and guitar. Bob Lawrence was the bassist, and Adrian 'Jan' Janes was the drummer. Their debut LP, Calling on Youth, was self-released, and became the first UK self-released punk album.
在這張專輯發行之後,重大的改變決定了這個樂隊的未來:Graham 'Green' Bailey在Lawrence走後取代了他的位置,Adrian Janes離開樂隊去上大學,Geoffrey Cummant-Wood(樂隊經紀人)讓Mike Dudley代替他.
It was after this album that important changes took place that would decide the band's future: Lawrence left to be replaced by Borland's old friend Graham 'Green' Bailey, and Adrian Janes' departure to go to college allowed Geoffrey Cummant-Wood (the band's manager) to suggest 28-year-old Mike Dudley in his stead.
大概在1977年左右,在Bi Marshall(真實姓名Benita Biltoo,Bailey的熟人)加入後,The Outsiders三人組變成了The Sound四人組.她主要負責單簧管(後來改成薩克斯)和電子合成器.
The Outsiders trio then became The Sound, a quartet, with the arrival of Bi Marshall (real name Benita Biltoo),an acquaintance of Bailey's and the band from around 1977.The new sound was augmented by her use of the clarinet (later saxophone) and synthesizer.
The Sound (1979 - 1988)
Borland成為了The Sound的核心,歌詞作者兼主唱和吉他手,為早期的《Propaganda》和《Jeopardy》(The Sound 第一張正式發行專輯)的曲目執筆.
Borland became the kernel of The Sound, being the songwriter, main vocalist and guitarist, penning tracks for Propaganda and the Jeopardy recordings (the latter to become The Sound's debut release).
The Sound 第二張專輯《From The Lion's Mouth》,更加受歡迎,在全球範圍內賣出100,000多張.
The Sound's second album, From The Lion's Mouth, was even more enthusiastically received,selling over 100,000 units worldwide.
Borland的創作能力也大幅提高,和Jello Biafra創立了The Witch Trials樂隊,和The Sound貝斯手Graham Bailey創立了Second Layer樂隊,製作了專輯《World of Rubber》.
Borland's personal productivity was enhanced even more with two collaborations that year, one with Jello Biafra in The Witch Trials,and another with Sound bassist Graham Bailey in Second Layer, which spawned the electronic album World of Rubber.
但是,次年,The Sound的專輯《All Fall Down》(1982)卻因為拒絕創作更多的商業歌曲來滿足他們的簽約公司而走了下坡路.
The Sound were caught on a downcurve, however, the following year with the release of All Fall Down (1982), an album that represented the band's refusal to make more commercial music to satisfy their label.
Korova(簽約公司)終止了與他們的合作.音樂媒體也迅速的拋棄了他們,其中一篇關於The Sound的評論說這張專輯(《All Fall Down》)幾乎毫無價值.
Korova responded by dropping them, while the music press rapidly disowned them; a Sound's review called the album "virtually worthless".
The Sound再也沒有恢復回來,即使在接下來的5年裡出了一張迷你專輯《Shock of Daylight》,一張現場專輯《In The Hothouse》,和兩張錄音室專輯《Heads and Hearts》,《Thunder Up》,也沒能阻止樂隊的繼續衰落.
The Sound never recovered from this setback, although they did release a mini album, Shock of Daylight, a live album In The Hothouse and two further albums Heads and Hearts and Thunder Up over the next five years. These were all released on small independent labels, and never reversed the band's diminishing profile.
Adrian Borland
雖然並不清楚Adrian Borland是什麼時候被確診出(病)情,從1985年開始,他抑鬱症的狀況越來越明顯.
Although it is unclear as to when Borland was diagnosed with his condition, from 1985 onward the symptoms of his depression became more and more apparent.
整件事情的災難化,始於在The Sound位於荷蘭祖特爾梅爾的一場Thunder Up巡演中,Adrian Borland中途離場.那成了他們最後一場現場演出.
The touring for Thunder Up culminated in disaster for the band when Borland left halfway through a set at Zoetermeer, Netherlands. It would be the last Sound gig.
Dudley described the break-up in 2004:
我們三個(Colvin,Graham,Dudley)一致同意,要告訴Adrian,The Sound需要休息,他需要休息,並尋求幫助.在這段時間裡,我們也會找別的事情去做.
We had decided the three of us, Colvin, Graham and myself, to tell Adrian that the Sound needed a break and that he should get some rest and some help, and that in the meantime we would go off and look at other things...
but when it came down to it I sat there and listened to the others say "Yes, Adrian. No, Adrian" to Adrian, who wanted despite everything to go on, and I just said at that point "I'm leaving the band", my intention being that the band would come to an end there and then, forcing Adrian into the position where he would get some rest, for his sake.
沒了Mike Dudley,樂隊撐到1988年就迅速解散了.The Big Takeover痛惜道,那就像一個故交因為一場疾病輸掉了一場僵持很久的戰鬥.Adrian Borland後來將The Sound的解散歸咎於自己.
The band continued without Mike Dudley into 1988, but soon collapsed. The Big Takeover lamented that it was "Like an old friend losing a long fight with a disease".Borland would later blame himself for the break-up of The Sound.
Adrian Borland的單飛事業 (1988 - 1999)
Borland在1988年去了荷蘭,借著The Sound在(歐洲)大陸的受歡迎程度,創建了另一個樂隊Adrian Borland & The Citizens.
Borland moved to the Netherlands in 1988 to found yet another band,Adrian Borland & The Citizens,taking advantage of the popularity of The Sound on the continent.
同時.也和Honolulu Mountain Daffodils有一段史無前列的合作(假名為Joachim Pimento),直至1991年的最後一張專輯《Psychic Hit List Victim》.
Musically, this was a period of unprecedented collaboration for Borland; for instance, he worked (albeit under the pseudonym "Joachim Pimento") with the Honolulu Mountain Daffodils right up until their final release Psychic Hit List Victim in 1991.
1989年,Adrian Borland & The Citizens 發行了《Alexandria》,音樂風格和《Thunder Up》完全不同,運用了四個和聲,還有貝斯,大提琴,單簧管,,銅鼓,鋼琴,薩克斯,口琴,小手鼓,中提琴,小提琴和吉他.
In 1989 Adrian Borland and The Citizens released Alexandria, a huge departure musically from Thunder Up and featuring four backing vocalists, bass, cello, clarinet, drums and kettle drums, piano, saxophone, harmonica, tambourine, viola, violin and guitar.
這張專輯有著更平靜,更輕鬆的歌曲,像《Light The Sky》,《Rogue Beauty》,也有Adrian Borland面對自己不確定的心境的歌《No Ethereal》,《Deep Deep Blue》.
The album featured much calmer, lighter tracks, such as "Light The Sky" and "Rogue Beauty". As always, some tracks deal with Borland's own precarious emotional state, such as "No Ethereal" and "Deep Deep Blue".
The album, however, suffered from poor sales.
雖然Borland也有興趣重組他的樂隊,但是他的樂隊再也沒能重組回來.貝斯手Graham Bailey在90年代初去了美國紐奧良,鍵盤手Max死於由愛滋病引起的相關疾病.鼓手Mike Dudley和Borland因為不明原因的對抗造成了無法彌補的裂痕.
Although Borland expressed an interest in re-forming his old band, The Sound never re-formed: bassist Graham Bailey moved to New Orleans,the United States in the early 1990s; keyboardist Max died from an AIDs-related illness; and an undisclosed antagonism had caused an irreparable rift between Borland and drummer Mike Dudley.
《Brittle Heaven》(1992)
在1992年,發行了《Brittle Heaven》,也是後來Adrian Borland個人網站的名字.
1992 saw the release of Brittle Heaven, which would later lend its name to the Adrian Borland website.
真正的區別在於The Citizens現在全部由荷蘭人組成.Don Victor和Borland合作完成.
The real difference laid in the composition of the Citizens, which was by now almost exclusively Dutch. Don Victor now co-produced with Borland.
這張專輯得益於對製作的大量投入,就像The Sound的專輯《Heads and Hearts》一樣,比Borland單飛後的其他專輯製作更加精良.
The album benefits from lavish investment in production, although this puts it in a similar position to The Sound's Heads and Hearts album in that it is much more polished than Borland's other solo material.
在1992年某天,他去了阿姆斯特丹,和Victor Heeremans合作,錄製了一張很多年後才發行的專輯《The Amsterdam Tapes》.
At some point in 1992 he travelled to Amsterdam to record a session with Victor Heeremans, re-recorded and released many years later as the posthumous The Amsterdam Tapes album.
《Beautiful Ammunition》(1994)
1994年,Borland回到了英國去錄製他的第三張單飛專輯《Beautiful Ammunition》.
In 1994 Borland returned to the UK to record his third album, Beautiful Ammunition.
The new album displayed a simpler format, only acoustic guitar, synthesiser and a few drum machines. "Everything is very basic, which I like", Borland said later.
1995年,對Adrian Borland來說,是重要的一年,不光《Cinematic》創作發行,
1995 was an important year for Borland; not only was the album Cinematic written and released,
和Carlo van Putten, Claudia Uman, Florian Brattman, David Maria Gramse一起組合了樂隊White Rose Transmission創作的同名專輯同年發行.
but his work with Carlo van Putten, Claudia Uman, Florian Brattman and David Maria Gramse in The White Rose Transmission came to fruition, with the side-project's self-titled debut appearing that year.
第二年,發行了《Cinematic Overview》,一個收錄了Adrian Borland從70年代中期(到90年代中期)發行了的歌曲的合輯.
The album also lent its name to Cinematic Overview the following year, a compilation album of Borland's work stretching all the way back to the mid-seventies.
《5:00 AM》 (1997)
Adrian Borland 生前的最後一張專輯.
Borland's last release during his lifetime was the album 5:00 AM.
The songs are generally punchier and more radio-friendly.
Adrian Borland
(1999年4月)25號晚上,Borland溜去了溫布頓站.在26號清晨,Adrian Borland的生命結束在了火車通過的隆隆鐵軌聲中.
The night of the 25th, Borland slipped away to Wimbledon Station. In the early hours of the 26th, Borland committed suicide by throwing himself under a train.


The Outsiders (1975 - 1979)
Calling On Youth (1977)
Close Up (1978)
Second Layer (1979 - 1981)
Flesh as Property EP (1979)
State of Emergency EP (1980)
World of Rubber (1981)
The Sound (1979 - 1988)
Propaganda (錄製於1979, recorded in 1979)
Jeopardy (1980)
From The Lions Mouth (1981)
All Fall Down (1982)
Shock of Daylight (1984)
Heads and Hearts (1985)
Thunder Up (1987)
Adrian Borland & The Citizens (1989 - 1993)
Alexandria (1989)
Brittlen Heaven (1992)
Adrian Borland (1994 - 1999)
Beautiful Ammunition (1994)
Cinematic (1995)
5:00 AM (1997)
The Last Days of the Rain Machine (2000) (去世後發行的專輯)
Harmony & Destruction (2002)(去世後發行的專輯)
The Amsterdam Tapes (2006)(去世後發行的專輯)


"Well, who can you trust and who can you blame? They say ‘two thousand years it's always been the same. The same names running the same games'." –Beneath The Big Wheel
"But if you miss old friends tonight, then you are not alone."–In Passing
"Don't go too long without light; Don't go too long without love."–Summer Wheels
"Nothing done in love and trust can be wrong, and nothing done without them can be right."–In The Field


