Vladimir 在馬其頓出生和長大,擁有斯洛維尼亞盧布爾雅那大學的藥學碩士學位,Vladimir 負責在大洋洲和亞洲、歐洲和美國的國家進行產品註冊。
Atkinson HC, Begg EJ & Darlow BA. Drugs in human milk: Clinical and pharmacokinetic considerations in CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETICS DRUG DATA HANDBOOK Adis Press: Auckland.
Begg EJ, Atkinson HC & Darlow BA. Guide to Safety of Drugs in Breastfeeding in Averys Drug Treatment 4th edition, Adis International, Auckland
Atkinson, HC, Gopal YC & McKeown RH. The feasibility of licit production of morphine derivatives in New Zealand - codeine and pholcodine in particular. NZHPA conference proceedings Vol 2.
Atkinson HC. Chloroform use in oral medicine. NZ Med J 99, 555.
Begg EJ, Atkinson HC, Jeffery M & Taylor N. Comparison of computerized prediction of aminoglycoside dosage with dosage based on physician intuition. ASCEP conference proceedings - Monash, Victoria, Australia
Begg EJ, Atkinson HC & Gianarakis N. The pharmacokinetics of corticosteroid agents. Aust Med J 146, 37-41.
Atkinson HC & Begg EJ. The Christchurch hospital drug information service: organisation and an audit of the first 300 questions answered. NZ Med J, 100, 530-2
Atkinson HC& Begg EJ. Prediction of drug concentration in human skim milk from plasma protein binding and acid-base characteristics. Br J Clin Pharmac, 25, 495-503.
Atkinson HC & Dufful S. Prediction of drug loss from PVC infusion bags. NZHPA conference proceedings.
Atkinson HC, Begg EJ and Darlow BA. Drugs in human milk-pharmacokinetic considerations. Clin, Pharmcokinet. 14, 217-240.
Atkinson HC & Begg EJ. The binding of drug to major human milk proteins. Br J Clin Pharmac, 26, 107-109
Chapman MH, Woolner DF, Begg EJ, Atkinson HC& Sharman JR. Co-administered oral metoclopramide does not enhance the rate of absorption or oral diazepam. Anaesth Intens Care, 16, 202-205
Atkinson HC & Begg EJ. Relationship between human milk lipid: ultrafiltrate and octanol: water partition coefficients. J Pharm Sci, 77, 796-8
Begg EJ, Atkinson HC et al. Individualised aminoglycoside dosage based on pahrmacokinetic analysis is superior to dosage based on physician based intuition at achieving target plasma drug concentrations. Br J Clin Pharm, 28, 137-141
Atkinson HC, Chambers St & McGinlay AM. Antibiotic therapy costs. NZ Med J 102, 409-11
Atkinson HC & Begg EJ. Prediction of drug distribution into human milk from physicochemical characteristics. Clin Pharmacokinet 18(2) 151-167
Robson RA, Begg EJ, Atkinson HC, Saunders DA & Framton CM. Comparative effects of ciprofloxacin and lomefloxacin on the oxidative metabolism of theophylline. Br J Clin Pharm, 29, 491-3
Begg EJ & Atkinson HC. Partitioning of drugs into human milk. Annals of Med, 20(1), 51-5
Atkinson HC & Duffull SB. Prediction of drug loss from PVC Infusion bags. J Pharm 43.374-6
Hickling KG, Begg EJ, Perry RE, Atkinson HC & Sharman JR. Serum aminoglycoside clearance is predicted poorly by renal aminoglycoside clearance as by creatinine clearance in critically ill patients. Critical Care Med 19, 1041-7
Begg EJ, Atkinson HC & Duffull SB. Prospective eavaluation of a model for the prediction of milk:plasma drug concentrations from physicochemical characteristics. Br J Clin Pharmac 33, 501-6
Begg EJ & Atkinson HC. Modeling of the passage of drugs into milk. Pharmac & Ther 59, 301-310
Atkinson HC, Stanescu I, Anderson BJ. Increased phenylephrine plasma concentration when given in combination with acetaminophen. New England Journal of Medicine, 379:12
Atkinson HC, Stanescu I, Salem II, Potts AL, Anderson BJ. Increased bioavailability by co-administration of acetaminophen: results of four open-label, crossover pharmacokinetic trials in healthy volunteers. Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol 71:771-772.
Atkinson HC, Stanescu I, Beasley CH, Salem II,Frampton C. A pharmacokinetic analysis of a novel fixed dose oral combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen, with emphasis on food effect. J. Bioequivalence & Bioavailability, 2015, 7:150-154
Atkinson HC, Stanescu I, Frampton C, Salem II,Beasley CH, Robson R. Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of a fixed-dose combination of ibuprofen and paracetamol after intravenous and oral administration. Clin. Drug Investig.DOI 10.1007/s40261-015-0320-8
Atkinson HC, Potts AL, Anderson BJ. Potential cardiovascular adverse events when phenylephrine is combined with paracetamol: simulation and narrative review. Eur. J.Clin. Pharmacol. DOI 10.1007/s00228-015-1876-1
Atkinson HC, Currie J, Moodie J, Carson S, Evans S, Worthington J, Steenberg LJ, Bisley E, Frampton C. Combination paracetamol and ibuprofen for pain relief after oral surgery: a dose ranging study. Eur. J.Clin Pharmacol, DOI 10.1007?s00228-015-1827
Aitken P, Salem II, Stanescu I, Playne C, Atkinson HC. A single dose, four-way, open-label bioavailability study of oral acetaminophen and ibuprofen combinations (Maxigesic®) under both fasting and fed conditions. Journal of Bioequivalence & Bioavailability,Volume 10 (5):84-91.
Playne R, Anderson BJ, Frampton C, Stanescu I, Atkinson HC. Analgesic effectiveness,pharmacokinetics, and safety of a paracetamol/ibuprofen fixed-dose combination in children undergoing adenotonsillectomy: A randomized, single-blind, parallel group trial. Pediatric Anesthesia. 28:1087-1095.
Daniels SE, Atkinson HC, Stanescu I, Frampton C. Analgesic efficacy of an acetaminophen/ibuprofen fixed-dose combination in moderate to severe postoperative dental pain: A randomized, doublé-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial. Clinical Therapeutics/Volume 40, Number 10.
Aitken P, Stanescu I, Playne R, Zhang J, Frampton C, Atkinson HC. An integrated safety analysis of combined acetaminophen and ibuprofen (Maxigesic®/Combogesic®) in adults. Journal of Pain Research. Vol.12, 1-15.
Gottlieb IJ, Gilchrist N, Carson S, Stanescu I, Atkinson H. Extending the safety profile of the post-operative administration of an intravenous acetaminophen/ibuprofen fixed dose combination: An open-label, multi-center, single arm, multiple dose study. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy Vol 139: 111710.
Morse JD, Stanescu I, Atkinson HC, Anderson BJ. Population pharmacokinetic modelling of acetaminophen and ibuprofen: the influence of body composition, formulation and feeding in healthy adult volunteers. European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics.
Aitken P, Stanescu I, Boddington L, Mahon C, Fogarasi A, Liao Yi-Hua, Ivars M, Moreno-Artero E, Trauner D, DeRoos St, Jancic J, Nikolic M, Balazova P, Price HP, Hadzsiev K, Riney K, Stapleton S, Tollefson MM, Bauer D, Pinkova B, Atkinson H. A novel rapamycin cream formulation improves facial angiofibromas associated with tuberous sclerosis complex: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial. Br.J. Dermatol 2023;00:1-11