A Survey of the Two

A Survey of the Two

《A Survey of the Two》是中國政法大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是郭莉。


  • 書名:A Survey of the Two
  • 作者:郭莉
  • 出版社:中國政法大學出版社
  • 頁數:199 頁
  • 定價:22.00
  • 開本:32 開
  • ISBN:9787562041276




Part 1 Civil Law System
Chapter 1 Development of the Lawl
1 Various Periods of the Development of the Civil Law System/2
1.1 The Period of Customa ry Law/2
1.2 The Origin of Western Legal Education and Schools of Scholars’Law/14
1.3 Expansion of the Roman Law and the Civil Law/20
2 Legislative Law/24
2.1 Legislation and Codification/24
2.2 Unity and Diversity of the Civil law System/30
3 Structure of the Civi Law/34
3.1 PtJblic law / 34
3.2 Private Law/38
3.3 Legal Rules/42
4 Sources of Law/46
4.1 Legislation--Statute/46
4.2 Conditions Suitable to Law/50
4.3 Custom/54
4.4 Decided Cases/57
4.5 Legal Writing and Super-eminent Principles/60
Part 2 Common Law System
Chapter 2 English law65
5 Development of English Law/65
5.1 Anglo-Saxon Law and the Common Law/66
5.2 Development of the Common Law/79
5.3 Essential Features of English Law/89
5.4 Confrontation and Compromise between the Common law & Equity/91
5.5 Modern Period of English Law/95
6 Structure of English Law/97
6.1 Structural Features of English Law/97
6.2 Development of Equity/100
6.3 Trust/106
6.4 Adjective Law and Substantive Law/110
6.5 Judge-made Legal Rule/113
7 Sources of English Law/118
7.1 English Judicial Organizations/118
7.2 Rule of Precedent/124
7.3 Statutory Law/127
7.4 Custom/129
7.5 Legal Writing and Reason/131
Chapter 3 Law of the United States of America134
8 History of American Law/134
8.1 The Triumph of the Common Law in America/134
8.2 Similarities and Differences between American and British Common Laws/138
8.3 Structure of American Law/143
8.4 Common Law in America/147
8.5 Unity and Conflict of Laws/151
9 Sources of American Law/155
9.1 Judicial Organization/155
9.2 American Legal Professionals and Legal Education/163
9.3 Attitudes Towards the Rule of Stare Decisis/174
9.4 Constitutionality of Legislation/178
9.5 Interpretation of the Constitution/183
9.6 Regulating Power and Administrative Law/189
9.7 American Codes and Restatement of the Law/191


