《A Likely Story》是由H.C. Potter執導的電影,由Bill Williams、Barbara Hale、Lanny Rees等人主演,於1947年在美國上映。
- 外文名:A Likely Story
- 片長:80 分鐘
- 上映時間:1947年4月19日
- 對白語言:英語
- 色彩:黑白
- imdb編碼:tt0039568
《A Likely Story》是由H.C. Potter執導的電影,由Bill Williams、Barbara Hale、Lanny Rees等人主演,於1947年在美國上映。
likely,英語單詞,形容詞、副詞,作形容詞時意為“很可能的;合適的;有希望的”,作副詞時意為“很可能;或許”。單詞發音 英[ˈlaɪkli]美[ˈlaɪkli]短語搭配 likely story跟真的似的 ; 可能的事 think likely懷疑 ; 猜疑 likely target最可能的目標 likely benign可能良性 Jimmie Likely標籤 likely ...
指裝模作樣,活象真有那么一回事似的。茅盾《子夜》:“屠維岳的法寶就是說大話,象煞有介事,滿嘴的有辦法,有把握!”【詞語】象煞有介事 【拼音】xiàng shà yǒu jiè shì 【近義詞】像煞有介事、裝模作樣 【英文翻譯】That's a likely story!【常用程度】常用 【感情色彩】褒義詞 【語法用法】作...
03 A Likely Story 04 Odds 05 The Ladies Man 06 Mojo Rising 07 Mountie Sings the Blues 08 Good for the Soul 09 Dead Men Don't Throw Rice 10 Say Amen 11 Hunting Season 12 Call of the Wild Pt. 1 13 Call of the Wild Pt. 2 幕後報導 是加拿大Alliance Communications公司從1994拍的電視劇...
through 因為你不在我的身邊 Imagine me without you 我不敢想像自己沒有你 音樂專輯 單曲 曲目:1.Nothing but sky 2's Not You, It's Me 3.Love out loud 4.Jesus (The Way)5 Alleluia (When Words Fail)6.Weightless 7.A Likely Story 8.Tango 9.Por Escrito 10.Into The Light Again ...
Likely Story Ruby Films[英國]發行公司 Tanweer Films(2011) (India) (all media)The Weinstein Company LLC[美國](2012) (worldwide) (theatrical)IPA(2012) (Thailand) (all media)Teleview International(2012) (Lebanon) (all media) (Middle East)上映日期 美國USA2012年1月21日...(Sundance Film Festiva...
可能性測試(a likely story)……122 害羞問卷(TSQ)……125 衍生自“教學筆記”的問題……131 你有多憤怒?……133 夢意識調查(DAS)……137 科技依賴指數(DDI)……139 自我健全度檢查(EHC)……141 第六章 深度測試……145 詞語聯想測試……146 語句完成測試……149 你會給你的自傳起什麼標題?……...
.. Sorry, I'm not home right now I'm walking into spiderwebs So leave a message And I'll call you back A likely story,but leave a message And I'll call you back You take advantage of what's mine You're taking up my time Don't have the courage inside me To tell you please ...
1.ADJ Someone or something that is funny is amusing and likely to make you smile or laugh. 好笑的 2.ADJ If you describe something as funny, you think it is strange, surprising, or puzzling. 奇怪的 3.ADJ If you feel funny, you feel slightly ill. 稍有不適的 [非正式]短語搭配 feel ...
Automatic-translation software has long been treated as a joke because of how hilariously it mangles phrases. 自動翻譯軟體一直被人當做笑話,因為它翻譯出來的東西真是慘不忍睹。And if you start gaining weight with friends, you are all more likely to end up hilariously overweight sooner. 但是如果你...
be likely to 有可能...introduce sth. to sb. 向某人介紹...not…nor…既不...也不...shake hands with(=shake one’s hand)與某人握手 all kinds of 多種多樣的...be similar to 與...相似 at ease 安逸 up and down 上下 protect sb from V-ing/sth 從...保護某人 with your hands a lit...
William B. King William B. King是一位藝術家。主要作品 William B. King的主要作品信息如下:1、"The Negotiation"Likely Story Illustration for The Saturday Evening Post, circa 1915 (以上為部分作品列舉)
4.ADJIf you describe a piece of news, an action, or an effect asgood, you mean that it is likely to result in benefit or success. 很可能帶來好結果的例:On balance, biotechnology should be good news for developing countries.總的來說,生物技術對開發中國家來說應該是好訊息。I think the ...
This scenario is common in newsrooms that lack a systematic way to filter story suggestions. 這種情況在新聞編輯室中很常見,因為編輯室缺乏系統的方法來過濾新聞建議。The most likely scenario, frankly, is that your friend can read you like a book but prefers to ignore your crush. 坦率地說,最...
Annie tracks down Nelson Smith, who ultimately gains the drop on her and threatens to expose her to Henry, only to have her remind him that Henry will likely have him killed once he's finished his work. Smith gives her 48 hours to stop Henry and informs her that he has been moving ...
Bloody – One of the most useful swear words in British English. Mostly used as an exclamation of surprise e.g. "bloody hell".Something may be "bloody marvelous" or "bloody awful". It is also used to emphasize almost anything, e.g. "you're bloody mad", "not bloody likely".英國英語...
spread these conversations out , I sometimes set these scenes in likely settings.I address sources more fully in the acknowledgments, but it is appropriate here to thank in particular Will McMullen for introducing me to Eduardo Saverin, without whom this story could not have been written. Mark ...
alterative,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞、名詞,作形容詞時譯為“(趨於)改變的;使體質逐漸康復的”,作名詞時譯為“使體質恢復健康的藥品”。單詞用法 ADJ likely or able to produce alteration (趨於)改變的 N a drug that restores normal health 使體質回歸正常的藥品 [OBSOLETE]短語搭配 alterative field ...
Another possibility is to improve the playground environment, so that pupils are less likely to be led into bullying from boredom or frustration. "另一種可能的方案就是改善運動場的環境,這樣學生因為厭煩或者挫敗感而被誘導去欺負別人的可能性就更小。In the story of the Swifter, he argues, we have...
n.;n.involved/concerned/interested live,alive,lively,living lone,alone,lonely ill,sick late,later,latest,latter,last,lately like,alike,likely hard,hardly farther,further by far,by now far,far too,too,so,quite,very ...
1.ADJ A ramshackle building is badly made or in bad condition, and looks as if it is likely to fall down. 搖搖欲墜的 2.ADJ A ramshackle system, union, or collection of things has been put together without much thought and is not likely to work very well. 拼湊的 短語搭配 ramshackle ...
15Call it the "learning paradox": the more you struggle and even fail while you're trying to learn new information, the better you're likely to recall and apply that information later.這就是所謂的“學習悖論”:在你嘗試學習新知識的過程中,你越是痛苦掙扎甚至失敗,你就越有可能在以後更好地...