



  • 中文名:21世紀英語專業系列教材•新編英語專業口
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 頁數:178頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:28.00
  • 作者:都寧
  • 出版日期:2010年1月1日
  • 語種:英語, 簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787301161074




Unit 1 Talk About YourSelf
1.1 Speak About Yourself
1.2 What Do You Expect of College Life?
1.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 2 Family
2.1 I Have My Family Behind Me
2.2 A Happy Family
2.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 3 Friends
3.1 Invitations to Dinner
3.2 Gifts from Friends
3.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 4 People I Admire
4.1 People I Admire
4.2 It Was Excellent
4.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 5 We Are Not Alone
5.1 Animals on the Earth
5.2 Plants on the Earth
5.3 Possible Answers& Text

Unit 6 Talk About Weather
6.1 Weather Words
6.2 Talk About Weather
6.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 7 What a Wonderful World!
7.1 The Most Beautiful Places in the World
7.2 The Seven Wonders of the 20th Century
7.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 8 When Nature Gets Angry
8.1 Nature' s Punishment
8.2 How to Survive an Earthquake
8.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 9 Health & Security
9.1 Safety and Security
9.2 Habits and Health
9.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 10 Eat Well
10.1 Places tO Eat
10.2 You Are What You Eat
10.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 11 Time to Relax
11.1 Sports
11.2 Films
11.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 12 Believe in Yourself
12.1 Keep Believing in Yourself
12.2 Developing Self & Esteem
12.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 13 Live and Learn
13.1 College Life
13.2 Learning Matters
13.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 14 Make the Most of Your Time?
14.1 How Do You Manage Your Time?
14.2 Where Did You Time Go?
14.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 15 Money Matters
15.1 Money Words
15.2 Talk About Money
15.3 Possible Answers & Text

Unit 16 Keep Cool
16.1 What Are Your Concerns?
16.2 How Do You Beat Your Stress?
16.3 Possible Answers & Text



Form groups of four or five.Each group should choose one of the situations givenbelow and work together to create a conversation and then act it out.Situation 1 Bill,a friend ofyours has come to visit you.You are now talking about thelocal weather.The following expressions can be used:
·What's theweatherlikeinyour country atthistime ofyear?
·Whatdidtheweatherman say?Whatdidtheweatherforecast say?
·How do you like the weather here?What do you think of the weather here?
·Me either./That’S also how I feel.
·Ihope itwillturnwarmertomorrow.
Situation 2 Follow the pattern of conversation below to ask what the weather is like indifferent seasons in Guangzhou.
A:I amgoingtovisittheGuangzhouin July.
B:Oh.yes.What’Stheweatherliketherein July?
A:It’s usually hot and rains a lot.I think.
B:Then you must bring your umbrella.
Explain to the students that they are going to have a dictation,but they only need towrite down the weather words and numbers they hear.Ask lem to write the names ofthe cities first.Then read out the following weather report and repeat it if necessary.
“Good afternoon and here is the quick weather forecast for the United States.Startingwith the north.In Chicago it’s going to be a cloudy day with a temperature of around 65 degreesFahrenheit.Unfortunately for all of those who live in New York it’s going to be very wet.Yes.it’Sgoingto rain alldayintheNewYorkwith an averagetemperature of60.
In the south the sun is going to shine all day in San Francisco,with a nice hot temperatureof 80.But look out Miami.There are some big storms coming.and after a cloudy morning andit’s going to rain in the afternoon and all night.The temperature will be hot and humid,around78 degrees.




