

《新編研究生英語系列教材·基礎綜合英語》是2008年上海外語教育出版社出版的圖書,作者是邱東林。本書每單元圍繞一個主題展開,分Lesson A和Lesson B,Lesson A處理聽說,Lesson B處理讀寫。


  • 書名:新編研究生英語系列教材·基礎綜合英語
  • 頁數: 328頁
  • 出版社: 上海外語教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年12月1日


出版社: 上海外語教育出版社; 第1版 (2008年12月1日)
叢書名: 新編研究生英語系列教材
平裝: 328頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787544608701, 7544608700
條形碼: 9787544608701
尺寸: 25.8 x 18 x 1.4 cm
重量: 558 g




Lesson A分為三個部分,每部分圍繞一個聽力材料展開,配有各種具備挑戰性的練習:既有涉及主題的,也有涉及具體細節的;既有回答問題的,也有設計提問的。在使用時,教師應根據學生的實際情況來決定聽的次數,使學生掌握主旨大意、作者態度和重點細節。
第一部分還配有口語技能(Speaking Skills),比如presentation skills,interview skills,等等。其目的是為了提高學生口語交際能力。另外還有Speaking Tips,是一些功能方面的常用口語表達用語,使學生在口語方面能做到語法正確,語域恰當,內容豐富,表達流暢。
Lesson B分為Text A和Text B兩部分,兩篇課文同樣重要。每篇課文之前,我們設計了Lead.in,提一些非常泛的問題,目的是培養學生top.down等策略的使用。課後的練習都有一定的難度,如讓學生用學過的生詞或詞組進行句子填空,但不給出生詞表,再如用給出的單詞進行句型轉換,等等。在TextA中還配有翻譯技巧和寫作技巧,它們自成一體,與課文本身並沒有直接的關係,但是交際能力中不可或缺的重要組成部分。


Unit One Education
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Problems with US Education
Part Two Arts Education
Part Three Graduate Education
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A In Praise of the F Word
Text B Essence of Education
Unit Two Love
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Romance
Part Two Eternal Love
Part Three The Power of Love
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A A Wedding Gift
Text B Wedded Dis
Unit Three Health
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Is Overweight a Problem?
Part Two New Four Food Groups
Part Three There Are Worse Things than Dying
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A Tracing the Cigarette's Path from Sexy to Deadly
Text B Marketing to Your Mind
Unit Four Technology
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Ceil Phone
Part Two Internet
Part Three Computer Giants
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A We've Got Mail—Always
Text B Is the Web Isolating You?
Test Yourself(1)
Unit Five Success and Happiness
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Success Is a Choice
Part Two Can We Find Happiness?
Part Three The Sweet Success of Branding
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A Aristotle Got It Right
Text B Finding Your True Calling
Unit Six Globalilation
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Three Eras of Globalization
Part TWo Globalization and China
Part Three Globalization and Inequality
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A Give Globalization a Hand
Text B All Cultures Are Not Equal
Unit Seven Plagiarism
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Defining Plagiarism
Part TWo Plagiarism in College
Part Three Avoiding Plagiarism
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A The Cult of Celebrity Professors
Text B What's Wrong with Copying?
Unit Eight Patriotism
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One My Chinese Heart
Part Two Comments on Patriotism
Part Three Pride of the Nation
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A Duty,Honor,Country
Text B On Patriotism
Test Yourself(2)


