

台北時間2014年10月6日17點30分:約翰·歐基夫(John O‘Keefe) 和邁-布里特·莫澤(May-Britt Moser)以及愛德華·莫澤(Edvard I. Moser)獲得2014年諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎。


  • 中文名:2014年諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎
  • 約翰·歐基夫:John O‘Keefe
  • 2014年:諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎
  • 獲諾名單:John O‘Keefe
  • 聞名:發現海馬體中的位置細胞


John O'Keefe was born in 1939 in New York City, USA, and holds both American and British citizenships. He received his doctoral degree in physiological psychology from McGill University, Canada in 1967. After that, he moved to England for postdoctoral training at University College London. He has remained at University College and was appointed Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience in 1987. John O'Keefe is currently Director of the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre in Neural Circuits and Behaviour at University College London.
約翰·歐基夫(John O‘Keefe)1939年出生於美國紐約,美國英國雙國籍。1967年他在加拿大麥吉爾大學獲生理心理學博士學位。然後前往英國倫敦大學接受博士後訓練。之後他留校並於1987年被任命為認知神經科學教授。John O'Keefe現任倫敦大學塞恩斯伯里康中心神經迴路和行為主任。
May-Britt Moser was born in Fosnavåg, Norway in 1963 and is a Norwegian citizen. She studied psychology at the University of Oslo together with her future husband and co-Laureate Edvard Moser. She received her Ph.D. in neurophysiology in 1995. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Edinburgh and subsequently a visiting scientist at University College London before moving to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim in 1996. May-Britt Moser was appointed Professor of Neuroscience in 2000 and is currently Director of the Centre for Neural Computation in Trondheim.
邁-布里特·莫澤(May-Britt Moser)1963年出生於挪威的福斯納沃格,挪威籍。她在奧斯陸大學和她未來的丈夫也是本次諾獎的共同獲得者,Edvard Moser,一起學習心理學。1995年她獲得了神經生理學博士學位。曾先後在愛丁堡大學做博士後研究員,倫敦大學做訪問學者。1996年前往特隆赫姆市的挪威科學技術大學做訪問學者。2000年,May-Britt Moser被任命為神經科學教授,現任特隆赫姆的神經計算中心主任。
Edvard I. Moser was born in born 1962 in Ålesund, Norway and has Norwegian citizenship. He obtained his Ph.D. in neurophysiology from the University of Oslo in 1995. He was a postdoctoral fellow together with his wife and co‐Laureate May‐Britt Moser, first at the University of Edinburgh and later a visiting scientist in John O'Keefe's laboratory in London. In 1996 they moved to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, where Edvard Moser became Professor in 1998. He is currently Director of the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience in Trondheim.
愛德華·莫索爾(Edvard I. Moser)1962年出生於挪威的奧勒松,挪威籍。1995年他在奧斯陸大學獲得神經科學博士學位。他和妻子也是本次諾獎的共同獲得者,May-Britt Moser,一起在愛丁堡大學做博士後研究員。之後去了倫敦在John O'Keefe的實驗室做訪問學者。1996年他們前往特隆赫姆市的挪威科學技術大學,1998年成為該大學的教授。他現任特隆赫姆的卡弗里系統神經科學研究所主任。


“for their discoveries of cells that constitute a positioningsystem in the brain.”
How do we know where we are? How can we find the way from one place to another? And how can we store this information in such a way that we can immediately find the way the next time we trace the same path? This year's Nobel Laureates have discovered a positioning system, an "inner GPS" in the brain that makes it possible to orient ourselves in space, demonstrating a cellular basis for higher cognitive function.


