



  • 中文名:龔佑品
  • 出生日期:1981年3月
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:安徽工業大學




1. 碳材料複合體系的光電探測器
2. 低維材料合成及其納米光電材料的製備及其器件
3. 石墨烯薄膜、納米帶的可控制備及其在光電器件中的套用




1. Y. P. Gong, X. M. Zhang, G. T. Liu, L. Q. Wu, X. M. Geng, M. S. Long, X. H. Cao, Y. F. Guo, W. W. Li, J. B. Xu, M. T. Sun, L. Lu, L. W. Liu*. Layer-controlled and wafer-scale synthesis of uniform and high-quality graphene films on polycrystalline nickel catalyst. Advanced Functional Materials 22, 3153 (2012). (1區,IF11.805)
2. Y. P. Gong, M. S. Long, G. T. Liu, S. Gao, C. Zhu, X. F. Wei, X. M. Geng, M. T. Sun, C. L. Yang, L. Lu, L. W. Liu*. Electronic transport properties of graphene nanoribbon arrays fabricated by unzipping aligned nanotubes. Physical Review B 87, 165404 (2013). (2區,IF3.736)
3. Y. P. Gong, Q. F. Liu, J. S. Wilt, M. G. Gong, S. Ren, J. Wu*. Wrapping cytochrome c around single-wall carbon nanotube: engineered nanohybrid building blocks for infrared detection at high quantum efficiency. Scientific Reports 5, 11328 (2015). (2區,IF5.578)
4. C. R. Ma*?, Y. P. Gong?, R. T. Lu, E. Brown, B. H. Ma, J. Li, J. Wu*. Detangling extrinsic and intrinsic hysteresis for detecting dynamic switch of electric dipoles using graphene field-effect transistors on ferroelectric gates. Nanoscale, 7, 18489 (2015). (Back cover) ?Contributed equally to the work. (1區,IF7.394)
5. M. S. Long ?, Y. P. Gong ?, X. F. Wei, C. Zhu, J. B. Xu, P. Liu,Y. F. Guo, W. W. Li, G. T. Liu, L. W. Liu*. Electron-electron interaction, weak localization and spin valve effect in vertical-transport graphene devices. Applied Physics Letters 104, 153114 (2014). ?Contributed equally to the work. (2區,IF3.302)
6. Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, X. Qian, C. Zhao, D. Wu. Interfacial structure and electrical properties of ultrathin HfO2 dielectric films on Si substrates by surface sol-gel method. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42, 015405 (2009). (2區,IF2.720)
7. Y. P. Gong, H. F. Zhai, X. J. Liu, J. Z. Kong, D. Wu, A. D. Li*. Impact of Gd2O3 passivation layer on interfacial and electrical properties of atomic-layer-deposited ZrO2 gate dielectric on GaAs. Applied Surface Science. 291, 35 (2014). (2區,IF2.711)
8. Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, C. Zhao, Y. D. Xia, D. Wu. Fabrication and electrical characteristics of ultrathin (HfO2)x(SiO2)1-x films by surface sol-gel method and reaction-anneal treatment. Microelectronic Engineering 87, 1756 (2010). (3區,IF 1.197)
9. Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, X. F. Li, H. Li, H. F. Zhai, D.Wu. Impact of Al/Hf ratio on electrical properties and band alignments of atomic-layer-deposited HfO2/Al2O3 on S-passivated GaAs substrates. Semiconductor Science and Technology 25, 055012 (2010). (3區,IF2.190)
10. Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, X. J. Liu, H. Li, D. Wu. Effect of surface treatments on interfacial characteristics and band alignments of atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3 films on GaAs substrates. Surface and Interface Analysis 43, 734 (2010). (4區,IF1.245)
11. Q. F. Liu*, Y. P. Gong, J. S. Wilt, R. Sakidja, J. Wu*. Synchronous growth of AB-stacked bilayer graphene on Cu by simply controlling hydrogen pressure in CVD process. Carbon 93, 199 (2015). (1區,IF6.196)
12. Q. F. Liu*, Y. P. Gong, T. Wang, W. L. Chan, J. Wu*. Metal-catalyst-free and controllable synthesis of monolayer, bilayer and few-layer graphene on silicon dioxide by chemical vapor deposition. Carbon 96, 203 (2016). (1區,IF6.196)
13. F. Xu, S. Das, Y. P. Gong, Q. F. Liu, H.-C. Chien, H.-Y. Chiu, J. Wu, R. Q. Hui*. Complex refractive index tunability of graphene at 1550nm wavelength. Applied Physics Letters 106, 031109 (2015). (2區,IF3.302)
14. R. T. Lu, A. Konzelmann, F. Xu, Y. P. Gong, J. W. Liu, Q. F. Liu, M. Xin, R. Q. Hui, J. Z. Wu*. High sensitivity surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of R6G on in situ fabricated Au nanoparticle/graphene plasmonic substrates. Carbon 86, 78 (2015). (1區,IF6.196)
15. W. Xu*, Y. P. Gong, L. W. Liu, H. Qin, Y. L. Shi. Can graphene make better HgCdTe infrared detectors? Nanoscale Research Letters 6, 250 (2011). (2區,IF2.779)
16. J. Z. Kong, Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, Q. Y. Yan, X. F. Li, J. L. Zhang, H. R. Guo, D. Wu. Magnetic Properties of FePt nanoparticle assembly embedded in atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3. Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, 5046 (2011). (IF 6.626)


1. 一種製備定向石墨烯納米帶陣列的方法 (授權號:CN102757043B)
2. 一種在金屬催化劑表面製備薄層石墨烯的方法 (申請號:20121026233.2)
3. 一種製備超薄HfO2或ZrO2柵介質薄膜的軟化學法 (授權號:CN100543941C)
4. 一種調控GaAs半導體與柵介質間能帶補償的原子層沉積Al2O3/HfO2方法 (授權號:CN101752236B)
5.一種GaAs基MOS器件的製備方法 (授權號:CN102024707B)
6. 一種清洗鈍化Ge襯底表面的方法 (授權號:CN 101838812 B)


