有學者將種臍長占種子周長約3/4的定為油麻藤屬Mucuna Adanson, 將種臍長占種子周長的1/2的定為黧豆屬 Stizolobium P. Br.; J. Hutchinson 的《有花植物屬志》和侯寬昭的《中國種子植物科屬詞典》沒有分立, 本志從之.
* 別名有: 油麻藤屬(中國主要植物圖說·豆科), 血藤屬(台灣植物志).
MUCUNA Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 325, 579. 1763, nom. cons.黧豆屬 li dou shu
Sa Ren (薩仁); C. Melanie Wilmot-Dear
Stizolobium P. Browne; Zoophthalmum P. Browne.
Vines, perennial or annual, woody or herbaceous. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules usually caducous; stipels sometimescaducous; leaflets large. Inflorescences axillary or on old stems, condensed panicles or often compound pseudoracemes throughreduction of ultimate peduncles to small knobs, usually with 3 flowers.
Flowers large and beautiful; bracts small or caducous. Calyxcampanulate, 5-lobed, upper 2 lobes connate into a broad lip. Corolla dark purple, red, light green, or almost white, usually darkwhen dry, longer than calyx; standard usually shorter than wings and keel, with stipe, with 2 auricles at base; wings oblong or ovate,inflexed, usually attached to keel; keel petals partially connate along lower margin, slightly longer than or equal to wings, apex inflexedwith horny, often hooked, apical beak. Vexillary stamen free; anthers dimorphic, usually with beard, longer 5 almost basifixed,shorter 5 dorsifixed. Ovary 1- to many ovuled; style filiform, inflexed, sometimes hairy, without beard; stigma small, capitate.
Legumeovoid, oblong, or linear, swollen around seeds or laterally flattened, margin often winged, surface often ribbed or ornamentedwith winglike lamellae sometimes simple or divided into 2 wings along their distal margins (T-shaped in cross section), often clothedwith red-brown irritant bristles, dehiscent; valves thick. Seeds reniform, orbicular, or elliptic; hilum linear; strophiole absent.
About 100 species: worldwide; 18 species (nine endemic) in China, including two incompletely known taxa and one possibly extinct species (Mucuna championii).