


  • 中文名稱:魚台經濟開發區
  • 所屬地區:中國華北
  • 電話區號:0537
  • 郵政區碼:272300
  • 方言:中原官話蔡魯片
  • 氣候條件:暖溫帶季風氣候
  • 著名景點:“魚台八景”
  • 機場:北距濟寧孔子機場30公里
  • 火車站:京滬、京九、新石鐵路
  • 車牌代碼:魯H




位於蘇、魯、豫、皖四省接壤處的魯南經濟帶內,素有北國江南、魚米之鄉、孝賢故里的山東省濟寧市魚台縣境內,東臨微山湖,京杭大運河穿境而過,千噸級貨船可直達長江口岸,青島日照連雲港等港口通航世界各港口,僅需3-5小時的路程,北距濟寧孔子機場30公里, 濟南國際機場240公里,南距徐州觀音機場100公里,緊靠京滬、京九、新石鐵路,濟徐高速公路連線京福、京滬、日東高速,魚台出口距開發區10km,距濟寧海關、濟寧火車站等僅需40分鐘路程,水陸空交通極為便利。










區位優勢(Location Advantage)
Yutai County always has the good reputation as “A town famous for fish and rice”. It belongs to Jining City, located in the southwest of Shandong Province, Tai Mountain in the north, Weishan Lake in the east, Jiangsu Province and Anhui Province on the south and “the hometown of peony”, Heze City, in the west. The county has an area of 654 square kilometers, a population of 460,000. It administrates 7 towns, 3 county sides, and 392 administrative villages.
Yutai County has geographical advantage. It is near the railways that connect Beijing and Shanghai, Beijing and Jiulong , Xinjiang and Shijiazhuang and the highways that connect Beijing and Fuzhou, Rizhao and Dongying. Jining Airport is 50 kilometers away in the north and Xuzhou Guan Yin Airport is 100 kilometers away in the south. The Jixu Highway and The Cross Lake Highway go through vertical and horizontal of the whole territory , and the Jinghang Canal goes through the county, by which ton-class ships can reach Suzhou and Hangzhou.
資源優勢( The Advantage of Natural Resources)
——Mining resource: the potential reservation of coal is 4,800,000,000 tons,reserve proved is 540,000,000 tons. there are four mines, two of which have an output of 3,000,000 tons/year,gas coal,coke coal,rich coal mainly. After all of the four mines put into use, the output will be around 7,000,000 tons/year and they will belong to an important base of coal industry in Jining City. Yutai County is rich in sodium salt, with a potential reservation of 31,000,000,000 tons.
——Water resource: there are 17 rivers across the whole county, which connects the ground water of 17 counties on the border of four provinces of Su, Lu, Yu, and Wan. The surface area of groundwater is 400,000 mu. The usable water of the rivers is 7,200,000 cubic meters. The complementing amount of the underground water is 81,080,000 cubic meters. The usable water of Weishan Lake is 2,000,000,000 cubic meters. The water quality has reached the criteria of industry use and living standards.
——The Resource of Agricultural Products and By-Products: Yutai rice has good reputation throughout the whole country. The county has high quality rice of 250,000 mu, high quality wheat of 260,000 mu, high quality cotton of 200,000 mu, high quality garlic of 200,000 mu, yellow onion of 100,000 mu, 2,000,000 ducks and the aquatic breeding farm of 100000 mu.
——Human resource: the county has 70000 people receiving middle or advance professional education every year. The labor forces are well educated.




投資政策(Investment Policy)
First, in terms of the investigation of new projects, we choose the form of office focus and “one-dragon” service to handle all kinds of certificates and licenses efficiently. The only cost to get all of the licenses is registration fee and production cost, no other fees.
Second, for the new foreign investigators, within the first three years since the date of operation, enterprise may retain 100% of the income taxes and 30% of the value added tax should be used as the incentives for the development of enterprises.
Third, for the enterprises engaged in high-tech product development, production and operation, the projects with more than 50,000,000 Renmnbi and 5000000 US dollars or big projects investigated by famous domestic and foreign enterprises can enjoy special investment policies.
Fourth, since 2007, four consecutive years on the county government's focus on product development, discount loans to 30-100% , and struggle for the policy support for higher-level government support and bank credit.
Fifth, land use adopts flexible approaches. 1. lump-sum cost of land requisition; 2: installments land costs; 3 paid use. Land cost of a "one-off", the local governments of all proceeds used to support the development of enterprises.
Sixth, Charging policies: County-level management authority charges a "zero rates" ; according to the municipal part of the collection of more than the minimum fee for a "one fee system."
Seventh,personal incentive policies:people who succeeds in introducing estate projects more than 10 million yuan invested Will gain material reward 1% of the fixed assets invested by the foreign side.the reward will be paid by Bureau of Finance wich have benefited from the project after it is checked and accepted,If the projects more than 10 million yuan were invested by the top 500 enterprises Nationwide or Worldwide or the companies which have the well-known trademark in China, in addition to that, the people will abtain 500,000 yuan, 300,000yuan,100,000 yuan separately. The reward will be paid 30% when the project goes into operation and will be paid 70% when it is completd,checked and accepted.
Eighth, foreign investigators enjoy the same treatment in census register, children’s enrollment in school and the use of public facilities as the residents of the county.
Ninth, for the investigators who give large investments or play a leading role and the technology talents with outstanding contribution, we will give them some honor titles with their permission.
Tenth, this policy is explained by The Bureau of Investment, Yutai County.




