



  • 書名:高職高專旅遊與酒店管理專業套用型精品規劃教材:旅遊英語
  • 作者:劉志霞 肖玲
  • 出版日期:2013年8月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • 定價:32.00
  • 外文名:Practical English for Tourism
  • 出版社:廣東高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:228頁
  • 開本:16




Project 1 Overview of Tourism
Task 1 Working in a Travel Service
Task 2 Practicing in a Hotel
Task 3 Serving in a Scenic Area
Simulated Writing
Project 2 Departure and Arrival
Task 1 Checking in at the Airport
Task 2 Greeting the Guests
Task 3 Assisting Immigration and Emigration Formalities
Simulated Writing
Project 3 Accommodation
Task 1 Checking in at the Hotel
Task 2 Providing Service during the Stay
Task 3 Checking out at the Hotel
Simulated Writing
Project 4 Transportation
Task 1 Getting Around
Task 2 Serving Tourists on the Plane
Task 3 Serving Tourists on the Train
Simulated Writing
Project 5 Sightseeing
Task 1 Sightseeing along the Way
Task 2 Visiting Historical and Cultural Sites
Task 3 Touring Natural Landscapes
Simulated Writing
Project 6 Food
Task 1 Introducing Local Food
Task 2 Services during the Meal
Simulated Writing
Project 7 Entertainment
Task 1 Enjoying Local Opera
Task 2 Appreciating Acrobatics
Task 3 Taking Part in Folk Activities
Simulated Writing
Project 8 Shopping
Task 1 Shopping for Souvenirs
Task 2 Shopping for Local Specialties
Task 3 Assisting Tourists' Shopping
Simulated Writing
Project 9 Splendid China
Task 1 Celebrating Traditional Festivals
Task 2 Appreciating Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
Task 3 Enjoying Chinese Tea
Simulated Writing
Project 10 Experiencing Guangdong
Task 1 Enjoying Cantonese Food
Task 2 Scanning Charming Cities
Task 3 Visiting Famous Scenic Spots
Simulated Writing
Keys to Exercises in Texthook




Cantonese opera is one of the major Chinese operacategories. It is a traditional Chinese art form that originated insouthern China's Cantonese culture, and involves music,singing, martial arts, acrobatics and acting. Today it is notonly very popular in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong andMacao, but also performed in Southeast Asia, Oceania andAmerican countries where Cantonese people live.
History: Cantonese opera was originally called Narm hei, or Nanxi ( Southern opera) in the Jiajing period of theMing Dynasty, and was popular in Guangdong and Guangxi at that time. By absorbing the folkmelodies and tunes of Guangdong, Nanxi was developed into Cantonese opera.
Headwear: There is a variety of headwear used in Cantonese opera, such as headgear,chignon and accessories. Different types of headwear have their own characteristics, so they eachmust be used and protected in a different way. In general, females have more headwear thanmales. But male performers do have some headwear, such as Taizi (Chinese prince) helmets.What Jia Baoyu in A Dream of Red Mansions wears is a Taizi helmet, which is often worn byprinces or young generals.
Costume: In the beginning, Cantonese opera costumes reflected the clothing style of theMing Dynasty. Later, as Peking opera became increasingly popular, it was strongly influenced byPeking opera costumes. Costumes were made of cloth and later some accessories were added.Today embroidered costumes are the order of the day.
Different roles require different costumes. For example, an actor playing the Xiaosheng, avery gentle role, wears a costume with long sleeves, while the Xiaowu, an acting role, demandsa costume with short sleeves so as to act easily.
Performing skills: Generally, Cantonese opera performers have to master four skills:singing, acting/movement, delivery of speeches, and martial/gymnastic skills.
Famous Cantonese operas: Many well-known operas are still performed today, such asThe Purple Hairpin and Rejuvenation of the Red Plum Flower, which originated inthe Yuan Dynasty. Other Cantonese operas are adapted from western movies or novels.


