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  • 中文名:高級英語閱讀教程
  • 作者:施發敏
  • 類別:教材類圖書
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787301133842




Unit One Foreign Culture異域風情
 Passage 1 TheOldestCityonEarth
 Passage 2 ChristmasinNewZealand
 Passage 3 New York’S Chinatown
 Passage 4 The Dolphin That Came to Stay
Unit Two Environment環境家園
 Passage 1 HowTreesAreKillingOurRivers
 Passage 2 Fiddling While the World Bums
 Passage 3 Citizens Can Do Something about Climate Change
 Passage 4 Trashed Tech:Where Do Old Cell Phones,TVs and PCs Go to Die?
Unit Three Economy經濟視野
 Passage 1 China’S Booming Economy:Do the Risks Outweigh the Opportunities?
 Passage 2 A Global Love Affair
 Passage 3 Go Ahead and SaveLet the Govemment Spend
 Passage 4 Stimulus Plan Places New Limits on Wall St.Bonuses
Unit Four Computer and Internet 網路傳媒
 Passage 1 The Keyboard Kids
 Passage 2 Meet the Chipsons
 Passage 3 Digital Pirates Winning Battle with Studios
 Passage 4 Not Everyone Is Cheering as Wi—Fi Takes to the Air
Unit Five Medicine醫藥健康
 Passage 1 The Sleep Cure
 Passage 2 Lifting the Curtain on Depression
 Passage 3 AIDS:What It Is Not
 Passage 4 Why People Get Sick
Unit Six Social Issues社會長廊
 Passage 1 The“Thrill”ofTheft
 Passage 2 Latent Corruption and Bribery in the US
 Passage 3 Alcohol’S TV Flirtation More than a Threat
 Passage 4 BringingUp Adolescents
Unit Seven Sports體育世界
 Passage 1 ANational Undertaking--Sports
 Passage 2 China’S Olympics(Ⅰ)
 Passage 3 China’S Olympics(Ⅱ)
 Passage4 SoccerGets Sexy
Unit Eight Entertainment休閒娛樂
 Passage 1 Girls Just Wanna Have Guns
 Passage 2 The Biggest Summer
 Passage 3 Channel Surfin9
 Passage 4 Bullfighting in Spain
Unit Nine Literature文學欣賞
 Passage 1 Harry Potter:The End Is Here
 Passage 2 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(Chapter xv)
 The Goblin’S Revenge
 Passage 3 Review onA Farewell to Arms
 Passage 4 A Farewell to Arms(Chapter XV)
Unit Ten Biology生物掠影
 Passage 1 The Biotech Century—Playing Ecological Roulette with MotherNature’S Designs
 Passage 2 Larks and Owls:The Inner Clock That Rules Our Lives
 Passage 3 Here,Kitty,Kitty
 Passage 4 Does Biodiversity Matter?
Unit Eleven History and Civilization歷史管窺
 Passage 1 Napoleonic Europe—1799—1815
 Passage 2 Rise ofCivilizations and Empires
 Passage 3 The Crusades
 Passage 4 Elizabethan Age
Unit Twelve 教育天地
Unit Thirteen 風雲人物
Unit Fourteen 考古尋秘
Unit Fifteen 宇宙探索
Unit Sixteen 哲學經典


