



  • 書名:研究生英語系列教材:高級英語讀寫譯教程
  • 出版社: 東南大學出版社; 
  • 出版時間:2011年8月1日
  • 開本: 16


平裝: 132頁
ISBN: 7564129298, 9787564129293
條形碼: 9787564129293
尺寸: 25.4 x 18.2 x 0.8 cm
重量: 240 g




Unit 1
Section A Intensive Reading and Writing The Green Banana
Section B Extensive Reading and Translation Culture Shock
Unit 2
Section A Intensive Reading and Writing How to Write with Style
Section B Extensive Reading and Translation Variety and Style in Language
Unit 3
Section A Intensive Reading and Writing My Father, "Dr. Pat"
Section B Extensive Reading and Translation This Was My Mother
Unit 4
Section A Intensive R6ading and Writing The Danger of Space Junk
Section B Extensive Reading and Translation The End Is Not at Hand
Unit 5
Section A Intensive Reading and Writing How to Increase Your Mental Potential
Section B Extensive Reading and Translation, Why Smart People Fail?
Unit 6
Section A Intensive Reading and Writing What Makes Sony Run
Section B Extensive Reading and Translation My Way to Success
Unit 7
Section A Intensive Reading and Writing What the Hidden Persuaders Are up to Nowadays
Section B Extensive Reading and Translation Marketing to Your Mind
Unit 8
Section A Intensive Reading and Writing What is Science?
Section B Extensive Reading and Translation Basic Research and Graduate Education
Unit 9
Section A Intensive Reading and Writing Feeling Guilty
Section B Extensive Reading and Translation What Makes People Unhappy?
Unit 10
Section A Intensive Reading and Writing Flag Fever:the Paradox of Patriotism
Section B Extensive Reading and Translation On Patriotism
Unit 11
Section A Intensive Reading and Writing Myth and Mythology
Section B Extensive Reading and Translation The Power of Myth
Unit 12
Section A Intensive Reading and Writing The City
Section B Extensive Reading and Translation The Future of Urban Development


