- 作者:O.洛(英)
- 譯者:林立
- ISBN:9787506233149
- 頁數:297
- 定價:29.0
- 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
- 出版時間:1997-10
- 裝幀:平裝
Part 1: Comprehension and practice
Chapter 1
Reading, vocabulary and comprehension
Language practice
Examination practice:
Reading comprehension
Use of English
General practice
Chapter 2
Reading, vocabulary and comprehension
Language practice
Examination practice:
Reading comprehension
General practice
Reading aloud
Interview: situational comment
structured communication
Chapter 3
Reading, vocabulary and comprehension
Language practice
Examination practice:
Reading comprehension
Use of English
General practice
Interview: structured communication
Chapter 4
Reading, vocabulary and comprehension
Language practice
Examination practice:
Reading comprehension
Use of English
Interview: talking about a photograph
structured communication
Chapter 5
Reading, vocabulary and comprehension
Language practice
Examination practice:
Reading comprehension
Use of English
General practice
Reading aloud
Chapter 6
Reading, vocabulary and comprehension
Language practice
Examination practice:
Reading comprehension
Use of English
General practice
Interview: situational comment
structured communication
Chapter 7
Reading, vocabulary and comprehension
Language practice
Examination practice:
Reading comprehension
Use of English
General practice
Interview: situational comment
structured communication
Chapter 8
Reading, vocabulary and comprehension
Language practice
Examination practice:
Reading comprehension
Use of English
General practice
Reading aloud
Interview: a photograph
structured communication
Part 2: Reference material
Section 1: Grammar
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
SectionII: Punctuation
SectionIII: Wordorder
Section IV: Choice of expression
SectionV: Spellingaids
Section VI: Reported speech
Test papers
Paper1 Reading comprehension
Paper2 Composition
Paper3 UseofEnglish
Paper5 Interview
Additional practice: interview