Unit 1
Welcoming Freshmen
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
SectionⅡ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 2
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
SectionⅢ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 3
Making Plans
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section ⅢFurther practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 4
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 5
Surfing the Internet
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 6
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 7
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 8
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 9
In a Hotel
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 10
At a Restaurant
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 11
At a Bank
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 12
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 13
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 14
SectionⅠ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 15
Love and Marriage
Section Ⅰ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Unit 16
Job Hunting
SectionⅠ Warm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section ⅣAssignments
Unit 17
In the Office
Section ⅠWarm-up
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
SectionⅢ Further practice
Unit 18
Studying Abroad
Section Ⅱ Listening, reading and acting
Section Ⅲ Further practice
Section Ⅳ Assignments
Appendix Recommended Books and Websites
上冊“基本技能訓練”每單元包括“Warm-up”, “Listening,reading and acting”, “Further practice”和“Assignments”四部分。第一部分除了起到檢查學生口語作業和調動課堂氣氛的作用外,主要是從模仿入手,培養學生純正的語音語調。本部分以音素、句子、段落、電影對白的模仿為主。第二部分繼承了傳統英語口語教學的精華——交際功能的訓練,且課文主題與時代、學生生活、思想緊密相關,具有較強的時代感和實用性。第三部分將英語知識的學習和英語口語技能的操練交織在一起,操練的形式多種多樣,有pair work,group work,picture-talking,story-retelling,discussion,story-making等,內容由淺入深,循序漸進;形式生動活潑,操作性極強。第四部分為學生提供了課後閱讀和背誦材料,以增加學生在英、美文化和知識方面的積澱,從而提高學生英語口頭表達的準確性和對文化差異的敏感性。
下冊“演講與辯論”包括演講和辯論兩大部分。演講部分每單元體例與上冊基本相同,由“Preliminary Tasks”,“Special Occasion Speeches”,“Guide to Public Speaking”和“Reading and Assignments”四部分組成。第一部分著重名人名篇片段的模仿,第二部分學習和訓練特定場合的演講,第三部分是即興演講的知識及技巧的學習和訓練,第四部分是名人名篇的拓展閱讀和深度討論。辯論部分每單元基本上由“Warm up”、 “Guide to Debate”、“Debate Topic and Arguments”、 “Further Reading”和“Assignments”組成,旨在讓學生熟悉一般英語辯論的過程和規則,培養學生的問題意識,提高學生知識的綜合能力、批判性傾聽能力、快速反應能力以及辨析能力。