




  • 作者:張蕾//吳曉萍
  • ISBN:9787301145111
  • 頁數:127
  • 定價:20.00元
  • 出版社:北京大學
  • 出版時間:2009-4




UNIT ONE THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION Text A A Year Without "Made in China" Text B Stay Globally Competitive: Be Like Google Text C A Race We Can All WinUNIT TWO CONTROVERSIES IN 21ST-CENTURYAMERICA Text A Why Not Teach Alternatives to Evolution? Text B Don't Believe the Hype. We're Still No. 1. Text C Supreme Court Rejects School Racial Diversity PlansUNIT THREE COLLEGE AND RESPONSIBILITY Text A What Exactly Does GW's President Do? Text B Campuses Slow to Deal with Growth in Gambling Text C Gates Urges Graduates to Tackle Global InequityUNIT FOUR "NEW" GENERATIONS Text A What Gen Y Really Wants Text B What Will You Call Me When I'm 64? Text C Why We Must Listen to Our Angry TeenagersUNIT FIVE PARADOXES IN REALITY Text A The Cleanest Place on Earth--and the Dirtiest Text B Somewhere Deep Down, We Still Care. Don't We? Text C Could Friendships Be Ruining Your Life?UNIT SIX PEOPLE'S PLACE IN SOCIETY Text A Setting Happiness as a National Goal Text B When Armed Citizens Patrol the Streets Text C Designing Cities for People, Rather than Cars...UNIT SEVEN HUMAN IMPACT ON NATURE Text A After We Are Gone Text B A New Step Toward Synthetic Life Text C Can We Save the World by 20157UNIT EIGHT CHINA'S "GROWING PAINS" Text A China Food Scare: A Dash of Racism Text B A Taste of Racism in the Chinese Food Scare Text C Tired of Laughter, Beijing Gets Rid of Bad TranslationsGLOSSARY


