



  • 書名:高等教育英語專業教材•英語寫作
  • 出版社:智慧財產權出版社
  • 頁數:249頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:智慧財產權出版社
  • 作者:謝愛喜 李靜
  • 出版日期:2009年1月1日
  • 語種:英語, 簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787802471450, 7802471451




第一章 英語措辭(English Diction)
第一節 英語詞義
第二節 英語單詞的類型
第三節 英語修辭

第二章 英語句子(English Sentences)
第一節 常用英語句型
第二節 好的英語句子

第三章 英語段落(English Paragraphs)
第一節 好的英語段落
第二節 擴展英語段落的方法

第四章 英語作文(English Compositions)
第一節 英語文章的開頭
第二節 英語文章的結尾
第三節 寫英語作文的步驟
第四節 英語文章類型

第五章 英語學術論文寫作(English Research Paper)
第一節 英語學術論文的寫作程式
第二節 英語學術論文的寫作格式
第三節 英語學術論文的語言特點
第四節 英語學術論文範例

第六章 英語摘要和讀書報告(English Summary and Book Report)
第一節 一般英語摘要的寫作
第二節 英語讀書報告的寫作

第七章 英語正式文體和非正式文體(Formal and Informal English Styles)
第一節 英語文體的含義
第二節 英語正式文體與非正式文體

第八章 英語套用文(Practical Writing)
第一節 英語書信
第二節 英語便條
第三節 英語告示和通知
第四節 英語履歷
第五節 英語名片、卡片


A smile or a tear, which will you choose? In the dictionary, "smile" means a pleased,happy, amused, or other expression on the face with a parting of the lips and loosening ofthe face muscles."Tear" is a drop of clear salty liquid secreted from the eye, and shed,especially in grief. These are the two common definitions for a smile and a tear. A smilerepresents pleasure, happiness and amusement, while a tear represents unhappiness andgrief.
Indeed, a smile often plays an important role in communication.When people seeyour smile, they know you are happy.And they will be influenced by your fair emotions.Pleasure and comfort will arise from their hearts because of you smile.Consequently,people will have a good impression of you.It will help you to get along well with people.A smile not only shows your good humor but promotes your understanding towards oth-ers; for behind a smile there is ardor, kindness, and friendliness, which people desire.There is also self-confidence in a smile. Your smile suggests you are sure of yourself andbrave enough to confront difficulties in life. All these things win you other's trust and fa-vor. Facing a smiling person, even a furious person will soften. Few people can have hardfeelings before the Mona Lisa. Smiles have the power to remove doubt and hostility.
A smile is not only for others, it is also for our own sake.We have no reason to treatourselves badly.Try to smile to yourself in the mirror when you get up in the morning,you will feel fine all the day."Keep a smile till ten o'clock and you will be happy thewhole day. " This is an old English saying.In China, people like to say, "Smile sunnysmile, ten years younger. " A smile is like a warrior who drives anxiety, sorrow and rageout of the mind.It does good to your health.A smile is so important and necessary thatyou can hardly find a person who never smiles in his life. Sometimes, when we are so bus-y with work or with studying, we may forget to smile.But it does not take much time oreffort for a simple movement such as smiling.Do remember this: "Never frown, evenwhen you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love your smile. "
Contrary to a smile, tears come out when we feel upset, wronged, helpless, disap-pointed or frightened.A tear comes with sorrow and weakness.These are the emotionspeople try to avoid in daily life.So a tear is considered an unpleasant thing.Children, especialiy boys, are not encouraged to cry.If a grown man weeps in public, he usually getsjibes and jeers.It is not a manly behavior.On the other hand, tears are regarded as awoman's patent, only because it is a representation of weakness.There is much prejudiceboth o11 tears and women.Yet the two are not naturally connected.Tears are a naturalproduct.We weep tears when our eyes are uncomfortable.There is a physical need toweep tears to clean our eyes.In fact, tears have several merits.On one hand, tears canhave the same effect as a smile, to some degree.Tears can also show a person's humani-ty.




