- 作者:曲衛國
- ISBN:9787040152272
- 頁數:366
- 定價:30.00元
- 出版社:高等教育出版社
- 出版時間:2005-11
- 裝幀:簡裝本
- 副標題:論說文入門
Chpter OneIntroducing Theories 1.1 Two Theoretical Sources 1.2 Stephen Toulmin’S Theory 1.3 Carl Rogers’Theory. Tasks. Critical thinking activities A.The Pattern of an Argument:Data and Warrants(Excerpts) B.Communication:Its Blocking and Its Facilitation.Chpter TwoBasic Concepts.2.1 Defining Argumentation and Argument2.2 Argumentation and Communication 2.3 Argumentation and Persuasion2.4 Argumentation and Explanation2.5 Work Ethic for Argumentation Tasks, I.Critical thinking activities A.Where Is Argument? B.Argumentation,Speaker and Audience(Excerpts) C.Persusasion(Excerpts) II.Writing tasks. A.Freeway Sparks Development Dilemma B.China Finds Its Shangri.La in TourismChpter threeDefinition (1) 3.1 Defining Definition 3.2 The Need for a Proper Definition in Argumentation 3.3 Functions of Definition Tasks I. Critical thinking activities: A. Choice, Presence, and Presentation B. Persuasive Definition (Excerpts) Ⅱ. Writing tasks: A. Text of Bush's Speech B. On FreedomChpter FourDefinition (2) 4.1 The Basic Structure of a Definition 4.2 First-level Definition 4.3 Common Ways of First-level Defining 4.4 Second-level Elaboration Tasks I. Critical thinking activities: A. Marriage B. Defining Abortion Is a Tricky Business II. Writing tasks: A. Selection from Plato's Phaedra B. "Equal" Does Not Mean "Same". C. Gay Marriage and the Right to VoteChpter FiveClaims 5.1 The Nature of a Claim 5.2 The Function of a Claim 5.3 The Structure of a Claim Tasks I. Critical thinking activities: A. Fact and Value (Excerpts) B. Bush, Kerry Trade Barbs Over Jobs II. Writing tasks: A. Ten Reasons Not to Hit Your Kids B. Stephen Ambrose and the Rights of Passage . C. Should Stephen Ambrose Be Pardoned?Chpter SixClaims of Fact 6.1 Defining a Claim of Fact 6.2 Presenting Facts in a Claim of Fact 6.3 Relativity of Certainty in a Claim of Fact 6.4 Supporting a Claim of Fact 6.5 Challenging a Claim of Fact 6.6 A Case Study Tasks I. Critical thinking activities: A. Truth and Power (Excerpts) B. Leader: Show Us the Proof II. Writing tasks: A. Loving the Little Emperor B. Little Emperors, Little BratsChpter SevenClaims of Value 7.1 Defining a Claim of Value 7.2 Supporting a Claim of Value 7.3 Challenging a Claim of Value Tasks I. Critical thinking activities: A. Is Ethics a Science? (Excerpts) B. What Is Noble? (Excerpts) II. Writing tasks: A. Assisted Suicide: The Philosophers' Brief B. Last Rights C. In Response to Assisted Suicide: The Philosophers'BriefChpter EightClaims of Policy 8.1 Defining a Claim of Policy 8.2 Establishing a Problem 8.3 Matching the Problem with the Course of Action Tasks I. Critical thinking activities: The Analysis of the Problem (Excerpts) II. Writing tasks: A. What We Owe to Parents (Excerpts) B. A Right to Care C. Worst of Both Worlds NineChpter NineSupport 9.1 Defining Support 9.2 Evidential Support 9.3 Motivational Support 9.4 Measuring the Strength of Support Tasks I. Critical thinking activities:Field Dependence (Excerpts) II. Writing tasks: A. The Answer to Terrorism? Colonialism B. Freedom in a Time of Terrorism C. John Kerry's Speech to the National Congress of the American IndiansCltpter Ten10.1 Quoting for a Purpose10.2 Factors That Constrain Quoting10.3 Ways of Quoting10.4 System of Quotation Tasks I. Critical thinking activities: Fullness of Argumentation II. Writing tasks: A. Whatever Happened to the University? B. A Proposal to Abolish GradingChpter ElevenWarrant11.1 Defining Warrant11.2 Types of Warrants Tasks I. Critical thinking activities: A. The Ideological Problem of Social Science (Excerpts) B. The Notion of Formal Validity (Excerpts) II. Writing tasks: A. Teach Them the Real America B. In Defense of Multiculturalism C. Against Multiculturalism D. The Bottom of Multiculturalism's BarrelChpter TwelveCongluding Remarks. Critical Reading 12.1 Critical Reading 12.2 A Critical ApproachA Sample Task for the Final Examination .Worksheet for ArgumentationMain ReferencesEssential Glossary of ArgumentCommon Fallacies