



  • 書名:高等學校英語專業系列教材·英語論文寫作入門教程
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社,北京交通大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年1月1日
  • 版次:第一版


叢書名: 高等學校英語專業系列教材
平裝: 240頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787810827676, 7810827677
條形碼: 9787810827676
尺寸: 22.8 x 18.2 x 1 cm
重量: 318 g




Unit Understanding the Research Paper
1.1 Definition of a Research Paper
1.2 Components of a Graduation Research Paper
1.3 The Importance of Writing a Research Paper
1.4 Kinds of Research Papers
1.5 Steps Involved in Writing a Research Paper
Unit 2 Ways in Choosing a Topic
2.1 Identifying a General Subject Area
2.2 Defining the Topic
2.2.1 Importance and Interest
2.2.2 Manageabi|ity
2.2.3 Availability of Resources
2.3 Resources Guiding Your Choice of Topic
2.3.1 Popular General Encyclopedias
2.3.2 Specialized Encyclopedias
2.3.3 Biographical Sources
2.3.4 Unabridged Dictionaries
2.3.5 Periodicals
2.3.6 Other Sources
2.4 Making a Hypothesis for Your Topic
Unit 3 Process of Doing the Research (Ⅰ)
3.1 Using the Library and Electronic Sources
3.2 Preparing a Working Bibliography
3.2.1 Format for a Working Bibliography
3.2.2 Electronic Working Bibliography
3.3 Reading Reference Materials
3.4 Evaluating Sources
Unit 4 Process of Doing the Research (Ⅱ)
4.1 Format of the Note Cards
4.2 Forms of Note Cards
4.2.1 The Quotation Note Card
4.2.2 The Paraphrase Note Card
4.2.3 The Summary Note Card
4.2.4 The Comment Note Card
4.2.5 Note in Chinese Origin
4.3 Note-Taking on a Computer
4.4 Avoiding Plagiarism
Unit 5 Outlining the Research Paper
5.1 The Thesis Statement
5.1.1 Factors in Shaping a Thesis Statement
5.1.2 Acquiring the Thesis Statement
5.1.3 Functions of the Thesis Statement
5.1.4 Principles for Wording the Thesis Statement
5.2 The Purpose Statement
5.3 The Outline
5.3.1 Outline Formats
5.3.2 Types of Outlines
Unit 6 Organization of the Research Paper
6.1 The Structure of a Research Paper
6.2 Rhetorical Principles in Paragraphs and in the Paper as a Whole ——
6.2.1 Unity
6.2.2 Coherence
6.2.3 Cohesion
6.2.4 Emphasis
6.2.5 Completeness
Unit 7 Incorporating the notes into flow of the paper
Unit 8 Style and grammar in research paper
Unit 9 Writing the drafts-from the fist draft to the final Manuscript
Unit 10 Front Matter and Back matter
Appendix A Sample papers
APPendix B A Sample of prospectus


