
《英語寫作:理論技巧與實踐(上冊)》主要講授遣詞的原則和方法、句子的類型和寫法、段落的整體性、連貫性和展開段落的各種技巧、標點符號的用法等寫作的基本知識和技能,輔之以具有針對性和實用性的練習。《英語寫作:理論技巧與實踐(上冊)》的編寫思路是寫作技能的講解與實踐訓練並重,旨在引導學生通過大量的實際操作理解各種寫作技巧的實質和作用,逐步掌握運用寫作技巧的方法,最終達到熟練地使用寫作技巧表達自己的思想感情。 《英語寫作——理論、技巧與實踐》分為上、下兩冊,適用於高等院校英語專業一、二年級學生及非英語專業初學寫作的學生、英語愛好者和英語水平相近的自學者。


  • 書名:英語寫作:理論技巧與實踐
  • 出版社:西北工業大學出版社
  • 頁數:180頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:25.00
  • 作者:馮正斌 吳耀武
  • 出版日期:2010年10月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:7561229232, 9787561229231
  • 品牌:西北工業大學出版社




Chapter One Diction
1. Appropriateness
1.1 Level of Words
1.2 Standard and Non- standard English
1.3 Style
2. Consistency
3. Exactness
3.1 Denotation and Connotation
3.2 General and Specific Words
3.3 Abstract and Concrete Words
3.4 Synonymous Words and Expressions
3.5 Idiomatic Language
4. Figures of Speech
4.1 Simile
4.2 Metaphor
4.3 Analogy
4.4 Personification
4.5 Hyperbole
4.6 Euphemism
4.7 Metonymy
4.8 Synecdoche
4.9 Alliteration
4.10 Irony
4.11 Transferred Epithet
4.12 Oxymoron

Chapter Two Sentences
1. Sentence Sense
1.1 Definition of a Correct Sentence
1.2 Different Types of Correct Sentences
1.3 Types of Correct Sentences
Practice 1
2. Types of Clauses
2.1 Independent Clauses
2.2 Dependent Clauses
2.3 Clause Connectors
3. Sentences
3.1 Qualities of a Complete Sentence
3.2 Types of Sentences
Practice 2
4. Effective Sentences
4.1 Unity
4.2 Coherence
4.3 Conciseness
4.4 Emphasis
4.5 Sentence Variety
Practice 3
4.6 Common Errors
Practice 4

Chapter Three Paragraphs
1. The Importance to Learn to Write Paragraphs
2. The Form of a Paragraph
2.1 Linear Relationship-Time
2.2 Linear Relationship-Process
2.3 Linear Relationship-Cause and Effect
3. Types of Paragraph
3.1 Opening Paragraph
3.2 Body Paragraph
3.3 Transitional Paragraph
3.4 Concluding Paragraph
Practice 1
4. Characteristics of a Good English Paragraph
4.1 Unity
4.2 Coherence
4.3 Completeness
Practice 2
5. Basic Elements of a Paragraph
5.1 Topic Sentence
5.2 Supporting Sentences
5.3 The Concluding Sentence
Practice 3
6. Ways of Developing Paragraph
6.1 Development by Example / Illustration
6.2 Development by Comparison and Contrast
6.3 development by Cause and Effect
6.4 Development by Process Analysis
6.5 Development by Anecdote
6.6 Development by Time
6.7 Development by Space
6.8 Development by Classification and Division
6.9 Development by Definition
Practice 4

Chapter Four Punctuation
1. The Period (.)
2. The Question Mark (?)
3. The Exclamation Mark (!)
4. The Comma (.)
5. The Colon (..)
6. The Semicolon (;)
7. The Quotation Mark () ( ' ' )
8. The Dash ( —— )
9. The Hyphen ( - )
10. The Parentheses ( ( ) )
11. The Brackets ( [ ] )
12. The Ellipses (... /... )
13. The Slash ( / )

Chapter Five Mechanics
1. Arrangement
2. Word Division
3. Capitalization
4. Italics
Keys for Reference


