高等學校教材:English Book

高等學校教材:English Book

《高等學校教材:English Book 4》中的課文以論說文為主。大部分文章出自名家之手,題材廣泛。語言活潑,富有生活氣息,且易於模仿。課文論點不一定全面、正確,但它們給人啟迪、令人思考。正適合經過一年半專門訓練,在語言基本功、知識面和獨立思考能力等方面都有了很大提高的二年級學生。


  • 書名:高等學校教材:English Book
  • 出版社:上海譯文出版社
  • 頁數:378頁
  • 開本:32
  • 品牌:上海譯文出版社
  • 作者:黃源深 等
  • 出版日期:2012年2月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787532717798


《高等學校教材:English Book 4》為高等師範院校英語專業綜合英語教材第四冊,供二年級學生第二學期使用。全書有16課和2套複習題。


Unit 1 TEXT: Every Person Has the Right to Fail
FUNCTION: Reminding
WORD STUDY: promotion, prone, orientation, demonstrate
GRAMMAR: Anticipatory IT
Unit 2 TEXT: Going First Class
FUNCTION: Saying What You Hope Will Happen
WORD STUDY: accomplish, preference, correspondence,eliminate
GRAMMAR: Infinitive or -ing
Unit 3 TEXT: The Road to Happiness
FUNCTION: Giving Someone Your General Good Wishes
WORD STUDY: pursue, favourable, alternation, supplement'
GRAMMAR: Pronouns
Unit 4 TEXT: Conversation Profitable and Pleasurable
FUNCTION: Asking Someone to Say Something Again
WORD STUDY: participant, repetition, digress, indulge
Unit 5 TEXT: The English and the Americans
FUNCTION: Comparing
WORD STUDY: entitle, implication, strain, irritation
GRAMMAR: Prepositions
Unit 6 TEXT: Cultural Conflict
FUNCTION: Saying You Are Excited
WORD STUDY: influenc, manifestation, portray, suppose
GRAMMAR: Adverbials
Unit 7 TEXT: Come Across with the Facts
FUNCTION: Asking about Remembering
WORD STUDY: demand, regard, dedicate, abuse
GRAMMAR: Substitution
Unit 8 TEXT: The Learner as Resource
FUNCTION: Saying You Are Bored
WORD STUDY: contrive, sustain, abolish, demolish
GRAMMAR: Some Uses of As
Quiz One (1-8)
Unit 9 TEXT: How to Read a Dictionary
FUNCTION: Saying What You Think You Ought to Do
WORD STUDY: define, settle, consist, oppose
GRAMMAR: Cleft and Pseudo-Cleft Sentences
Unit 10 TEXT: The Story of an Hour
FUNCTION: Persuading
WORD STUDY: afflict, reveal, conceal, assure
GRAMMAR: Free Indirect Speech
Unit 11 TEXT: English Names
FUNCTION: Inviting Someone and Accepting or Declining
WORD STUDY: combination, adapt, associate, testify
GRAMMAR: Subject-Verb Concord
Unit 12 TEXT: To Lie, or Not to Lie
FUNCTION: Saying Something in Another Way
WORD STUDY: overwhelm, tolerate, refrain, resent
GRAMMAR: Correlative Conjunctions
Unit 13 TEXT: Two Truths to Live by
FUNCTION: Giving Yourself Time to Think
WORD STUDY: relish, reconcile, accumulate, invest
GRAMMAR: Parallelism
Unit 14 TEXT: Hibernation
FUNCTION: Complaining
WORD STUDY: penetrate, function, resemblance, explorer
GRAMMAR: Verb Patterns
Unit 15 TEXT: The New Atlantis
FUNCTION: Saying You Are Optimistic
WORD STUDY: competitive, intensify, accelerate, resort
GRAMMAR: Coordination
Unit 16 TEXT: A Social Event
WORD STUDY: refer, admire, grant, wear
GRAMMAR: The Simple Present Tense
Quiz Two (9-16)


