主要學術兼職有國務院學位委員會光學工程和儀器科學與技術學科評議組成員、教育部科技委信息學部副主任、中國光學學會生物醫學光子學專業委員會主任委員, 國際期刊Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences主編,Journal of Biomedical Optics、J.R.Soc.Interface, Expermental Biology and Medicine等雜誌編委,曾任國家“十五”863計畫生物信息技術主題管理專家,科技部納米科技重大專項專家委員會納米生物和醫藥組成員,《光電子·雷射》、《中國雷射醫學雜誌》和《雷射生物學報》副主編。
“生物功能的飛秒雷射光學成像機理研究”獲2010年國家自然科學二等獎(排名1),還獲省部級自然科學獎一等獎2項(排名1)、二等獎1項(排名1),省部級科學技術進步獎一等獎1項(排名1),省部級技術發明獎一等獎1項(排名2),以及中國青年科技獎、全國優秀教育工作者、全國優秀科技工作者等稱號,享受國家政府特殊津貼。駱清銘兼任中國光學學會生物醫學光子學專業委員會主任委員、Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences國際期刊主編,Journal of Biomedical Optics、Experimental Biology and Medicine等國際期刊編委。
光學成像可以獲取生物系統從分子、細胞到組織、器官等不同層次的測量數據,運用系統生物學思想,從測量數據中挖掘信息,再建立模型,形成知識。駱清銘帶領研究小組,經過多年的探索,建立了採用流平衡分析方法模擬代謝網路行為的軟體平台,跨層次整合分子、細胞及組織層次的功能信息,發現心肌細胞在能量代謝受到缺血干擾時不遵從常規的“能量高效原則”,而是儘量保持“最小代謝調整”狀態,成功解釋了相關臨床結果。研究成果發表於Molecular Systems Biology等。
3、*Pavlov, A. N.; Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, O. V.; Zhang, Y.; Bibikova, O. A.; Pavlova, O. N.; Huang, Q.; Zhu, D.; Li, P.; Tuchin, V. V.;Luo, Q.,Multiresolution analysis of pathological changes in cerebral venous dynamics in newborn mice with intracranial hemorrhage: adrenorelated vasorelaxation, Physiological Measurement, 35(10), pp 1983-1999, 2014/10.
4、Zhou, Zi-Ming; Zhou, Jun; Chen, Jun; Yu, Rong-Na; Zhang, Ming-Zhen; Song, Ji-Tao; *Zhao, Yuan-Di,Carcino-embryonic antigen detection based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer between quantum dots and graphene oxide., Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 59卷, pp 397-403, 2014/9/15.
5、Yao, Ming-Hao; Yang, Jie; Song, Ji-Tao; Zhao, Dong-Hui; Du, Ming-Shuo; *Zhao, Yuan-Di; *Liu, Bo,Directed self-assembly of polypeptide-engineered physical microgels for building porous cell-laden hydrogels., Chem Commun (Camb), 50(66), pp 9405-9408, 2014/8/25.
6、Jingpeng Wu; Congdi Guo; Shangbin Chen; Tao Jiang; Yong He; Wenxiang Ding; Zhongqin Yang; Qingming Luo; *Hui Gong,Direct 3D analyses reveal barrel-specific vascular distribution and cross-barrel branching in the mouse barrel cortex, Cerebral Cortex, on line卷, pp 1-9, 2014/8/1.
7、Xie, Wenhao; *Deng, Yong; Wang, Kan; Yang, Xiaoquan; Luo, Qingming,Reweighted L1 regularization for restraining artifacts in FMT reconstruction images with limited measurements, Optics Letters, 39(14), pp 4148-4151, 2014/7/15.
14、Wang, Jing; Zhang, Yang; Li, Pengcheng;Luo, Qingming; *Zhu, Dan,Review: Tissue Optical Clearing Window for Blood Flow Monitoring, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20(2), 2014/4 MAR-APR.
15、Wang, Jing; Ma, Ning; Shi, Rui; Zhang, Yang; Yu, Tingting; *Zhu, Dan,Sugar-Induced Skin Optical Clearing: From Molecular Dynamics Simulation to Experimental Demonstration, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20(2), 2014/4 MAR-APR.
16、Shi, Hua; Sun, Nannan; Mayevsky, Avraham; Zhang, Zhihong;*Luo, Qingming,Early identification of acute hypoxia based on brain NADH fluorescence and cerebral blood flow, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 7(2), 2014/3.
17、Sun, Bailei; Zhang, Lei; Gong, Hui; Sun, Jinyan;*Luo, Qingming,Detection of optical neuronal signals in the visual cortex using continuous wave near-infrared spectroscopy, NeuroImage, 87卷, pp 190-198, 2014/2/15.
18、Wu, Jingpeng; He, Yong; Yang, Zhongqin; Guo, Congdi;Luo, Qingming; Zhou, Wei; Chen, Shangbin; Li, Anan; Xiong, Benyi; Jiang, Tao; *Gong, Hui,3D BrainCV: Simultaneous visualization and analysis of cells and capillaries in a whole mouse brain with one-micron voxel resolution, NeuroImage, 87卷, pp 199-208, 2014/2/15.
19、Sun, Nannan; Luo, Weihua; Li, Lin Z.;*Luo, Qingming,Monitoring Hemodynamic and Metabolic Alterations during Severe Hemorrhagic Shock in Rat Brains, Academic Radiology, 21(2), pp 175-184, 2014/2.
20、Zhong, Xiewei; Wen, Xiang; *Zhu, Dan,Lookup-table-based inverse model for human skin reflectance spectroscopy: two-layered Monte Carlo simulations and experiments, Optics Express, 22(2), pp 1852-1864, 2014/1/27.