

馮久超,教授, 博士生指導教師, 華南理工大學電子與信息學院教授,電路與系統專業博士生指導教師,廣東省高等學校特聘教授(“珠江學者”)。


  • 中文名:馮久超
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:博士生導師


馮久超,教授, 博士生指導教師, BSc. (SWNU), MEng. (SCUT), Ph.D. (HKPU), MIEEE
於1986年、1997年、2002年分別獲得西南師範大學理學學士學位(物理專業)、華南理工大學工學碩士學位(通信與電子系統專業)、香港理工大學哲學博士學位(電子與資訊工程專業),其博士論文贏得香港理工大學“傑出博士論文獎”(Distinguished Ph.D Thesis Award)。現任華南理工大學電子與信息學院教授,電路與系統專業博士生指導教師,廣東省高等學校特聘教授(“珠江學者”)。
近5年在國際、國內學術刊物上公開發表論文50餘篇, 包括《IEEE 電路與系統彙刊—I,II》、《國際通信系統雜誌》、《IEICE電子學、通信和計算機科學彙刊--A》、《物理評論E》(美)等;獲得授權發明專利及計算機軟體著作權登記20餘項;已出版學術專著4本。獲重慶市“優秀中青年骨幹教師”資助計畫;2004年列入廣東省高校“千百十工程”省級培養計畫;2004年獲教育部“新世紀優秀人才基金”資助計畫;2004年獲廣東省科學技術獎(名稱:複雜系統漸進性理論及其智慧型控制)一等獎。IEEE會員,中國電子學會高級會員,《IEEE電路與系統彙刊--I》、《IEICE電子學、通信和計算機科學彙刊--A》等國際雜誌審稿人。


於1986年、1997年、2002年分別獲得西南師範大學理學學士學位(物理專業)、華南理工大學工學碩士學位(通信與電子系統專業)、香港理工大學哲學博士學位(電子與資訊工程專業),其博士論文贏得香港理工大學“傑出博士論文獎”(Distinguished Ph.D Thesis Award)。1986年7月至2003年11月在西南師範大學工作,









在國際、國內學術刊物上公開發表論文50餘篇, 包括《IEEE 電路與系統彙刊—I,II》、《國際通信系統雜誌》、《IEICE電子學、通信和計算機科學彙刊--A》、《物理評論E》(美)等;獲得授權發明專利及計算機軟體著作權登記20餘項;已出版學術專著4本。


1. 王世元、黃錦旺、謝智剛、蔣雲翔、馮久超. 非線性卡曼濾波器原理及套用,北京:電子工業出版社,2015.
2. Shiyuan Wang, Jiuchao Feng and Chi.K. Tse. Novel Cubature Kalman Filtering for Systems Involving Nonlinear States and Linear Measurements. International Journal of Electronics and Communications, to be appear.
3.Jiuchao Feng. Chaotic Signals and Information Processing, Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2012 (ISBN: 978-7-302-25793-6).
4.S. Wang, J. Feng and C.K. Tse. Spherical Simplex-Radial Cubature Kalman Filter, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2014, 21(1): 43-46.
5.Hongbin Chen, Jiuchao Feng and Chi K. Tse. Blind Sources Separation and Signals Reconstruction in Wireless Sensor Networks, Beijing: Electronic Industry Press, 2012 (ISBN: 978-7-121-18770-4)
6.Jiuchao Feng and C. K. Tse, Reconstruction of Chaotic Signal with Applications to Chaos-based Communications, Singapore: World-Scientific Publisher / Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2008 (ISBN: 978-981-277-113-1) .
This book was developed from an award-winning PhD project on signal reconstruction and applications in chaos-based communications, which covers the theory, methods, and implementations of signal reconstruction techniques, with particular emphasis on the reconstruction of chaotic signals and applications in telecommunications.
7.Shiyuan Wang, Jiuchao Feng and Chi.K. Tse. A Class of Stable Square-Root Nonlinear Information Filters, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2014, 59(7): 1893--1898.
8.Shiyuan Wang, Jiuchao. Feng and Chi.K. Tse. Kernel Affine Projection Sign Algorithms for Combating Impulse Interference, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II: Express Briefs, 2013, 60(11): 811 - 815..
9. Yibo Zhao and Jiu-Chao Feng. Bifurcation investigation and stability analysis for peak urrent mode input-series output-parallel DC-DC converters. International Journal of Bifurcation and chaos, 23(7): 1350113:1—13, 2013.
10.Shiyuan, Wang, Jiuchao Feng and Chi K. Tse. Analysis of the Characteristic of the Kalman Gain for One-dimensional Chaotic Maps in Cubature Kalman Filter, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 20(3): 229 – 232, 2013.
11.Minghua Liu, Jiuchao Feng, Chi K. Tse. A new hyperchaotic system and its circuit realization, International Journal of Bifurcation and chaos, 20(40): 1201-1208, 2010.
12.Zhao Yibo, J. Feng and C.K. Tse. Discrete Time Modeling and Stability Analysis of Periodic Orbits with Sliding for Switched Linear Systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 57(11): 2948--2955, 2010.
13.Hongbin Chen, J. Feng and C. K. Tse. Performance-Lifetime Tradeoff for Source Extraction in Multihop Sensor Networks, International Journal of Communication Systems, 23(12): 1613–1631, 2010
14.Zongbo Xie, Jiuchao Feng. Blind source separation of continuous time chaotic signals based on fast random search algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems: part II Express Briefs, 57(6): 461-465, 2010.
15.Hongbin Chen, Jiuchao Feng and Chi K. Tse. Sensor Selection for Source Extraction in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Communication Systems, 23(4): 543-551, April 2010.
16.Yibo Zhao, Jiuchao Feng, Chi K. Tse. Stability Analysis of Periodic Orbits of Non-Autonomous Piecewise Linear Systems by Mapping Approach, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems part II: Express Briefs,845--849, 56(11),2009.
17.Jiuchao Feng Zongtang Wu. Development and Prospect of Digital Home Industry in China, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Newsletters, 3(1), 2009.
18.Zongbo Xie, Jiuchao Feng. KFCE: A dictionary generation algorithm for sparse representation, Journal of Signal Processing, 89: 2072–2077, 2009.
19. Hongbin Chen, Chi K. Tse and Jiuchao Feng. Minimizing effective energy consumption in multi-cluster sensor networks for source extraction, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 8(3): 1480-1489, 2009.
20.Hongbin Chen, Chi K, Jiuchao Feng. Tse. Impact of Topology on Performance and Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks for Source Extraction, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 20(6): 886-897, 2009.
21.Hongbin Chen, Chi K. Tse and Jiuchao Feng. Performance evaluation of source extraction in wireless sensor networks, Journal of Computer Communications, 31(16): 3870-3875, 2008.
22. Hongbin Chen, Chi K. Tse and Jiuchao Feng. Source extraction in bandwidth constrained wireless sensor networks, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II: Express Briefs, 55(9): 947--951, 2008.
23. Shiyuan Wang and Jiuchao Feng. A multiuser chaotic communication scheme by parameter division multiple access, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing,26(4): 839-852,2007.
24.Jiu-chao Feng, Chi K. Tse and F.C.M. Lau. A Neural-Network-Based Channel Equalization Strategy for Chaos-Based Communication Systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems: Fundamental Theory and Applications-I, 50(7): 954-957, 2003.
25.Jiu-chao Feng,Chi. K. Tse and F.C.M. Lau. Channel equalization for chaos-based communication systems, IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computers Sciences, Vol. E85-A, No. 9, pp. 2015-2024, 2002
26.Jiu-chao Feng and Chi. K. Tse. An on-line adaptive chaotic demodulator based on radial-basis-function neural networks, Physical Review E, Vol.63, pp.026202-1:10, 2001.
27.T.W.S. Chow, Jiu-chao Feng, K. T. Ng. Chaotic network synchronization with application to communications, International Journal of communication Systems, Vol. 14, No.2, pp.217-230, 2001.
28.T.W.S. Chow, Jiu-chao Feng, K. T. Ng. An adaptive demodulator for the chaotic modulation communication system with RBF neural network, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems: Fundamental Theory and Applications-I, 47(6): 902-909, 2000.




