發表學術論文140餘篇,其中在國際著名期刊發表SCI檢索論文40餘篇。在國際上首次提出基於廣義逆矩陣Pade逼近、矩陣Pade-型逼近兩種方法,見J.Computational and Applied Mathematics(1997(80)、1997(84)、2004(163)、2004(164)、2009); Linear Algebra and Its Applications(1999、2001); IEEE Trans. Automat.Control (2003)。主持國家自然科學基金項目三項、上海市自然科學基金項目等三項。《高等學校計算數學學報》責任編委(2003年);《上海大學學報》編委(2006年)。
(2)Erxiong Jiang, Gu Chuanqing(顧傳青),Yinghong Xu,《Proceedings of The 14th Conference of International Linear Algebra Society》, Shanghai, China, World Academic Union,2007.
(3)Erxiong Jiang,Qing WenWang, Gu Chuanqing(顧傳青), 《Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Matrix Theory and its Applications》, Word Academic Union, Word Academi Press , 2010
[1] Chuanqing Gu and Zhenxin Yang, Global SCD algorithm for real positive definite linear systems with multiple right-hand sides, Applied Mathematics and Computation(美國), 2007(189): 59-67. (SCI)
[2] Zhaolu Tian and Gu Chuanqing, The iterative methods for centrosymmetric matrices,Applied Mathematics and Computation,2007,187(2). (SCI)
[3] Zhaolu Tian and Gu Chuanqing, A numerical algorithm for Lyapunov equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2008, 202(1). (SCI)
[4] Gu Chuanqing and Xue Huiyan, A Shift-Splitting Hierarchical Identification Method for Solving Lyapunov Matrix Equations, Linear Algebra and Its Applications(美國),2009,430(5-6):1517-1530. (SCI)
[5] Gu Chuanqing and Hongjun Qian, Skew-symmetric methods for nonsymmetric linear systems with multiple right-hand sides, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics(荷蘭), 2009, 223(2):567-577. (SCI)
[6] Gu Chuanqing and Zhaolu Tian, On the HSS iteration methods for positive definite Toeplitz linear systems, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009,224(2): 709-718. (SCI)
[7] Lu Chengbo and Gu Chuanqing, The computation of the square roots of circulant matrices, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011,217:6819-6829. (SCI)
[8] Gu Chuanqing and Zheng Lin, Computation of matrix functions with deflated restarting, Journal of Computational and Applied athematics, 2013, 237: 223-233(SCI)
[9] Lu Chengbo and Gu Chuanqing,The computation of the inverse of block-wise centrosym metric matrices, Publicationes Mathematicae-Debrecen(匈牙利), 2013, 82: 379-397(SCI)
[10] Gu Chuanqing and Wang Le, On the multi-splitting iteration method for computing PageRank, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing(韓國), 2013, 42:479-490(EI)
[11] Zhang Ke and Gu Chuanqing, A Global Transpose-free Method with Quasi-minimal Residual Strategy for the Sylvester Equations, FILOMAT,2013,27:1437-1446 (SCI)
[12] Zhang Ke and Gu Chuanqing,Flexible global generalized Hessenberg methods for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2014,263:312-325 (SCI)
[1] Xiuhua Wang, Jisheng Kou and Gu Chuanqing ,A new modified secant-like method for solving nonlinear equations, Computers & Mathematics with Applications(美國), 2010,60(6):1633-1638. (SCI)
[2] Wang Xiuhua, Gu Chuanqing and Jisheng Kou, Semilocal convergence of a multipoint fourth-order super-Halley method in Banach spaces, Numerical Algorithm(荷蘭), 2011,56 :497-516. (SCI)
[3] Xiuhua Wang, Jisheng Kou, Chuanqing Gu, Semilocal convergence of a sixth-order Jarratt method in Banach spaces, Numerical Algorithm, 2011,57: 441–456. (SCI)
[4] Chen Liang, Gu Chuanqing, Ma Yanfang,Semilocal convergence for a fifth-order Newton's method using recurrence relations in Banach spaces,Journal of Applied Mathematics,2011, Vol.2011,15 Pages.(SCI)
[5] Chen Liang, Gu Chuanqing, Ma Yanfang,Recurrence relations for the Harmonic mean Newton's method in Banach spaces,Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 2012, 14:1154-1164.(SCI)
[6] Gu Chuanqing and Zheng Lin, Recurrence relations for the Harmonic mean Newton's method in Banach spaces, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 2012,14:1154-1164. (SCI)
[7] Zheng Lin and Gu Chuanqing, Recurrence relations for semilocal convergence of a fifth-order method in Banach spaces, Numerical Algorithm, 2012, 59:623–638. (SCI)
[8] Wang Xiuhua , Kou Jisheng and Gu Chuanqing,Semilocal Convergence of a Class of Modified Super-Halley Methods in Banach Spaces, J Optim Theory Appl.(美國),2012, 153:779–793. (SCI)
[9] Zheng Lin and Gu Chuanqing, Fourth-order convergence theorem by using majorizing functions for super-Halley method in Banach spaces, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2013, 90: 423-434. (SCI)
[1] 顧傳青,陳之兵,矩陣有理插值及其誤差公式,計算數學(中科院),1995年第17卷第1期
[2] Gu Chuanqing, Bivariate Thiele-type matrix valued rational interpolants, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 1997, 80: 71-82. (SCI)
[3] Gu Chuanqing, Multivariate generalized inverse vector valued rational Interpolants, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics ,1997, 84: 137-146. (SCI)
[5] 顧傳青,關於矩陣指數的Pade逼近新算法,自動化學報(中科院),1999年第25卷第1期
[6] Gu Chuanqing, Thiele-type and Lagrange-type generalized inverse rational interpolation for rectangular complex matrices, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 1999, 295: 7-30. (SCI)
[7] Gu Chuanqing, Generalized inverse matrix Pade approximation on the basis of scalar products, Linear Algebra and Its Applications (美國), 2001, 322: 141-167. (SCI)
[8] Gu Chuanqing and Zhu Gongqin,Bivariate Lagrange-type vector valued rational interpolants, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2002, 20(2): 207-216. (SCI)
[10] Wang Jinbo and Gu Chuanqing, Vector valued Thiele-Werner-type osculatory rational interpolants, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2004, 163(1):241-252. (SCI)
[11] Gu Chuanqing, Matrix Pade-type Approximant and Directional Matrix Pad'e Approximant in the Inner Product Space, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2004, 164-165:365-385. (SCI)
[12] Jindong Shen and Gu Chuanqing, Computing the determinants of matrix Padé approximation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009,214(2)433-441. (SCI)
[13] Youtian Tao andGu Chuanqing,A two-dimensional matrix Padé-type approximation in the inner product space, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics , 2009,231(2):680-695. (SCI)
[14] Yu’e An and Gu Chuanqing, Model reduction for large-scale dynamical systems via equality constrained least squares, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2010,234(8):2420-2431. (SCI)
[15] Xiaojing Zhu, Chunjing Li and Chuanqing Gu, A new method for computing the matrix exponential operation based on vector valued rational approximations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2012,236:2306–2316. (SCI)
[1] Gu Chuanqing and Li Chunjing,Computation Formulas of Generalised Inverse Pade Approximant Using for Solution of Integral Equations, Applied Mathematics and Mechanices, 2001, 22(9): 1057-1063. (SCI)
[2] Li Chunjing and Gu Chuanqing, Epsilon - Algorithm and Eta -Algorithm of Generalized Inverse Function-Valued Pade Approximants Using for Solution of Integral Equations, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2003, 24(2): 197-204. (SCI)
[3]Gu Chuanqing, Pan Baozheng and Wu Beibei, Functional valued Pade-type approximation using for solution of integral equations of orthogonal polynomials and determinant formulas, Applied Mathematics and Mechanices, 2006, 27(6):853-860. (SCI)
[4] Gu Chuanqing and Shen Jindong, Function-valued Padé-type approximant and its applications in solving integral equations,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008,221(1):114-131. (SCI)
[5] Gu Chuanqing and Tao Youtian, Function-valued Padé-type approximant via E-algorithm and its applications in solving integral equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2011, 217: 7975-7984. (SCI)