



  • 中文名:顧傳輝
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:地下水地表水相互作用等
  • 職稱:教授
  • 任職院校:北京師範大學



美國維吉尼亞大學 University of Virginia 環境科學 博士
中山大學環境科學與工程 碩士
南京大學環境科學與工程 學士


美國阿巴拉契亞州立大學 Appalachian State University 副教授/環境科學學科主任
美國阿巴拉契亞州立大學 Appalachian State University 助理教授
美國加州大學伯克利分校 University of California, Berkeley 博士後
美國勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory博士後




Principles of Environmental Science





Gu, Chuanhui (Co-Principal), “The salinization of Southern AppalachianHeadwaters by road-salt application”, Sponsored by Research Institute ofEnvironment, Energy, and Economics, $4,999.00. (August 2015- May2016).
Gu, Chuanhui (Co-Principal), George Hornberger (Principal), “Grasses and Gases:Modeling Human Dynamics of Lawn Fertilization and Resultant Nitrous Oxide Emissions”,Sponsored by National Science Foundation EAR, $21,338.(August 2010-August 2013)
Gu, Chuanhui (Principal), "Groundwatersurface-water interaction and nutrient retention along artificial drains incoastal freshwater wetlands of North Carolina ", Sponsored by NC Water Resources Research Institute, $20,500. (May2009-August 2011).
Gu, Chuanhui (Principal), "Hydrological Alteration by Urban Development inthe Southern Appalachians", Sponsored by NC Space Grant Consortium, $3,500.(May 2014-August 2014).
Gu, Chuanhui (Co-Principal), Bai, Yanchao (Principal), "Heavy metal behaviorand environmental effects in mudflat soils amended by sewage sludge",Sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China, $50,500.00.(September 2011-July 2012).
Gu, Chuanhui (Co-Principal), "Benefits and Costs of Improving Stream Qualityin Urban Environments: integrating Geology, Economics and Policy Analysis",Sponsored by Research Institute of Environment, Energy, and Economics, $8,000.00.(August 20, 2015 - May 1, 2016).
Gu, Chuanhui (Co-Principal), "Graduate Research Associate Mentoring (GRAM)Program", Sponsored by Cratis D. Williams Graduate School, ASU,$22,000.00. (August 20, 2013 - May 1, 2015).
Gu, Chuanhui (Principal), "Heavy Metal Leaching from Land Application ofBiosolids in mudflats of China", Appalachian State University, $2,500.00.(May 2013 - February 2014).
Gu, Chuanhui (Co-Principal), “Improving water conservation in headwater streamsthrough socio-biophysical analysis.”,Sponsored by Research Institute of Environment, Energy, and Economics, $9,500.00.(April 2013 - June 2013).
Gu, Chuanhui(Co-Principal), "The Big Idea:Innovation Conversations on Sustaining High Water Quality by OptimizingRiparian Conservation in Southern Appalachian Headwater Streams",Sponsored by ASU Office of Research and Sponsored Program, $3,500.00. (December2012 - June 2013).
Gu, Chuanhui (Co-Principal), "AppAqua:Appalachian AquaticScience Research", Sponsored byCollege of Arts and Sciences, ASU, $7,914.00. (February 2013 - May 30, 2013).
Gu, Chuanhui (Principal): “A heat pulse Method for Measuring Sediment Water Flux,” Sponsoredby University Research Council Competitive Grants Program, $5000. (May 2009-May2010).
Gu, Chuanhui (Participant): Effect of Transient Hydrologic Events onBiogeochemical Processes, National Science Foundation,$441,257,(Sep 2002-Mar 2008)
Gu, Chuanhui (Participant),The Biogeochemical Cycle ofNitrogen: Effects on Climate Change, US Departmentof Energy, $484,900 (Sep 2004-Mar 2008)


Maggi, F.,Pallud, C., Gu, C. A urine-fueled soil-based bioregenerative life supportsystem for long-term and long-distance manned space missions, Life Sciences inSpace Research
Bai,Y.C., Yan, Y.Y., Zuo, W.G., Gu, C.H.,Guan, Y.X., Wang, X.K., Zhao, H.T., Shan, Y.H., Shao, H.B. and Feng, K. (2018)Distribution of cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc in mudflat salt-soils amendedwith sewage sludge. Land Degradation & Development* 29(4), 1120-1129.
Bai, Y.C., Zuo,W.G., Zhao, H.T., Mei, L.J., Gu, C.H.,Guan, Y.X., Wang, X.K., Gu, M.J., Zang, C.Y., Shan, Y.H. and Feng, K. (2017)Distribution of heavy metals in maize and mudflat saline soil amended by sewagesludge. Journal of Soils and Sediments* 17(6), 1565-1578.
Bai, Y.C., Zuo,W.G., Yan, Y.Y., Gu, C.H., Guan,Y.X., Mei, L.J., Xue, W.J., Shan, Y.H. and Feng, K. (2017) Sewage SludgeAmendment Combined with Green Manuring to a Coastal Mudflat Salt-Soil inEastern China: Effects on Soil Physicochemical Properties and Maize Yield.International Journal of Agronomy*.
Bai, Y.C., Zang, C.Y., Gu, M.J., Gu, C.H., Shao, H.B., Guan, Y.X., Wang, X.K., Zhou, X.J., Shan,Y.H. and Feng, K. (2017) Sewage sludge as an initial fertility driver for rapidimprovement of mudflat salt-soils. Science of the Total Environment 578, 47-55.
Bai,Y., Yan, Y., Zuo, W., Gu, C., Xue,W., Mei, L., Feng, K., & Shan, Y. (2017). Coastal Mudflat Saline SoilAmendment by Dairy Manure and Green Manuring. International Journal ofAgronomy*.
Bai,Y., Zhang,C., Gu, C.,Guan,Y.,Wang,X., Gu,M.,, Mei, L., Zhao,H. (2017). Evaluating Dairy Manure asInitial Fertility Driver for Mudflat Soil Amendment. Journal of ResidualsScience & Technology*.
Thaxton, C.S., W.P. Anderson, Jr., C. Gu, B. Stosic, T. Stosic. (2018). Detrended fluctuation analysis and entropy-complexity causality analysis of temperatures in an urbanized mountain stream. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment* .
B Swinson, K Cockerill, J Colby, S Tuberty, and Gu, C (2015), To restore or Not torestore: Assessing Pre-project conditions of a habitat restoration project onthe New River, North Carolina, EnvironmentalProcesses*.Volume 2, Issue 4, pp 647-668
Gu, C. , Crane, J. II.,Hornberger, G., and Carrico, A., (2015). The effects of household managementpractices on the global warming potential of urban lawns, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement*, 151, 233-242,
Batchelor,C. and Gu, C. (2014), Hyporheicexchange and nutrient uptake in a forested and urban stream in the SouthernAppalachians, Environment and Natural Resources Research,4(3),
Gu C, WP Anderson Jr, J Colby (2014), Air-stream temperature correlation in forested and urbanheadwater streams in the Southern Appalachians, Hydrological Processes*,
Bai,Y., Gu, C., Tao, T., Zhu, X., Xu,Y.,Feng, K., & Shan, Y. (2014). Responses of Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) grown in mudflats to sewage sludge amendment. Journal of Integrative Agriculture*,13(2), 426-433
Bai, Y., Tao, T., Gu,C., Wang, L., Feng, K., & Shan, Y. (2013),Mudflat soil amendment bysewage sludge: Soil physicochemical properties, perennial ryegrass growth, andmetal uptake Soil Science and Plant Nutrition*, vol. 59, issue 6, pp.942-952,
Bai,Y., Gu, C., Tao, T., Wang, L., Feng,K., & Shan, Y. (2013). Growth characteristics, nutrient uptake, and metalaccumulation of ryegrass (Lolium perenneL.) in sludge-amended mudflats Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B- Soil & Plant Science*,
Gu, C., Bai, Y., Tao,T., Chen, G., & Shan, Y. (2013). Effect of sewage sludge amendment on heavymetal uptake and yield of ryegrass seedling in a Mudflat soil Journal ofEnvironmental Quality*, 42:421-428.
Bai,Y., Gu, C., Tao, T., Chen, G., & Shan, Y. (2012):Straw incorporation increases solubility and uptake of cadmium by rice plants, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B -Soil & Plant Science*,
Gu,C, Laverman, A.M.,and Pallud, C. (2012) Environmental Controls on Nitrogen and Sulfur Cycles inSurficial Aquatic Sediments, Frontiers inTerrestrial Microbiology*,
Gu,C, Anderson, W.Jr.,and Maggi, F.(2012) Riparian Biogeochemical Hot Moments induced by StreamFluctuations, Water Resources Research*, 48, W09546,
Gu,C and W.J.Riley(2010). Combined Effects of Short Term Rainfall Patterns and Soil Texture onNitrogen Cycling in Bare Soil------- A Modeling Analysis, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology*, VOL. 112,ISS.1-4.
Ajami,N and Gu,C (2010). Complexity in Soil Nitrogen Modeling---A Case of Modeling Averaging, StochasticEnvironmental Research and Risk Assessment*,
Gu, C, Maggi,F,W.J.Riley, G.M. Hornberger, T.Xu, C.M Oldenburg, N.Spycher, N.L.Miller,R.T.Venterea, C.Steefel, (2009). Aqeuous and Gaseous Nitrogen Losses Induced byFertilizer Application, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosicence*.
Maggi,F. Gu,C,Riley,W.J. G.M. Hornberger, R.T. Venterea, T. Xu, N. Spicher, C. Steefel, N.L.Miller and C.M. Oldenburg,(2008), A mechanistic treatment of the dominant soilnitrogen cycling processes: Model development, testing, and application, Journalof Geophysical Research*, VOL.113, G02016,
Gu,C.Mills, A.L, and Hornberger, G.M.,(2008),Influence of stream-groundwaterinteractions in the streambed sediments on NO3- flux to a low-reliefcoastal stream, Water ResourcesResearch*.. 44, W11432,
Gu,C, A.L.Mills,G.M.Hornberger, and J.S.Herman (2008), The Effect of Freshets on the Flux ofGroundwater Nitrate through Streambed Sediments, Water Resources Research*.VOL. 44, W05415,
Gu,C A.L.Mills,G.M.Hornberger, and J.S.Herman (2007). Nitrate Reduction in Streambed Sediments:Effects of Flow and Biogeochemical Kinetics. Water Resources Research*Wachovia環境獎




