

《電路基礎(英文版·第6版)》是2019年11月機械工業出版社出版的圖書,作者是[美]查爾斯K.亞歷山大(Charles K.Alexander)、馬修N.O.薩迪庫。


  • 書名:電路基礎(英文版·第6版)
  • 作者: [美]查爾斯K.亞歷山大(Charles K.Alexander)、馬修N.O.薩迪庫
  • ISBN:9787111586340
  • 定價:139.0元
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年11月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




Preface iv
About the Authors xi
PART 1 DC Circuits 2
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts 3
1.1 Introduction 4
1.2 Systems of Units 5
1.3 Charge and Current 6
1.4 Voltage 9
1.5 Power and Energy 10
1.6 Circuit Elements 14
1.7 Applications 16
1.7.1 TV Picture Tube
1.7.2 Electricity Bills
1.8 Problem Solving 19
1.9 Summary 22
Review Questions 23
Problems 24
Comprehensive Problems 26
Chapter 2 Basic Laws 29
2.1 Introduction 30
2.2 Ohm’s Law 30
2.3 Nodes, Branches, and Loops 35
2.4 Kirchhoff’s Laws 37
2.5 Series Resistors and Voltage Division 43
2.6 Parallel Resistors and Current Division 44
2.7 Wye-Delta Transformations 51
Delta to Wye Conversion
Wye to Delta Conversion
2.8 Applications 57
2.8.1 Lighting Systems
2.8.2 Design of DC Meters
2.9 Summary 63
Review Questions 64
Problems 65
Comprehensive Problems 77
Chapter 3 Methods of Analysis 79
3.1 Introduction 80
3.2 Nodal Analysis 80
3.3 Nodal Analysis with Voltage Sources 86
3.4 Mesh Analysis 91
3.5 Mesh Analysis with Current Sources 96
3.6 Nodal and Mesh Analyses by Inspection 98
3.7 Nodal Versus Mesh Analysis 102
3.8 Circuit Analysis with PSpice 103
3.9 Applications: DC Transistor Circuits 105
3.10 Summary 110
Review Questions 111
Problems 112
Comprehensive Problem 124
Chapter 4 Circuit Theorems 125
4.1 Introduction 126
4.2 Linearity Property 126
4.3 Superposition 128
4.4 Source Transformation 133
4.5 Thevenin’s Theorem 137
4.6 Norton’s Theorem 143
4.7 Derivations of Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems 147
4.8 Maximum Power Transfer 148
4.9 Verifying Circuit Theorems with PSpice 150
4.10 Applications 153
4.10.1 Source Modeling
4.10.2 Resistance Measurement
4.11 Summary 158
Review Questions 159
Problems 160
Comprehensive Problems 171
Chapter 5 Operational Amplifiers 173
5.1 Introduction 174
5.2 Operational Amplifiers 174
5.3 Ideal Op Amp 178
5.4 Inverting Amplifier 179
5.5 Noninverting Amplifier 181
5.6 Summing Amplifier 183
5.7 Difference Amplifier 185
5.8 Cascaded Op Amp Circuits 189
5.9 Op Amp Circuit Analysis with PSpice 192
5.10 Applications 194
5.10.1 Digital-to-Analog Converter
5.10.2 Instrumentation Amplifiers
5.11 Summary 197
Review Questions 199
Problems 200
Comprehensive Problems 211
Chapter 6 Capacitors and Inductors 213
6.1 Introduction 214
6.2 Capacitors 214
6.3 Series and Parallel Capacitors 220
6.4 Inductors 224
6.5 Series and Parallel Inductors 228
6.6 Applications 231
6.6.1 Integrator
6.6.2 Differentiator
6.6.3 Analog Computer
6.7 Summary 238
Review Questions 239
Problems 240
Comprehensive Problems 249
Chapter 7 First-Order Circuits251
7.1 Introduction 252
7.2 The Source-Free RC Circuit 253
7.3 The Source-Free RL Circuit 257
7.4 Singularity Functions 263
7.5 Step Response of an RC Circuit 271
7.6 Step Response of an RL Circuit 278
7.7 First-Order Op Amp Circuits 282
7.8 Transient Analysis with PSpice 287
7.9 Applications 291
7.9.1 Delay Circuits
7.9.2 Photoflash Unit
7.9.3 Relay Circuits
7.9.4 Automobile Ignition Circuit
7.10 Summary 297
Review Questions 298
Problems 299
Comprehensive Problems 309
Chapter 8 Second-Order Circuits311
8.1 Introduction 312
8.2 Finding Initial and Final Values 313
8.3 The Source-Free Series RLC Circuit 317
8.4 The Source-Free Parallel RLC Circuit 324
8.5 Step Response of a Series RLC Circuit 329
8.6 Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 334
8.7 General Second-Order Circuits 337
8.8 Second-Order Op Amp Circuits 342
8.9 PSpice Analysis of RLC Circuits 344
8.10 Duality 3488.11 Applications 351
8.11.1 Automobile Ignition System
8.11.2 Smoothing Circuits
8.12 Summary 354
Review Questions 355
Problems 356
Comprehensive Problems 365
PART 2 AC Circuits366
Chapter 9 Sinusoids and Phasors 367
9.1 Introduction 368
9.2 Sinusoids 369
9.3 Phasors 374
9.4 Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements 383
9.5 Impedance and Admittance 385
9.6 Kirchhoff’s Laws in the Frequency Domain 387


