- 中文名:陳飛
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:湖南常德
- 出生日期:1990年3月
- 職業:教師
- 職稱:教授
- 性別:男
- 2022-2025年 教育部人文社會科學青年項目 (項目編號:22YJC740008)主持人 在研
- 2023-2025年 湖南省自然科學基金青年項目 主持人 在研
- 2021-2023年湖南省哲學社會科學基金重點項目(項目編號:20ZDB003)主持人 在研
- 2020-2025年 中央高校基本科研業務費 Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (項目編號:531118010660) 主持人 在研
- 2021/2023 General Research Fund (GRF) of Research Grants Council of Hong Kong. Project title: Exploring the nature of lexical tone processing atypicalities in tone language speakers with autism spectrum disorders (GRF: 15610321). (Co-Investigator)
- 國家社科基金重大項目(National Social Science Foundation of China: 18ZDA293):《精神障礙人群語料庫建設及面向腦科學和人工智慧的語言研究》 (參與)
- Key Program (國自科重點項目) of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Project title: Computational modeling of speech production and its application to speech rehabilitation (語音生成的計算建模及在言語康復中的套用; NSFC: 61135003). (參與)
- 指導學生以 “聲調語言背景兒向語的音高和時長表征——基於國語、粵語、日語的對比研究”為題成功申報2022年大學生創新訓練項目(SIT)國家級項目立項,2022.5-2024.4,項目號:S202210532029
- 指導學生以 “國語背景兒向語的超音段聲學特徵及其發展性研究” 為題成功申報2021年大學生創新訓練項目(SIT)國家級項目立項,2021.5-2023.5,項目號:S202110532026
- 指導學生以 “助力鄉村振興,推進少數民族語言開發保護——基於懷化市通道侗族自治縣語言文化的開發保護現狀和對策的調查研究” 為題成功申報湖南大學2021年暑期“三下鄉”社會實踐活動重點項目立項。
- Min ZHU, Fei CHEN*, Xiaoxiang CHEN, Yuxiao YANG. (in press). "The more the better? Effects of L1 tonal density and typology on the perception of non-native tones". PLOS ONE. (*Corresponding Author, 第一作者為博士研究生)
- Yajie CHANG, Xiaoxiang CHEN*, Fei CHEN*, Manhong Li. (in press). "Roles of Phonation Types and Decoders’ Gender in Recognizing Mandarin Emotional Speech". Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. (*Corresponding Authors)
- Rumi WANG, Chen KUANG, Chengyu GUO ...... Fei CHEN* (in press). "Automatic Detection of Putative Mild Cognitive Impairment from Speech Acoustic Features in Mandarin-Speaking Elders". Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. (*Corresponding Author)
- Fei CHEN, Qingqing GUO, Yunhua DENG*, Jiaqiang ZHU, and Hao ZHANG. (in press). "Development of Mandarin Lexical Tone Identification in Noise and its Relation with Working Memory". Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
- Jiaqiang ZHU, Jing SHAO, Caicai ZHANG*, Fei CHEN*, Seth WIENER. (in press). "Statistical Information Affects Spoken Word Recognition of Tone Languages in Stutterers: Evidence from An Auditory-Perceptual Gating Study". Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 1-17.
- Jiaqiang ZHU, Xiaoxiang CHEN*, Fei CHEN, Caicai ZHANG*, Jing SHAO, and Seth WIENER. (2023). "Tone Deafness in Music Does Not Preclude Distributional Learning of Nonnative Tonal Languages in Individuals With Congenital Amusia". Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1044/2023_JSLHR-22-00572
- Jiaqiang ZHU, Xiaoxiang CHEN*, Fei CHEN, Caicai ZHANG, Jing SHAO, and Seth WIENER. (2023). "Distributional learning of musical pitch despite tone deafness in individuals with congenital amusia". The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 153(5): 3117-3129. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0019472
- Yan, J., Yang, Y. *, & Chen, F. (2023). Interplay Between Prosody and Syntax-Semantics: Evidence from the Prosodic Features of Mandarin Tag Questions. Man-Machine Speech Communication, 185–195. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-2401-1_17 (Book Chapter)
- Yuxiao YANG*, Sunfu CHEN, Fei CHEN and Junzhou MA. (2023). " Development of perceptual similarity and discriminability: the perception of Russian phonemes by Chinese learners". Phonetica. 1-36. https://doi.org/10.1515/phon-2022-0023
- Fei CHEN, Kaile ZHANG*, Qingqing GUO, and Jia LV. (2023). "Development of achieving constancy in lexical tone identification with contextual cues". Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1044/2022_JSLHR-22-00257
- 陳飛*、張高德(2023)"國語背景兒童聲韻覺識能力發展及影響因素研究". 實驗語言學. 12(2):25-29.(*通訊作者)
- 張高德、陳飛*.(2023)"不同二語水平的中國英語學習者情緒辭彙語義-韻律加工研究". 《外語教學與研究》. 55(1): 79-90. (*通訊作者)
- 楊雨簫*、陳曉湘、陳飛(2023,待刊)"非母語缺失性對立習得 —— 中國學習者俄語塞音感知及產出研究". 《南開語言學刊》
- 陳飛, 彭剛, (2023) "聲學密度假說: 基於普通話和粵語母語者聲調歸一化的對比研究". in G. PENG, J.P. KONG, Z.W. SHEN, and F. WANG. (Ed.), 高山仰止:王士元教授九十歲賀壽文集 (pp. 201-212). 香港城市大學出版社.
- 閻錦婷、王雪、陳飛*(2023,待刊)"孤獨症兒童國語語音的聽覺檢驗". 《中國語音學報》(*通訊作者)
- Fei CHEN*, Jing LIAN, Gaode ZHANG, Chengyu GUO. (2022). "Semantics-Prosody Stroop Effect on English Emotion Word Processing in Chinese College Students with Trait Depression". Frontiers in Psychiatry. 13:889476. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.889476 (影響因子: 5.435, SSCI & SCI雙檢索, Q2)
- Chengyu GUO, Fei CHEN*, Yajie CHANG, Jinting YAN. (2022). "Applying Random Forest classification to diagnose autism using acoustical voice-quality parameters during lexical tone production". Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 77(4):103811. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2022.103811 (影響因子: 5.076, SCI檢索, Q2) (*Corresponding Author)
- Chengyu GUO, Fei CHEN*. (2022). "Phonetic Realizations of Metrical Structure in Tone Languages: Evidence from Chinese Dialects". Frontiers in Psychology. 13:945973. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.945973 (影響因子: 4.232, SSCI檢索, Q1) (*Corresponding Author)
- Yaru MENG, Fei CHEN*, Yan FENG, Gang PENG, Wei ZHENG. (2022). "Age-related differences of Mandarin tone and consonant aspiration perception in babble noise". 65 (9), 3438-3451. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. (影響因子: 2.674, SSCI Q1)
- Yan FENG, Fei CHEN, Junzhou MA, Lan WANG, and Gang PENG*. (2022). "Production of Mandarin consonant aspiration and monophthong in children with autism spectrum disorder". Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/02699206.2022.2099302 (影響因子: 1.339, SSCI 檢索, Q2) (Co-First Authors)
- Manhong LI, Xiaoxiang CHEN*, Jiaqiang ZHU, Fei CHEN*, (2022). "Audiovisual Mandarin Lexical Tone Perception in Quiet and Noisy Contexts: The Influence of Visual Cues and Speech Rate". Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1044/2022_JSLHR-22-00024 (影響因子: 2.674, SSCI Q1) (*Corresponding Authors)
- Yao YAO, Xiaoxiang CHEN*, Fei CHEN*, Jiaqiang ZHU, (2022). "Musical Training Enhances Categorical Perception of Speech in Preschoolers: Training Duration and Musical Program Matter". 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1044/2022_JSLHR-22-00216 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. (影響因子: 2.674, SSCI Q1) (*Corresponding Authors)
- Fei CHEN*, Quansheng XIA, Yan FENG, Lan WANG, and Gang PENG*. (2022). "Learning challenging L2 sounds via computer assisted training: Audiovisual training with an airflow model". Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12724 (影響因子: 3.761, SSCI Q1) (*Corresponding Authors)
- Yi LIN, Xinran FAN, Yueqi CHEN, Hao ZHANG, Fei CHEN, HuiZHANG, Hongwei DING*, YANG Zhang*. (2022). "Neurocognitive Dynamics of Prosodic Salience over Semantics during Explicit and Implicit Processing of Basic Emotions in Spoken Words". Brain Sciences. 12(12), Article 12. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci12121706 (*Corresponding Authors)
- Yicheng RONG, Yi WENG, Fei CHEN*, and Gang PENG*. (2022). "Categorical perception of Mandarin lexical tones in language-delayed autistic children". Autism. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362361322113868 (影響因子: 6.684, SSCI Q1) (Co-First Authors; *Corresponding Authors)
- Chengyu GUO, Fei CHEN*, Jinting YAN, Xiaotian GAO, and Min ZHU. (2022). "Atypical Prosodic Realization by Mandarin-Speaking Autistic Children: Evidence from Tone Sandhi and Neutral Tone". Journal of Communication Disorders. 100: 106280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcomdis.2022.106280 (影響因子: 1.696, SSCI Q2) (*Corresponding Author)
- 閻錦婷、陳飛*、沙莎. (錄用)"漢語自閉症兒童聲調產出特徵的實驗研究". 心理月刊. (*通訊作者)
- 郭承禹、陳飛*(2022)"婁底話雙音節辭彙中的輕音中和調". 實驗語言學. 11(3):74-81.(*通訊作者)
- Jinting YAN, Fei CHEN*, Xiaotian GAO, & Gang PENG. (2021, In Press). "Auditory-Motor Mapping Training Facilitates Speech and Word Learning in Tone-Language-Speaking Children with Autism: An Early Efficacy Study". Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. (影響因子: 2.674, 語言學SSCI一區 ) (*Corresponding Author; Co-First Authors)
- Fei CHEN*, Gang PENG*. (2021). "Categorical Perception of Pitch Contours and Voice Onset Time in Mandarin-Speaking Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders". Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1044/2021_JSLHR-20-00725 (影響因子: 2.674, 語言學SSCI一區 )
- Fei CHEN*, Candice Chi-Hang CHEUNG, & Gang PENG*. (2021). "Linguistic tone and non-linguistic pitch imitation in children with autism spectrum disorders: A cross-linguistic investigation". Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-021-05123-4 (影響因子:4.345, SSCI一區 )
- Fei CHEN, Hao ZHANG, Hongwei DING, Suiping WANG, Gang PENG, & Yang ZHANG*. (2021). "Neural coding of formant-exaggerated speech and nonspeech in children with and without autism spectrum disorders". Autism Research. 14(7): 1357-1374. https://doi.org/10.1002/aur.2509 (影響因子:4.633, 4/53 (Behavioral Sciences), 8/78 (Psychology, Developmental), SSCI一區 & SCI一區)
- Jiaqiang ZHU, Xiaoxiang CHEN*, Fei CHEN*, & Seth Wiener. (2022). “Individuals with Congenital Amusia Show Degraded Speech Perception but Preserved Statistical Learning for Tone Languages” Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. (影響因子: 2.674, 語言學SSCI一區 ) (*Corresponding Authors)
- Junzhou MA*, Jiaqiang ZHU, Yuxiao YANG, Fei CHEN*. (2021). "The Development of Categorical Perception of Segments and Suprasegments in Mandarin-speaking Preschoolers". Frontiers in Psychology. 12:693366. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.693366 (*Corresponding Authors) (影響因子: 4.232, SSCI 一區)
- Xiaoling Zhang, Xiaoxiang CHEN*, Fei CHEN*. (2021). “Book Review: Current Perspectives on Child Language Acquisition: how children use their environment to learn” Frontiers in Psychology. 12:710903. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.710903 (*Corresponding Authors) (SSCI 一區)
- Jiaqiang ZHU, Xiaoxiang CHEN*, Fei CHEN*. (2021). “Book Review: Speech Perception, Production and Acquisition: Multidisciplinary approaches in Chinese languages” Frontiers in Psychology. 12:621481. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.621481 (*Corresponding Authors) (SSCI 一區)
- Fei CHEN et al. (2021). "Categorical Perception of Vowels and Lexical Tones in Children with Cochlear Implants". 第十四屆中國語音學學術會議(PCC2021). July 18-20, 2021, Lanzhou, China.
- Fei CHEN, Yu ZHANG, Kexuan LI, Feng XU. (2021). "Suprasegmental similarities and differences between infant- and foreigner-directed speech". 第十四屆中國語音學學術會議(PCC2021). July 18-20, 2021, Lanzhou, China.
- 陳飛. (2021). "聲調語言背景自閉症兒童言語與非言語加工機制及言語康復訓練". 第五屆語音學與大腦神經機制高級研討會. July 9-11, 2021, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. (主旨報告)
- 陳飛. (2021). "漢語自閉症兒童語音範疇化感知研究". 京津冀地區實驗語言學博士論壇. 2021年8月15日, 滄州師範學院. (主旨報告)
- 陳飛, 張高德.(2021)"Effects of Language Proficiency on Emotion Word Processing: Evidence from Mandarin Learners of English". 中國英漢語比較研究會第十四全國學術研討會. 2021年10月22-24日,長沙,中國
- 郭承禹, 陳飛, 胡嘉欣. (2021)"洞雷侗語的單音節聲調系統描寫". 中國民族語言學會描寫語言專委會議. 2021年10月22日-24日,廣州,中國.
- 朱敏, 陳飛. (2021)"Effects of L1 Tonal Density and Stimulus Type on the Perception of Lexical and Pure Tone" . 第九屆全國認知神經語言學大會. 2021年11月5-7日,同濟大學,上海.
- 郭青青, 陳飛. (2021)"噪聲環境下國語兒童聲調感知發展性研究". 第九屆全國認知神經語言學大會. 2021年11月5-7日,同濟大學,上海.
- 連婧, 陳飛, 張高德, 李澤嬈. (2021)" English Emotional Speech Processing by Chinese College Students with Trait Depression" 第九屆全國認知神經語言學大會. 2021年11月5-7日,同濟大學,上海.
- Fei CHEN, Gang PENG. (2020). "Reduced sensitivity to between-category information but preserved categorical perception of lexical tones in tone language speakers with congenital amusia". Frontiers in Psychology. 11:581410. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.581410 (影響因子: 4.232, SSCI 一區)
- Gang PENG, Fei CHEN. (2020). Speech Development in Mandarin-Speaking Children. In Speech Perception, Production and Acquisition (pp. 219-242). Springer, Singapore. (Book Chapter)
- Hao ZHANG, I-Fan SU, Fei CHEN, Lawrence NG, Lan WANG, and Nan YAN. (2020). "The time course of orthographic and semantic activation in Chinese character recognition: evidence from an ERP study". Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 35(3): 292-309. (影響因子: 2.842, 語言學SSCI 一區)
- Candice Chi-Hang CHEUNG, Yicheng RONG, Fei CHEN, Man Tak LEUNG, Tempo Po Yi TANG, & Gang PENG. (2020). "Comprehension of literal statements and similes in Cantonese-speaking children with and without autism spectrum disorders". Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. 34(4): 312-326. (影響因子: 1.339, 語言學SSCI 二區)
- Candice Chi-Hang CHEUNG, Yicheng RONG, Fei CHEN, Man Tak LEUNG, & Tempo Po Yi TANG. (2020). "Comprehension of presupposition triggers in Cantonese-speaking children with and without autism spectrum disorders". Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. 34(4): 388-406. (影響因子: 1.339, 語言學SSCI 二區)
- 孟亞茹, 陳飛, 馮燕, 李含菲, 彭剛. (2020). "多人談話言語噪聲對成人和青少年國語聲調與VOT感知的影響". 中國語音學報. 11: 175-183. (中文期刊)
- Fei CHEN, Gang PENG, Nan YAN, Lan WANG. (2017). "The Development of Categorical Perception of Mandarin Tones in Four- to Seven-year-old Children". Journal of Child Language, 44(6):1413-1434. (SSCI 一區,IF: 1.43)
- Fei CHEN, Lan WANG, Hui CHEN, Gang PENG. (2017). "Investigations on Mandarin Aspiratory Animations Using an Airflow Model". IEEE-ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 25(12):2399-2409. (SCI 一區,IF: 3.91)
- Fei CHEN, Lan WANG, Gang PENG, Nan YAN, Xiaojie PAN. (2019). "Development and evaluation of a 3-D virtual pronunciation tutor for children with autism spectrum disorders". PLOS ONE. 14(1):e0210858. (SCI 二區,IF: 3.24)
- Fei CHEN, Gang PENG. (2018). "Lower-level acoustics underlie higher-level phonological categories in lexical tone perception". The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 144(3): EL158-EL164. (SCI 二區, IF = 1.84)
- Fei CHEN, and Gang PENG. (2016). "Context Effect in the Categorical Perception of Mandarin Tones". Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 82(2):253–261. (SCI 四區,信號處理類國際期刊, IF = 1.35)
- Fei CHEN, and Gang PENG. (2016). "Report of the 7th International Conference in Evolutionary Linguistics". Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 44(1), 253-264. (SSCI 四區,中國語言學國際期刊, IF = 0.32)
- 陳飛, 張昊, 王士元, 彭剛. (2019). "內部因素與元音範疇化感知". 語言科學. 18(4): 410-425. (CSSCI語言學期刊)
- 陳飛, 張昊, 時秀娟, 石鋒, 彭剛. (2015). "湖南沅江話響音的鼻化度研究初探". 實驗語言學, 4: 88-92. (普通中文期刊)
- Mo WANG, Xin'an WANG, Zhuochen FAN, Fei CHEN, Sixu ZHANG, Chen PENG. (2019). "Research on feature extraction algorithm for plantar pressure image and gait analysis in stroke patients". Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 58, 525-531. (SCI 二區, IF= 2.67)
- Fei CHEN, Nan YAN, Xiaojie PAN, Feng YANG, Zhuanzhuan JI, Lan WANG, and Gang PENG. (2016). "Impaired Categorical Perception of Mandarin Tones and its Relationship to Language Ability in Autism Spectrum Disorders". in Proceedings of Interspeech 2016, 233-237. (EI indexed,語音學的國際會議)
- Fei CHEN, Hui CHEN, Lan WANG, Ying ZHOU, Jiaying HE, Nan YAN, Gang PENG. (2016) "Intelligible Enhancement of 3D Articulation Animation by Incorporating Airflow Information". IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2016), 2016, 6130-6134. (EI indexed,語音、語言、信號處理類的國際會議)
- Fei CHEN, Nan YAN, Xunan HUANG, Hao ZHANG, Lan WANG, and Gang PENG. (2016). "Development of Mandarin Onset-rime Detection in Relation to Age and Pinyin Instruction". in Proceedings of Interspeech 2016, 180-184. (EI indexed,語音學的國際會議)
- Fei CHEN, Nan YAN, Lan WANG, Tao YANG, Jiantao WU, Han ZHAO, and Gang PENG. (2015). "The Development of Categorical Perception of Lexical Tones in Mandarin-speaking Preschoolers". in Proceedings of Interspeech 2015, 3130-3134. (EI indexed,語音學的國際會議)
- Fei CHEN, Kunyu XU, Gang PENG (2014). "Effects of Preceding Contexts on The Categorical Perception of Mandarin Tones". The 9th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP 2014), 289-293. (EI indexed,國際會議)
- Qi SU, Fei CHEN, Hanfei LI, Nan YAN, Lan WANG (2017). "Multimodal Emotion Perception in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Eye Tracking Study". 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES). 382-387. (EI indexed,國際會議)
- Zhengkai WENG, Tao XIE, Fei CHEN, Wei CHEN. (2017) “Comparative Research of the Source Localization and Connectivity Based on LORETA and WMNE Algorithm”. ICMLSC 2017: International Conference on Machine Learning and Soft Computing, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, January 69-73, 2017. (EI indexed,國際會議)
- Hao ZHANG, Fei CHEN, Nan YAN, Lan WANG, Feng SHI, and Manwa L. Ng. (2016). "The Influence of Language Experience on Categorical Perception of Vowels". in Proceedings of Interspeech 2016, 873-877. (EI indexed,語音學的國際會議)
- Ying ZHOU, Fei CHEN, Hui CHEN, Lan WANG, Nan YAN. (2016) "Evaluation of a Multimodal 3-D Pronunciation Tutor for Learning Mandarin as a Second Language: An Eye-tracking Study". The 10th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP 2016). (EI indexed,國際會議)
- Hao ZHANG, Fei CHEN, Nan YAN, Lan WANG, I-Fan SU, Lawrence NG. (2016) "The Interaction of Semantic and Orthographic Processing during Chinese Sinograms Recognition: An ERP Study". Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW), 20-22 May 2016, Singapore, 717-727. (EI indexed,國際會議)
- Hao ZHANG, Fei CHEN, Nan YAN, Lan WANG, Yu CHEN, and Feng SHI. (2016). "The Effects of Tone Categories on the Perception of Mandarin Vowels". The 10th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP 2016). (EI indexed,國際會議)
- Xunan HUANG, Caicai ZHANG, Fei CHEN, Jonathan SIEG, Lan WANG, Feng SHI. (2016) "Effects of Preceding Vocabulary Context on the Perception of Mandarin Vowels". The 10th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP 2016). (EI indexed,國際會議)
- Yu CHEN, Ju ZHANG, Fei CHEN, Yanting CHEN, Hua LIN, Jianguo WEI, and Jianwu DANG. (2016). "A New Method of Acceleration Measurement for Observing Tongue Movement in Ultrasound Image during Speech Production". Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2016). (EI indexed,國際會議)
- Fei CHEN, Yang ZHANG, Hao ZHANG, & Gang PENG (2020). Neural processing of formant-exaggerated speech and nonspeech in school-age children with and without autism spectrum disorders. INSAR (the International Society for Autism Research) 2020 Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. (國際會議)
- Fei CHEN, C. C. H. CHEUNG, Yang ZHANG, Jinting YAN, & Gang PENG. (2020). Investigation of linguistic pitch and time processing in high-functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. INSAR (the International Society for Autism Research) 2020 Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. (國際會議)
- Fei CHEN, Candice Chi-Hang CHEUNG, Yicheng RONG, Gang PENG. (2019). "Perception of lexical tones and voice onset time in Mandarin-speaking adolescents with autism spectrum disorders". The 12th Autism-Europe International Congress, Nice, France. (國際會議)
- Fei CHEN, Gang PENG. (2018) "The Neural Evidence of Impaired Acoustic and Phonological Processing of Lexical Tones in Tone Language Speakers with Amusia". The 13th Phonetic Conference of China (PCC2018), Guangzhou, China. (國內會議)
- Fei CHEN, Hao ZHANG, Gang PENG. (2016) "Categorical Perception of Mandarin Monophthong and Diphthong". The 12th Phonetic Conference of China (PCC2016). July 25-27, 2016, Tongliao, China. (國內會議)
- Gang PENG, Fei CHEN. (2019). "How does language shape our brain? Evidence from tone normalization in Mandarin-speaking and Cantonese-speaking listeners". The 27th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-27), Kobe, Japan. (國際中國語言學學會)
- Candice Chi-Hang CHEUNG, Yicheng RONG, Fei CHEN, Man Tak LEUNG, & Tempo Po Yi TANG, Gang PENG. (2019). "Comprehension of figurative language in school-age Cantonese-speaking children with and without autism spectrum disorders". The 12th Autism-Europe International Congress, Nice, France. (國際會議)
- Candice Chi-Hang CHEUNG, Yicheng RONG, Fei CHEN, Man Tak LEUNG, Gang PENG & Tempo Po Yi TANG. (2019). "Relations between mental terms and theory-of-mind understanding in Cantonese-speaking children with and without autism spectrum disorders". The 31st World Congress of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP 2019), Taipei, Taiwan. (國際會議)
- Xiuxiu WANG, Fei CHEN, and Gang PENG. (2014). "The Effects of Pitch Range and White Noise on Tone Categorical Perception". The 11th Phonetic Conference of China (PCC2014). August 8-10, 2014, Urumchi, China. (國內會議)