



  • 中文名:陳華勇
  • 出生日期:1976.10
  • 職業:博士生導師,研究人員
  • 畢業院校:北京大學碩士,加拿大皇后大學博士
  • 主要成就:入選中科院引進海外傑出人才“百人計畫”
  • 專業:地球化學
  • 性別:男


陳華勇,男,1976年10月生,中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所“百人計畫”入選者,博士生導師。2008年獲加拿大皇后大學礦床學博士學位。2008年~2012年在澳大利亞國家礦產研究中心工作,現為國際礦床學家協會會士(SEG Fellow),國際礦床地質協會(SGA)亞洲區主席,《Ore Geology Reviews》副主編,《地學前緣》助理主編。


主要從事銅金鐵等金屬礦產成礦模式研究及找礦勘探套用。已發表SCI/EI論文30餘篇。主要研究成果如下:(1)在目前國際最新礦床類型“鐵氧化物銅金(鈾及稀土)礦床”(IOCG)(即“奧林匹克壩型”-全球最大綜合型金屬礦床)成礦模式及其勘探意義研究方面處於國際前沿。基於秘魯Marcona鐵礦-Mina Justa銅礦的博士論文研究成果2010年發表於《Economic Geology》及2011年《Mineralium Deposita》。在博士論文研究中所提出的岩漿-岩漿熱液-外部流體綜合作用成礦模式為IOCG成礦理論提供了新方向。根據此項研究得出的找礦勘探模式在一些大型礦業公司已開始得到初步套用。(2) 自2008年以來從事新興的礦物地球化學勘探研究,主持及參與全球多個國家的大型斑岩及淺成低溫銅金礦床研究。項目組在全球兩大主要類型銅金礦床的成礦模式及隱伏礦體的定位方面取得突破性進展。尤其在礦床蝕變礦物微量元素變化研究上走在世界前列,並成功地運用該方式進行了斑岩型(銅,金,銅金,銅鉬)礦床的類型區分,礦床規模鑑定及隱伏高品位礦體的定向預測。在長期困擾國際礦產勘探界的淺成低溫金礦蝕變帶研究中,項目組已經開發出綜合多種方法的“侵入體”定位工具,首次在世界上為淺成低溫礦區隱伏侵入體及礦體的準確定位提供可靠手段。這些手段已經開始在世界各大礦業公司得到實際套用。(3) 在中國主要特色礦床類型—造山帶型金礦、矽卡岩型金礦和全球熱點類型—斑岩型及淺成低溫銅金礦床方面有深入研究。早期造山帶型金礦研究成果曾發表於《中國科學》和《岩石學報》等期刊,在國內首次鑑定新疆望峰金礦和薩瓦亞爾頓金礦、以及北疆額爾齊斯金礦帶為典型造山帶型金礦或金成礦帶,為中亞造山帶成礦作用研究做出重要貢獻。


澳大利亞國際礦床地質勘探套用(AMIRA)特等獎, 2012
Queen’s Graduate Grant, 2002-2004, Queen’s University
SEG Research Grant, 2003, Society of Economic Geologist
David Money Memorial Prize, 2002, Queen’s University
Reinh -Geology Scholarship, 2001, Queen’s University


1. Chen, H.Y., Chen, Y.J., and Baker, M., 2012, Isotopic geochemistry of the Sawayaerdun gold deposit, northwest China: Implications for ore genesis and mineral exploration: Chemical Geology, v. 310-311, p. 1-11
2. Chen, H.Y., Chen, Y.J., and Baker, M., 2012, Evolution of ore-forming fluids in the Sawayaerdun gold deposit in the Southwestern Chinese Tianshan metallogenic belt, Northwest China: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 49, p. 131-144
3. Chen, H.Y., Yang, J.T., and Baker, M., 2012, Mineralization and fluid evolution of the Jiyuan polymetallic Cu-Ag-Pb-Zn-Au deposit, eastern Tianshan, NW China: International Geology Review, v. 54, p. 816-832
4. Chen, H.Y., Tian, W., Falloon, T., Chen, M.M., 2011, Pyrite trace element geochemistry of mafic granulite xenoliths from Xikeer: implications for the source of Cu in the exotic sediment-hosted mineralization of the northwest Tarim Basin (Northwest China): Mineralium Deposita , v.46, p. 1001-1006
5. Chen, H.Y., Clark, A.H., and Kyser, T.K., 2011, Contrasted hydrothermal fluids in the Marcona-Mina Justa iron-oxide Cu (-Au-Ag) deposits, south-central Perú: Mineralium Deposita, v. 46, p. 677-706
6. Chen, H.Y., Clark, A.H., and Kyser, T.K., 2010, The Marcona magnetite deposit, Ica, Central-South Peru: A product of hydrous, iron oxide-rich melt: Economic Geology, v. 105, p. 1441-1456
7. Chen, H.Y., Clark, A.H., Kyser, T.K., et al., 2010, Evolution of the giant Marcona-Mina Justa iron oxide copper gold district, south-central Perú: Economic Geology, v. 105, p. 155-185
8. Chen, H.Y., Chen, Y.J., Liu,Y.L., 2001, Metallogenesis and its relationship with orogenesis of Erqs auriferous belt, Xinjiang: Science in China (Series D), 44(3), 245-255
9. Chen, H.Y., Bao, J.X., Zhang, Z.J., 2000, The isotope Tracing of the Sources of Ore Metals and Fluids in the Wangfeng Gold Deposit, Xinjiang:-a contribution to collisional orogenic metallogenesis: Science in China(Series D) 43 (supp):156-166
10. Chen, H.Y., 2011, Mesozoic IOCG mineralization in the Central Andes: an updated review, in Porter, T.M., ed., Hydrothermal iron oxide copper-gold and related deposits: A global perspective, v.3 – Advances in the Understanding of IOCG Deposits, PGC Publishing, Adelaide, p. 259-272. (invited paper)
11. Zhang, L., Chen, H.Y.*, Chen, Y.J., Qin, Y.J., Liu, C.F., Zheng, Y., Jansen, N.H., Alteration, Mineralization and Fluid Geochemistry of the Wangfeng Orogenic-type Gold Deposit, Western Tian Shan, China, Ore Geology Reviews (in review)
12. Li, Y.J., Wei, J.H., and Chen, H.Y., 2012, Origin of the Maodun Pb-Zn-Mo polymetallic deposit, eastern Cathaysia Block, China: geological, geochronological, geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-S isotopic constraints: Mineralium Deposita
13. Fu, L.B., Wei, J.H., Kusky, T.M., Chen, H.Y., Tan, J., Li, Y.J., Shi, W.J., Chen, C., Zhao, S.Q., 2012, The Cretaceous Duimiangou adakite-like intrusion from the Chifeng region, northern North China Craton: Crustal contamination of basaltic magma in an intracontinental extensional environment, Lithos, v. 134-135, p. 273-288
14. Fu, L.B., Wei, J.H, Kusky. T., Chen, H.Y., Tan, J., Li, Y.J., Kong, L.J., and Jiang, Y.J., 2012, Triassic shoshonitic dykes from the northern North China craton: petrogenesis and geodynamic significance: Geological Magazine, v. 149, p. 39-55
15. Chen, Y.J., Chen, H.Y., Zaw, K., Pirajno, F., and Zhang, Z.J., 2007, Geodynamic settings and tectonic model of skarn gold deposits in China: an overview: Ore Geology Reviews, v. 31, p. 139-169
16. Chen Y.J, Bao J.X., Zhang Z.J., Liu Y.L., Chen H.Y., 2003, Laumontitization as an Exploration Indicator of Epithermal Gold Deposits: A Case Study of the Axi and Other Epithermal Systems in West Tianshan, China: Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, v.22, p 289-301
17. Sui, Y.H., Wang, H.H., Gao, X.L., Chen, H.Y., 2000. Ore fluids of the Tieluping silver deposit of Henan Province and its illustration of the tectonic model for collisional petrogenesis, metallogenesis and hydrothermal activity: Science in China (serial D), 43 (supp): 108-121
18. Chen,Y.J., Chen,H.Y., Liu,Y.L., et al., 2000, Progress and records in the study of endogenetic mineralization during collisional orogenesis, Chinese Science Bulletin, 45 (1):1-10


