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  • 中文名:陳翔
  • 畢業院校清華大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:通信與信息系統
  • 任職院校中山大學



中國電子學會高級會員,IEEE/IEICE member


2005年7月至2005年8月,日本橫須賀NTT DoCoMo YRP研究院多媒體實驗室,訪問研究







7、新技術研究高校合作項目(校企合作): 非理想信道條件下Massive MIMO系統預編碼及導頻設計關鍵技術研究,2015年8月至2016年8月;


[J40]Ren Y, Xia T, Li Y,Chen X*,Predicting socio-economic levels of urban regions via offline and online indicators. PLoS ONE 14(7),2019: e0219058.
[J39]Lisheng Fan, Wei Xu, Xianfu Lei,Xiang Chen, George K. Karagiannidis, Secure Cache-Aided Multi-Relay Networks in the Presence of Multiple Eavesdroppers, accepted by IEEE Trans. on Commun., August, 2019.
[J38] Cui Qimei,Gong Zhenzhen,Ni Wei, Hou Yanzhao,Chen Xiang, Tao Xiaofeng, Zhang Ping, Stochastic Online Learning for Mobile Edge Computing: Learning from Changes,IEEE Communications Magazine, March 2019, pp.63-69.
[J37] Zhiwei Yang; Weigang Wu; Yishun Chen; Xiaola Lin ;Xiang Chen*, Navigation Route based Stable Clustering for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, China Communications, Year: 2018 , Volume: 15 , Issue: 3,Page s: 42 - 56.
[J36] Jie Gong; Tsung-Hui Chang; Chao Shen;Xiang Chen, Flight Time Minimization of UAV for Data Collection Over Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications ( Volume: 36 , Issue: 9 , Sept. 2018 ), Page(s): 1942 – 1954,Date of Publication: 10 August 2018.
[J35] Liang Xiao ; Xiaoyue Wan ; Canhuang Dai ; Xiaojiang Du ;Xiang Chen; Mohsen Guizani, Security in Mobile Edge Caching with Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Wireless Communications ( Volume: 25 , Issue: 3 , JUNE 2018 ), Page(s): 116 – 122,Date of Publication: 04 July 2018.
[J34]Liangliang Wang,Xiang Chen*,Hongzhou Tan,Research and Implementation of Rateless Spinal Codes Based Massive MIMO System, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computingvol. 2018, Article ID 6101853, 9 pages, 2018.
[J33] Jie Gong,Xiang Chen*,Minghua Xia,Transmission Optimization for Hybrid Half/Full-Duplex Relay With Energy Harvesting,IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,Year: 2018 , Volume: 17 , Issue: 5, pp.3048-3056.
[J32]Xiang Chen*, Haohao Qin, Limin Xiao, "Joint Resource Allocation and Artificial Noise Design for Multiuser Wiretap OFDM Channels," Journal of Communications and Networks, Year:2017, Volume:19, Issue:5, pp.451-460, July, 2017.
[J31] Jie Gong,Xiang Chen*, "Achievable Rate Region of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Systems with Wireless Powered Decoder", IEEE JSAC SI in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for 5G Systems, Year:2017, Volume:35, Issue:12, pp.2846-2859, May, 2017.
[J30]Xiang Chen*, Fei He, Limin Xiao, Shidong Zhou, Joint Subcarrier and Power Allocation for DF-based Multiuser Two-Way Relay Networks, China Communications, Year:2017, Volume:14, Issue:6, pp.179-188, March, 2017.
[J29] Xiaofei Xu,Xiang Chen*, Ming Zhao,Shidong Zhou, Chong-Yun Chi, Jing Wang, Power-Efficient Distributed Beamforming for Full-Duplex MIMO Relaying Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, April 2016.
[J28] Kai Liu, Jian Yan*, Jianhua Lu,Xiang Chen, Predictive Unicast and Multicast Scheduling in Onboard Buffered Crossbar Switches,IEEE Communications Letters, Year:2016, Volume:20, Issue:3, pp.498-501.
[J27] Xiaofei Xu,Xiang Chen*, Ming Zhao,Shidong Zhou, Jing Wang, "Sum-Rate Maximizing Beamforming Design for Distributed-Antenna-Based Full-Duplex Relay Systems",JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, in Chinese, pp. 2657-2663, July 2015.
[J26] Yulei Zhao, Yong Li,Xiang Chen, Ning Ge, "Joint Optimization of Resource Allocation and Relay Selection for Network Coding Aided Device-to-Device Communications" , IEEE Communications Letters , Volume:19 , Issue: 5, pp.807-810, Feb., 2015.
[J25] Jian Yan,Xiang Chen*, Chunli Liu, "Capacity Maximization based Power Loading Analysis for Digital Channelized Satcom Systems" , China Communications, pp.64-74, May 2015.
[J24] Kai Liu, Jian Yan,Xiang Chen*, Jianhua Lu, "An Interconnected Multi-plane Multi-stage Fault-tolerant On-board Switching Fabric" , China Communications, Volume:12 , Issue: 2, pp.53-62, Feb. 2015.
[J23] Zhibin Luan, Xiang Chen*, Ning Ge, Zhaocheng Wang, "Simplified fault tolerant FIR filter architecture based on redundant residue number system", IET Electronics Letters, Volume:50, Issue: 23, pp.1768-1770, Nov. 2014.
[J22] Peng Lin, Linling Kuang,Xiang Chen*, Jian Yan, Jianhua Lu, "Adaptive Subsequence Adjustment with Evolutionary Asymmetric Path-relinking for TDRSS Scheduling", March 2014, accepted by Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics.[SCI, Impact factor: 0.384]
[J21] Haohao Qin, Yin Sun, Tsung-Hui Chang,Xiang Chen*, Chong-Yung Chi, Ming Zhao, Jing Wang, "Power Allocation and Time-Domain Artificial Noise Design for Wiretap OFDM with Arbitrary Inputs", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume 12, No. 6, pp. 2717-2729, June 2013. [SCI, Impact factor: 2.418]
[J20] Xiujun Zhang, Yin Sun,Xiang Chen*, Shidong Zhou, Jing Wang, Ness Shroff, "Distributed Power Allocation for Coordinated Multipoint Transmissions in Distributed Antenna Systems", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume 12, No. 5, pp. 2281-2291, May 2013. [SCI, Impact factor: 2.418]
[J19] Fei He, Yin Sun, Limin Xiao,Xiang Chen*, Chong-Yung Chi, Shidong Zhou, "Capacity Region Bounds and Resource Allocation for Two-Way OFDM Relay Channels", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Volume 12, No. 6, pp. 2904-2917, June 2013. [SCI, Impact factor: 2.418]
[J18] Yang Yan,Xiang Chen*, Chunhui Zhou, Xiaofeng Zhong, Ming Zhao, and Jing Wang, "Bargaining-Based Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Network", (2012), Wiley Journal-Concurrency and Computation, Concurrency Computation : Practice and Experience, Vol. 25, Issue 9, pp.1034-1049, 25 June 2013, doi: 10.1002. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.845]
[J17] Chunhui Zhou,Xiang Chen*, Xiujun Zhang, Shidong Zhou, Ming Zhao, Jing Wang, "Antenna Array Design for LOS-MIMO and Gigabit Ethernet Switch Based Gbps Radio System", International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Special Issue " Advances in Antenna Design and System Technologies for Next Generation Cellular Systems (AADS) ", Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 920624, 10 pagesdoi:10.1155. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.683]
[J16] Wenhui Yang, Zhen Gao,Xiang Chen*, Ming Zhao and Jing Wang, "Residue Code Based Low Cost SEU-Tolerant FIR Filter Design for OBP Satellite Communication Systems", Springer EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, special issue on "Satellite Communication Systems and Networking",2012:174, doi:10.1186/1687-1499-2012-174, Publised: 18 May 2012. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.54]
[J15] Yan Zhang, Ove Edfors, Peter Hammarberg, Tommy Hult,Xiang Chen, Shidong Zhou, Limin Xiao and Jing Wang, "A General Coupling-based Model Framework for Wideband MIMO Channels", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propogation, Vol.60, Issue 2, pp. 574-586, Feb. 2012. [SCI, Impact factor: 2.332]
[J14]Xiang Chen*, Wei Miao, Yunzhou Li, Shidong Zhou and Jing Wang, "On the Achievable Rates of Multiple Antenna Broadcast Channels with Feedback-Link Capacity Constraint," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, special issue of "Recent Advances in Multiuser MIMO Systems", 2011:21. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.54]
[J13] Yin Sun, Xiaofeng Zhong,Xiang Chen, Shidong Zhou and Jing Wang, "Ergodic Capacity of Decode-and-Forward Relay Strategies over General Fast Fading Channels", IEE Electronics Letters, Volume: 47 Issue:2, pp.148-150, January 2011. [SCI, Impact factor: 1.038]
[J12] Min Huang,Xiang Chen*, Shidong Zhou,and Jing Wang, "Per-Layer Transmit and Receive Filters Design for Tomlinson–Harashima Precoding in Multiuser MIMO Systems", Science in China Series-F(Information Science),April 2012, Vol.55, No. 4:839-849, DOI: 10.1007. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.656]
[J11] Jingyuan WANG, Hongbo LI, Zhongwu ZHAI,Xiang CHEN, and Shiqiang YANG,"An Improved TCP Friendly Rate Control Algorithm for Wireless Networks", IEICE Trans. Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences", Vol.E94-A,No.11,pp.2295-2305,Nov. 2011. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.238]
[J10]Xiang Chen*, Chong-Yung Chi, Tsung-Hui Chang, Chon-Wa Wong, "Non-Cancellation Multistage Kurtosis Maximization with Prewhitening for Blind Source Separation," EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 534137, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2009/534137. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.807]
[J9] Peng Wang,Xiang Chen, Shidong Zhou, Jing Wang; On Ergodic Capacity of Spectrum-Sharing Systems in Fading Channels; in IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2009, Vol.E92-B, No.5, pp.1904-1907. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.314]
[J8] Wei Miao,Xiang Chen, Shidong Zhou, Jing Wang, "Joint Stream-wise THP Transceiver Design for the Multiuser MIMO Downlink," in IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2009, Vol.E92-B, No.1: pp.209-218. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.314]
[J7] Wei Miao, Yunzhou Li,Xiang Chen, Shidong Zhou, Jing Wang, "Robust Transceiver Design for Multiuser MIMO Downlink with Channel Uncertainties," in IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2008, Vol.E91-B, No.10: pp.3351-3354. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.314]
[J6] Min Huang,Xiang Chen, Limin Xiao, Shidong Zhou, Jing Wang, "Kalman-Filter Based Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems in Time-Varying Channels," in IET Communications, Vol.1, No.8: pp.795-801. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.637]
[J5] Min Huang,Xiang Chen, Shidong Zhou, Jing Wang, "Receive Antenna Selection for Multiuser MIMO Systems with Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding," in IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E90-B, No.7: pp.1852-1856. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.314]
[J4] Min Huang,Xiang Chen, Shidong Zhou, Jing Wang, "Analysis of Iterative ICI Cancellation Algorithm for Uplink OFDMA Systems with Carrier-Frequency Offset," in IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E90-B, No.7: pp.1734-1745. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.314]
[J3] Jigang Qiu, Yi Long,Xiang Chen, Xiaokang Lin, "MMAC-DCA: A Multi-Channel MAC Protocol with DCA Mechanism in CDMA Ad Hoc Networks," in IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E90-B, No.5: pp.1228-1231. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.314]
[J2] Haibo ZHENG,Xiang CHEN, Shidong ZHOU, Jing WANG, Yongxing ZHOU, James Sungjin KIM, "An Efficient User Selection Algorithm for Zero-Forcing Beamforming in Downlink Multiuser MIMO Systems," in IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E89-B No.9: pp.2641-2645. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.314]
[J1] Hongmei Wang,Xiang Chen, Shidong Zhou, Yan Yao, "Low-Complexity ICI Cancellation in Frequency Domain for OFDM Systems in Time-Varying Multipath Channels," in IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.E89-B No.3: pp.1020-1023. [SCI, Impact factor: 0.314]


[Z1] 一種大規模多天線系統低複雜度預編碼方法,專利號:2016103130218,排名第1
[Z2] 一種適用於執法記錄儀的高空間利用率無線充電接收裝置,實用新型專利號:CN201820313157.3,排名第1
[Z3] 用於無線通信的中繼輔助數據傳輸的用戶分類方法,專利號200910077110.7,排名第1
[Z4] 一種用循環冗餘校驗碼進行並行校驗的方法,專利號201010191275.X,排名第1
[Z5] 一種利用多個異頻射頻模組實現相關頻寬傳送信號的方法,專利號200910078508.2,排名第2
[Z6] 基於快速開關的解決相噪問題的多天線測量信號傳送方法,專利號200910077974.9,排名第2
[Z7] 一種多輸入多輸出無線通信系統中的數據預編碼方法,專利號200910077820.X,排名第2
[Z8] 一種正交頻分復用系統信號傳送及接收方法,專利號200510109174.2,排名第2
[Z9] 一種多天線正交頻分復用系統中的基於子帶的檢測方法,專利號200910076389.7,排名第2
[Z10] 一種利用多個異頻射頻模組實現相關寬頻信號接收的方法,專利號200910078509.7,排名第2
[Z11] 一種適用於衛星通信系統的信號傳輸方法,專利號201010118147.2,排名第2
[Z12] 一種利用1bit量化硬判決獲得無線通信定時粗同步的方法,專利號201010173549.2,排名第2
[Z13] 用於OFDM精同步的頻域導頻與驗證符號算法,專利號03157056.9,排名第3
[Z14] 適合於MIMO-OFDM預編碼的相位噪聲糾正方法,專利號200910078579.2,排名3


[3]2014年8月,論文"Asymmetric Path-Relinking Based Heuristics for Large-scale Job Scheduling Problem in TDRSS "獲得IEEE ChinaCom 2014國際會議最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award);
[4]2013年10月,論文“多天線多載波系統物理層安全研究進展”(陳翔, 秦浩浩)獲第二十八屆全國通信與信息技術學術年會最佳論文一等獎;
[5]2009年11月,論文“Per-Layer Transmit and Receive Filters Design for Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding in Multiuser MIMO Systems”獲得IEEE WCSP 2009國際會議最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award);
[6]作為團隊核心成員,曾分別於2009年獲IBM共享大學研究(SUR)計畫、2009年/2011年獲IBM Open Collaborative Faculty Award、2010年獲微軟研究院MSR Software Radio Academic Program(排名第一,全球16所高校獲獎,大陸2所之一)。


