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  • 中文名:陳曉東
  • 畢業院校:中山大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:光學理學
  • 任職院校:中山大學



2019.05-至今 中山大學樂漏趨仔 物理學院 副教授
2016.09-2019.04 中山大學 物理學院 副研究員


2011.09-2016.06 中山大學 物理學院 光學理煮殼鞏學博士
2007.09-2011.06 中山大學 理工學院 光信理學學士


[1] 能谷光子晶體中光場調控理論與實驗研究
[2] 拓撲光子晶體的非平庸禁帶和探笑府光傳輸研究





近五年,圍繞光子晶體等人工光學結構開展拓撲光子學基礎物理研究,發表含Nature Materials、Physical Review Letters、Physical Review Applied、婚汗戰Laser & Photonics Reviews等中科院I區論文,工作入選ESI高引論文、單篇他引>70次、獲“2017中國光學十套多幾疊境罪大進展”。


1. Jian-Wen Dong,Xiao-Dong Chen*, Hanyu Zhu, Yuan Wang, and Xiang Zhang, "Valley photonic crystals for control of spin and topology,"Nature Materials16, 298-302 (2017). [中科院1區,影響因子>38,ESI高引論文,能谷光子晶體概念提出]
2.Xiao-Dong Chen, Wei-Min Deng, Jin-Cheng Lu, and Jian-Wen Dong, "Valley-controlled propagation of pseudospin states in bulk metacrystal waveguides,"Physical Review B97, 184201 (2018). [中科院2區,雙偏振能谷光子晶體在波導中的實現]
3.Xiao-Dong Chen, Fu-Li Zhao, Min Chen, and Jian-Wen Dong, "Valley-contrasting physics in all-dielectric photonic crystals: Orbital angular momentum and topological propagation,"Physical Review B96, 020202(R) (2017). [中科院2區,Rapid Communications,全介質能谷光子晶體理論提出]
4.Xiao-Dong Chen*, Fu-Long Shi*, Huan Liu, Jin-Cheng Lu, Wei-Min Deng, Jun-Yan Dai, Qiang Cheng, and Jian-Wen Dong, "Tunable electromagnetic flow control in valley photonic crystal waveguide,"Physical Review Applied10, 044002 (2018). [中科院1區,全介質能谷光子晶體微波實驗]
5. Xin-Tao He, En-Tao Liang, Jia-Jun Yuan, Hao-Yang Qiu,Xiao-Dong Chen, Fu-Li Zhao, and Jian-Wen Dong, "A silicon-on-insulator slab for topological valley transport,"Nature Communications10, 872 (2019). [中科院1區,全介質能谷光子晶體光學實驗]
6.Xiao-Dong Chen*, Xin-Tao He*, and Jian-Wen Dong, "All-dielectric layered photonic topological insulators," Laser & Photonics Reviews 13,1900091 (2019). [中科院1區,全介質雙層光子晶體]
1.Xiao-Dong Chen*, Wei-Min Deng*, Fu-Long Shi*, Fu-Li Zhao, Min Chen, and Jian-Wen Dong, "Direct Observation of Corner States in Second-Order Topological Photonic Crystal Slabs,"Physical Review Letters122, 233902 (2019). [中科院1區,拓撲保護拐角模式的微波成像]
2.Xiao-Dong Chen, Ding Zhao, Xiao-Sheng Zhu, Fu-Long Shi, Huan Liu, Jin-Cheng Lu, Min Chen, and Jian-Wen Dong, "Edge states in self-complementary checkerboard photonic crystals: Zak phase, surface impedance, and experimental verification,"Physical Review A97, 013831 (2018). [中科院2區,Selected Kaleidoscope,棋盤格子中扎克位相確定的邊界態微波實驗]
3.Xiao-Dong Chen, Wei-Min Deng, Fu-Li Zhao, Jian-Wen Dong, "Accidental Double Dirac Cones and Robust Edge States in Topological Anisotropic Photonic Crystals,"Laser & Photonics Reviews12, 1800073 (2018). [中科院1區,各向異性光子晶體中拓撲態理論研究]
4. Wen-Jie Chen, Shao-Ji Jiang,Xiao-Dong Chen, Bao-Cheng Zhu, Lei Zhou, Jian-Wen Dong, and C. T. Chan. “Experimental realization of photonic topological insulator in a uniaxial metacrystal waveguide,”Nature Communications5, 5782 (2014). [中科院1區,ESI高引論文,自旋霍爾拓撲光子晶體的實驗]
5.Xiao-Dong Chen, Zi-Lan Deng, Wen-Jie Chen, Jia-Rong Wang, and Jian-Wen Dong. “Manipulating pseudospin-polarized state of light in dispersion-immune photonic topological metacrystals,”Physical Review B92, 014210 (2015). [中科院2區,拓撲光子晶體討論及其能帶拓撲數計算]
6. Wei-Min Deng,Xiao-Dong Chen, Wen-Jie Chen, Fu-Li Zhao, and Jian-Wen Dong, "Vortex index identification and unidirectional propagation in Kagome photonic crystals,"Nanophotonics8, 833-840 (2019). [中科院1區]
1. Zi-Long Wu,Xiao-Dong Chen, Ming-Song Wang, Jian-Wen Dong, and Yue-Bing Zheng, "High-Performance Ultrathin Active Chiral Metamaterials,"ACS Nano12, 5030 (2018). [中科院1區,微納超表面的法諾共振]
2. Jia-Rong Wang*,Xiao-Dong Chen*, Fu-Li Zhao, and Jian-Wen Dong. “Full polarization conical dispersion and zero-refractive-index in two-dimensional photonic hypercrystals,”Scientific Report6, 22739 (2016). [雙偏振零折射光子晶體]
4.Xiao-Dong Chen*, Fu-Long Shi*, Huan Liu, Jin-Cheng Lu, Wei-Min Deng, Jun-Yan Dai, Qiang Cheng, and Jian-Wen Dong, "Tunable electromagnetic flow control in valley photonic crystal waveguide,"Physical Review Applied10, 044002 (2018). [中科院1區,全介質能谷光子晶體微波實驗]
5. Xin-Tao He, En-Tao Liang, Jia-Jun Yuan, Hao-Yang Qiu,Xiao-Dong Chen, Fu-Li Zhao, and Jian-Wen Dong, "A silicon-on-insulator slab for topological valley transport,"Nature Communications10, 872 (2019). [中科院1區,全介質能谷光子晶體光學實驗]
6.Xiao-Dong Chen*, Xin-Tao He*, and Jian-Wen Dong, "All-dielectric layered photonic topological insulators," Laser & Photonics Reviews 13,1900091 (2019). [中科院1區,全介質雙層光子晶體]
1.Xiao-Dong Chen*, Wei-Min Deng*, Fu-Long Shi*, Fu-Li Zhao, Min Chen, and Jian-Wen Dong, "Direct Observation of Corner States in Second-Order Topological Photonic Crystal Slabs,"Physical Review Letters122, 233902 (2019). [中科院1區,拓撲保護拐角模式的微波成像]
2.Xiao-Dong Chen, Ding Zhao, Xiao-Sheng Zhu, Fu-Long Shi, Huan Liu, Jin-Cheng Lu, Min Chen, and Jian-Wen Dong, "Edge states in self-complementary checkerboard photonic crystals: Zak phase, surface impedance, and experimental verification,"Physical Review A97, 013831 (2018). [中科院2區,Selected Kaleidoscope,棋盤格子中扎克位相確定的邊界態微波實驗]
3.Xiao-Dong Chen, Wei-Min Deng, Fu-Li Zhao, Jian-Wen Dong, "Accidental Double Dirac Cones and Robust Edge States in Topological Anisotropic Photonic Crystals,"Laser & Photonics Reviews12, 1800073 (2018). [中科院1區,各向異性光子晶體中拓撲態理論研究]
4. Wen-Jie Chen, Shao-Ji Jiang,Xiao-Dong Chen, Bao-Cheng Zhu, Lei Zhou, Jian-Wen Dong, and C. T. Chan. “Experimental realization of photonic topological insulator in a uniaxial metacrystal waveguide,”Nature Communications5, 5782 (2014). [中科院1區,ESI高引論文,自旋霍爾拓撲光子晶體的實驗]
5.Xiao-Dong Chen, Zi-Lan Deng, Wen-Jie Chen, Jia-Rong Wang, and Jian-Wen Dong. “Manipulating pseudospin-polarized state of light in dispersion-immune photonic topological metacrystals,”Physical Review B92, 014210 (2015). [中科院2區,拓撲光子晶體討論及其能帶拓撲數計算]
6. Wei-Min Deng,Xiao-Dong Chen, Wen-Jie Chen, Fu-Li Zhao, and Jian-Wen Dong, "Vortex index identification and unidirectional propagation in Kagome photonic crystals,"Nanophotonics8, 833-840 (2019). [中科院1區]
1. Zi-Long Wu,Xiao-Dong Chen, Ming-Song Wang, Jian-Wen Dong, and Yue-Bing Zheng, "High-Performance Ultrathin Active Chiral Metamaterials,"ACS Nano12, 5030 (2018). [中科院1區,微納超表面的法諾共振]
2. Jia-Rong Wang*,Xiao-Dong Chen*, Fu-Li Zhao, and Jian-Wen Dong. “Full polarization conical dispersion and zero-refractive-index in two-dimensional photonic hypercrystals,”Scientific Report6, 22739 (2016). [雙偏振零折射光子晶體]


