1. Chen, Ping. “Metabolic Growth Theory: the Rise and Fall of Civilizations in Learning Competition,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics (May 2013 accepted), based on the invited speech at 14 ISS (International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society) Conference at Brisbane, Australia, July 2, 2012.
2, Tang, Yinan, Wolfram Elsner, Torsen Heinrich, and Ping Chen, “Trend, Randomness, and Noise: Exogenous vs. Endogenous Explanation in Complex Heterodox Analysis (A Note on Nicolas Bouleau in RWER 60)”, Real World Economics Review, no.62 (2012).
3. Chen, Ping. “China Approach in a Changing World,” Invited Keynote speech at 6º. FORUM DE ECONOMIA DA FUNDAÇÃO GETÚLIO VARGAS, Sao Paolo, Brazil, Sept.22, 2009. In Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos, ed. Depois da Crise. A China no centro do mundo? (After the Crisis, China in the Center of the World?), Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV (2011).
4. Chen, Ping. “From an Efficient to a Viable International Financial Market,” in R. Garnaut, L. Song and W.T.Woo eds. China’s New Place in a World in Crisis: Economic, Geopolitical and the Environmental Dimensions, Chapter 3, pp.33-57, Australian National University E-Press and The Brookings Institution Press, Canberra (2009).
5. Chen, Ping. “Three Dimensions of Current Economic Crisis,” in Looking for Solutions to the Crisis: The United States and the New International Financial System, Conference Proceedings, New York, Nov. 14, 2008, EPS (Economists for Peace and Security) and IRE(International Initiative for Rethinking the Economy), Published in Clamecy, France (2009)
6. Chen, Ping. “Equilibrium Illusion, Economic Complexity, and Evolutionary Foundation of Economic Analysis,” Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 5(1), 81-127 (2008)
7. Chen, Ping. “Complexity of Transaction Costs and Evolution of Corporate Governance,” Kyoto Economic Review, 76(2), 139-153 (2008)
8. Chen, Ping. “Market Instability and Economic Complexity: Theoretical Lessons from Transition Experiments,” in Yang Yao and Linda Yueh eds., Globalisation and Economic Growth in China, Chapter 3, pp.35-58, World Scientific, Singapore (2006)
9. Chen, Ping. “Evolutionary Economic Dynamics: Persistent Business Cycles, Disruptive Technology, and the Trade-Off between Stability and Complexity,” in Kurt Dopfer ed., The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics, Chapter 15, pp.472-505, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2005)
10. Chen, Ping. “Microfoundations of Macroeconomic Fluctuations and the Laws of Probability Theory: the Principle of Large Numbers vs. Rational Expectations Arbitrage,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 49, 327-344 (2002)
11. Chen, Ping. “A Random Walk or Color Chaos on the Stock Market? - Time-Frequency Analysis of S&P Indexes,” Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics , 1(2), 87-103 (1996)
12. Chen, Ping. “Trends, Shocks, Persistent Cycles in Evolving Economy: Business Cycle Measurement in Time-Frequency Representation,” in W. A. Barnett, A. P. Kirman, and M. Salmon eds., Nonlinear Dynamics and Economics, Chapter 13, pp. 307-331, Cambridge University Press (1996)
13. Chen, Ping. “China's Challenge to Economic Orthodoxy: Asian Reform as an Evolutionary, Self-Organizing Process,” China Economic Review, 4, 137-142 (1993)
14. Chen, Ping. “Imitation, Learning, and Communication: Central or Polarized Patterns in Collective Actions,” in A. Babloyantz ed., Self-Organization, Emerging Properties and Learning, pp. 279-286, Plenum, New York (1991)
15. Chen, Ping. “Needham's Question and China's Evolution - Cases of Nonequilibrium Social Transition,” George Scott ed., Time Rhythms and Chaos in the New Dialogue with Nature, Chapter 11, pp.177-198, University of South Dakota at Vermillion, Iowa State University Press (1990)
16. Chen, Ping. “The Aggregation-Theoretic Monetary Aggregates are Chaotic and Have Strange Attractors: An Econometric Application of Mathematical Chaos” (co-authored with William A. Barnett), in Dynamic Economic Modeling, W. A. Barnett, E. Berndt, and H. White eds., Chapter 11, pp.199-245, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1988)
17. Chen, Ping. “Empirical and Theoretical Evidence of Economic Chaos,” System Dynamics Review, Vol. 4, No. 1-2, 81-108 (1988)