著名國際會議ICFHR (International Conference on Frontier of Handwriting Recognition, France, 2008) 程式委員會委員
著名國際會議ICMLC (International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2008) 程式委員會委員
著名國際會議ICMLC (International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Hongkong, 2007) 程式委員會委員
著名國際會議IWFHR (International Workshop on Frontier of Handwriting Recognition, France, 2006) 程式委員會委員
國際刊物《IEEE Trans. On SMC》、《Pattern Recognition》、《International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition》、《Image and Vision Computing》、《Digital Signal Processing》、國內學術期刊《計算機學報》、《電子學報》、《通信學報》、《模式識別與人工智慧》、《電子信息學報》、《智慧型系統學報》以及若干高校學報的論文審稿人。
6. Microsoft 亞洲研究院高校合作基金,Study of Online Handwritten Character Recognition for Computer Aided Chinese Language Learning,“在線上手寫漢字識別及其在計算機輔助語言學習中的套用”,FY07-RES-THEME-058,
7. 2006.10-2008.10,Motorola國際合作:集成學習理論及其在圖像分析及模式識別中的套用,“AdaBoost For Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition”, B06-D8070740
8. 美國Pitney Bowes 公司合作項目:高速郵政信封自動識別(High Speed Postal Envelope Automatic Identification System)
23. 橫向課題: 與新加坡南洋理工大學合作的橫向課題:“SCUT-IRAC Handwritten Chinese Character Samples”; 2000~2001。
24. 303-N72410:高水平大學建設苗子課題, 303-D76010,
25. 303-D76010:計算機輔助語言教學的研究與發展,廣東省教育科學十五科研項目子課題,
26. (尹俊勛,黃皆雨,金連文等),橫向課題:稅控收款機,2003.3.14 ~2006.6.6
1)Teng Long, Lianwen JIN, Building Compact MQDF Classifier for Large Character Set Recognition by Subspace Distribution Sharing, Pattern Recognition, vol.41, no.9, pp2916-292, 2008. (SCI IF=3.27)
2)Lianwen Jin, K. Ding, and Z. B. Huang, “Incremental linear discriminant analysis for writer-adaptive online Chinese handwriting recognition,” NeuralComputing, vol. 73, no. 10, pp. 1614-1623, 2010. (SCI, IF=1.44)
3)Li, X.T. Fan, L.S. Jin Lianwen,Li, X.T. Fan, L.S. Jin Lianwen, Analytical density function of sum of Gaussian noise and SαS interference, IET Electronics Letters, 28(1): 47 - 48,2012. (SCI IF = 1.01)
4)Dapeng Tao, Lianwen Jin, Similar Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition by Kernel Discriminative Locality Alignment, Pattern Recognition Letters, 2012. (SCI IF = 1.03)
6)Dapeng Tao, Lianwen Jin, Discriminative Information Preservation for Face Recognition, Submitted to Neurocomputing . 91: 11-20 , 2012. (SCI IF = 1.44)
7)Nanxi Li, Lianwen Jin, A Bayesian-based method of unconstrained handwritten offline Chinese text line recognition,International Journal on Document Analysis and Recgnition, 2012.(SCI IF=1.21)
8)Lianwen Jin, Yan Gao, SCUT-COUCH2009----A Comprehensive Online Unconstrained Chinese Handwriting Database and Benchmark Evaluation, International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), (SCI IF=1.213) ,vol. 14, no.1, pp53-64,2011
9)Lihua Guo, Lianwen Jin, Laplacian Support vector machines with multi-kernel learning, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems Vol.E94-D No.2 pp.379-383. (SCI IF=0.41)
10)Lianwen Jin, Duanduan Yang, Li-Xin Zhen, Jian-Cheng Huang, A Novel Vision based Finger-writing Character Recognition System, Journal of Circuit, System and Computer. Vol.16, no.3, pp421-436, (SCI IF=0.39) , 2007
11)X.T. LI, J. SUN, L.W. JIN and M. LIU. Bi-parameter CGM model for approximation of α-stable PDF. IET Electronics Letters, Vol.44, Issue 18, August 2008, pp.1096-1097. (SCI, IF=1.01)
12)Lihua Guo, Lianwen Jin, Laplacian Support vector machines with multi-kernel learning, IEICE Trans. on Inf & Syst. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems Vol.E94-D No.2 pp.379-383 (SCI)
13)Yang Xue, Lianwen Jin, Discrimination between Upstairs and Downstairs based on Accelerometer, IEICE Trans. on Electronics, Vol.E94-D,No.6,pp1173-1177,Jun. 2011 (SCI)
14)Xue Gao, Lianwen Jin, A Vision-based Fast Chinese Postal Envelope Identification System, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 28(1):31-49, 2012。(SCI IF=0.32)
15)Xue Gao, , Lianwen Jin, Dimensionality Reduction by Locally Linear Discriminant Analysis for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition, IEICE Trans. on Inf & Syst., vol. E94-D, 2012. (SCI IF=0.40)