



  • 中文名:金海和
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:日本宮崎大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:管理科學、公共政策、信息技術
  • 職務:內蒙古大學公共管理學院院長等








1. Haihe Jin, Jian Liang, “How should the Chinese government provide information services for Mongol ethnic minority, ” Government Information Quarterly, Vol.32, No.1, pp. 82-94, Jan…, 2015. (SSCI
2. GAO Yan-ning, JIN Hai-he, “Study on the Mechanism Construction of the Social Stability in Frontier Ethnic Regions”, 2014 International Conference on Public Administration (10th ICPA), Vol. 2.6, pp. 985-992, Oct..., 2014.
3.HE Chun-fang, JIN Hai-he, “Study on the Overall Development of the Subsistence Allowance System for China’s Urban and Rural Residents”, 2014 International Conference on Public Administration (10th ICPA), Vol. 2.5, pp. 829-834, Oct..., 2014.
4. LI Gui-lian, JIN Hai-he, “Study on Innovation of Social Governance from the Perspective of Seamless Government Theory”, 2014 International Conference on Public Administration (10th ICPA), Vol. 2.4, pp. 600-605, Oct..., 2014.
5. HAN Shu-wen, JIN Hai-he, “The New Technology Innovation System”, 2014 International Conference on Public Administration (10th ICPA), Vol. 2.4, pp. 529-535, Oct..., 2014.
6. LI Shan-shan, JIN Hai-he, “Study on Network group events from Public governance theory perspective”, 2014 International Conference on Public Administration (10th ICPA), Vol 2.3, pp. 335-342, Oct..., 2014.
7. HAO Xu-jie, JIN Hai-he, “On Chinese Think Tank’ Role in Making Public Decision Making More Scientific and Democratic”, 2014 International Conference on Public Administration (10th ICPA), Vol 2.2, pp. 175-181, Oct..., 2014.
8. 許崗,金海和,劉靖, “線上社會網路的網路結構和信息傳播研究綜述”, 計算機套用研究,Vol.31,No.2,pp.339-343,Feb...,2014。
9. Xiaohong Men, Zhen Zeng, Haihe Jin, “Resources and Environment Sustainable Development Research Basing On the System Analysis”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 869-870, pp.1147-1151, Dec…, 2013. EI
10. Guilian Li, Zhen Zeng, Haihe Jin, “Study on the Development and Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources in the Western Regions of China”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 864-867, pp. 2306-2311, Dec..., 2013.EI
11. Guilian Li, Haihe Jin, “Study on the Development, Protection and Distribution of Interest of Water Resources in the Western Regions of China”, 2013 International Conference on Public Administration (9th ICPA) , Vol 2.5, pp. 906-912, Oct..., 2013.
12. Xiaohong Men, Haihe Jin, “On Population, Resource and Environment in China”, 2013 International Conference on Public Administration (9th ICPA), Vol 2.5, pp. 1071-1081, Oct..., 2013.
13. Shuwen Han, Haihe Jin, “Industry-University-Research Institute Strategic Alliance and Government Responsibilities”, 2013 International Conference on Public Administration (9th ICPA), Vol 2.4, pp. 558-565, Oct..., 2013.
14. Xin Yang, Haihe Jin, “Research on Wealth Gap and Distribution System Reform in Contemporary China”, 2013 International Conference on Public Administration (9th ICPA), Vol 1.3, pp. 597-606, Oct..., 2013.
15. Xujie Hao, Haihe Jin, “The Study of Contemporary Chinese Citizen’s Effective Participation in Public Decision-making”, 2013 International Conference on Public Administration (9th ICPA), Vo1 1.3, pp. 563-570, Oct..., 2013.
16. Xu Gang, Haihe Jin, “Overview on the Structure and Information Diffusion of the Online Social Networks”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology”, Vol. 51 No.3, pp. 374-382, 31 May 2013.
17. Jian Liang, Haihe Jin, “Integrating Local E-governments of China to Provide Better Public Services Based on Cloud Computing” , Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Science. Vol.1, pp. 893-898, Jul., 2012. EI
18. Gang Xu, Haihe Jin, Liu Jing, “Traffic Status Prediction and Analysis Based on Mining Frequent Subgraph Patterns”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 605 - 607, pp. 2543-2548, Dec..., 2012.EI
19. Yan Jin, Jin Haihe, “Research on Industry-University-Research Institute Strategic Alliances (IUR) Benefit -sharing Mechanisms” 2012 International Conference on Innovation and Management (9th ICIM), pp.253-257, Nov, 2012,
20. Haihe Jin, Jian Liang, “Industry-University-Research Institute Strategic Alliance Model: Classification Standard and Selection Strategy” 2012 International Conference on Innovation and Management (9th ICIM), pp.213-217,Nov, 2012.
21. Haihe Jin, Jian Liang, “Study on Local Government IT Resources Sharing Model Based on Cloud Computing” 2012 International Conference on Public Administration (8th ICPA), Vol.1.7, pp.702-708, Oct..., 2012.
22. Xueying Song, Haihe Jin, “Research on the Machining of Multiple Subjects’ Participation in Social Management” 2012 International Conference on Public Administration (8th ICPA), Vol. 2.7, pp.639-643, Oct..., 2012.
23. Fang Yuan, Haihe Jin, “Research on the Responsibility of Each Participant in Emergency Management in China” 2012 International Conference on Public Administration (8th ICPA), Vol 2.6, pp.533-539, Oct..., 2012.
24. Zhen Zeng, Haihe Jin, “How to Improve the Emergency Decision-making Ability of Chinese Local Government”, 2012 International Conference on Public Administration (8th ICPA), Vol.3, pp.34-40, Oct..., 2012.
25. Haihe Jin, “Research on the Construction of Public Crises Prevention Mechanism”, 2010 International Conference on Public Administration (6th ICPA), Vol.1, pp.261-267, Sep..., 2010.
26. 金海和,李利,“社會保障與政府責任——以中國農村社會保障體系建設為例,”中國行政管理,Vol.297,No.3,pp.59-62,Mar...,2010。
27. 白薩茹拉,金海和,“一種不完全信息的多屬性決策模型及其靈敏度分析”, 數學的實踐與認識,Vol.40,No.24,pp.134-143,Dec...,2010。
28. 郭仁擁,金海和,“求解整數規劃問題的混合遺傳算法及收斂性,” 高等學校計算數學學報,Vol.31,No.3,pp.221-231,Sep...,2009。
29 白薩茹拉,金海和,郭仁擁,“不完全信息多屬性群體決策方法”, 系統工程與電子技術,Vol.30,No.12,pp.2406-2408,Dec...,2008。EI
30. JIN Haihe, “How to Let Public Decision Be More Scientific”, 2007 International Conference on Public Administration (3rd ICPA), Vol.1.1, pp.143-149, Oct…, 2007.
31 金海和,段燕平,“以公民權利制約公共權力的機制建設構想”, 中國行政管理,Vol.268,No.10,pp.27-29,Oct...,2007。
32. 郭仁擁,金海和,“基於客戶滿意的層級供應鏈最佳化模型及算法”, 系統工程與電子技術,Vol.29,No.7,pp.1094-1097,Jul...,2007。EI
33. 金海和,郭仁擁,“供應鏈多級庫存隨機模型及其最佳化研究”, 計算機集成製造系統(CIMS),Vol.13,No.02,pp.257-261,Feb...,2007。EI
34. 金海和,段燕平,“教育公平與政府責任”, 中國行政管理,Vol.255,No.9,pp.54-56,Sep...,2006。
35. 金海和,陳劍,唐政,鄭國旗,“基於Hopfield網路學習的多城市旅行商問題的解法”, 系統工程理論與實踐,Vol.23,No.7,pp.100-105,Jul...,2003。EI
36. 金海和,陳劍,趙純均,“分銷配送網路最佳化模型及其求解算法”, 清華大學學報(自然科學版),Vol.42,No.6,pp.739-742,Jun.,2002。EI
37. 金海和,陳劍,唐政,鄭國旗,“基於Hopfield網路的極小值問題學習算法”,清華大學學報(自然科學版),Vol.42,No.6,pp.731-734.746,Jun.,2002。EI
38. 金海和,陳劍,“商業連鎖經營形式下分銷配送網路的最佳化設計”, 2001年全國農業信息與自動化技術學術會議論文集,pp.115-119,Nov…,2001。
39. 金海和,陳劍,“基於混合遺傳算法的分銷網路最佳化設計”,經濟學管理學學術前沿(第五屆全國經濟學管理學博士後學術大會論文集),pp.287-292,Oct…,2001。
40. 金海和,“Hopfield網路學習及其在最最佳化問題中的套用”,管理科學與系統科學研究新進展(第6屆全國青年管理科學與系統科學學術會議論文集),pp.3-7,Aug…,2001。
41. Zheng Tang, Qiping Cao, Hai He Jin, and Kenji Murao, “A method of solving the Traveling Salesman Problem by using mountain climbing learning in parameter space of Hopfield network,” Trans. IEICE of Japan, A, Vol.J84-A, No.4, pp.497-508, Apr., 2001.
42. Hiroo Kumagai, Zheng Tang and Hai He Jin, “A method of solving N-Queen problem by Hopfield network learning,” Technical Report Of IEICE, Vol.99, No.603, pp.71-78, Feb., 2000.
43. Zheng Tang, Yoshitaka Sasaki and Hai He Jin, “The optimization problems in Image processing by Hopfield network learning,” Technical Report Of IEICE, Vol.99, No.603, pp.63-69, Feb., 2000.
44. Zheng Tang, Nobuhiko Muta and Hai He Jin, “A method of solving the Scheduling problem by Hopfield network learning,” Technical Report Of IEICE, Vol.99, No.603, pp.55-62, Feb., 2000.
45. Zheng Tang, Hai He Jin, Kenji Murao, Okihiko Ishizuka, and Koichi Tanno, “A gradient ascent learning for Hopfield networks,” Trans. IEICE of Japan, A, Vol.J83-A, No.3, pp.319-331, Mar., 2000.
46. Hai He Jin, Zheng Tang, and Kenji Murao, “Hopfield network learning for Traveling salesman problem,” 1999 International symposium on nonlinear theory and its applications (NOLTA99), Vol.1, pp.5-8, Nov., 1999.
47. Hideo Miyaji, Kenji Murao and Hai He Jin, “Converging for A/D converter with deterministic annealing,” Record of 1998 joint conference of electrical and electronics engineers in kyushu, Vol.51, pp.578, Oct., 1998.
48. Hideo Miyaji, Kenji Murao and Hai He Jin, “On optimization properties of a deterministic annealing based A/D converter,” 1998 International symposium on nonlinear theory and its applications (NOLTA98), Vol.3, pp.1073-1076, Sept., 1998.
49. Zheng Tang, Hai He Jin, Okihiko Ishizuka, Koichi Tanno, “An investigation on a unique solution of the Hopfield and the T-model neural networks,” Trans. IEE of Japan, Vol. 118-C, No.2, pp.150-160, Feb., 1998.EI
50. Zheng Tang, Koichi Tashima, Hai He Jin, Okihiko Ishizuka, Koichi Tanno, “Self-learning ULR fuzzy controllers using temporal back propagation,” Trans. IEE of Japan, Vol. 117-C, No.12, pp.1794-1801, Dec., 1997. EI
51. Hai He Jin, Zheng Tang, Okihiko Ishizuka, Koichi Tanno, “Steepest descent learning and its simulation for Hopfield neural networks with continuous response neurons,” Reprinted from memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University, No.26, pp.55-67, Sept., 1997.
52. Hai He Jin, Zheng Tang, Okihiko Ishizuka, Koichi Tanno, “Learning for Hopfield neural networks with continuous response neurons,” Record of 1996 joint conference of electrical and electronics engineers in kyushu, Vol.49, pp.826, Oct., 1996.


