1、英文專著Active Audience: A New Materialistic Interpretation of a Key Concept of Cultural Studies(Bielefeld: Transcript, 2012) 獲教育部第七屆高等學校科學研究成果獎(人文社會科學)著作類三等獎(2015)。教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(人文社會科學) 是目前我國哲學社會科學領域的最高成果獎,每三年評選一次。書影
42.The Constellation of Values: A Possible Path out of the Impasse of China-West Opposition, in Telos (abstracted by SSCI & A&HCI), 2015 Summer (171), pp. 118-123.
43.Bashir Makhoul's Installation ‘Enter Ghost, Exit Ghost’: The Revenge of Images or Imaging, inTheory, Culture & Society(London: Sage), 2012, vol. 29, 7/8, pp. 358-371. (abstracted by SSCI etc.)
44. Rubbish as a Consequence of Industrialisation, inTheory, Culture & Society(London: Sage), 2011, vol. 28 (7-8), pp. 354-357. (abstracted by SSCI etc.)
45. Active Audience and British Cultural Studies: An Interview with Professor David Morley, inTheory, Culture & Society(London: Sage), 2011, vol. 28 (4), pp. 124-144.(abstracted by SSCI etc.)
46. Simulacrum: An Aesthetization or An-esthetization, in:Theory, Culture & Society(London: Sage), vol. 25, 6, 2008, pp. 139-147.(abstracted by SSCI etc.)
47. Redefining Global Knowledge, inTheory, Culture & Society(London: Sage), 2007, vol. 24, 7/8, pp. 276-280.(abstracted by SSCI etc.)
48. Neo-Confucianism and Post-Isms, inApoklypsa, vol. 66, 2003, Ljubjana, pp.133-143.
49. Literatura kot dejianje prestopanja meje, Intervju-Dialog s Professorjem Dr. Wolfgangom Iserjem, inComparative Literature, vol. 25, Nr. 2, Ljubjana, December 2002, pp. 77-88. (註:此文塞爾維亞語)
50. The Genealogies and Possible Futures of Cultural Studies: An Interview with Tony Bennett, inCultural Politics(Oxford: Berg), vol. 4, no. 2, 2008, pp. 161-182.
51. Für einen globalen Dialogismus: Zur begrifflichen Überwindung des » kulturellen Imperialismus« und der damit verbundenen kritischen Positionen, in: Rainer Winter (Hg.),Die Zukunft der Cultural Studies: Theorie, Kultur und Gesellschaft im 21. Jahrhundert, Bielefeld: Transcript, 2011, S. 197-218 .( 註:此文為德語)
Despite a number of retrospective works on cultural studies, to date no other book dedicates itself to the historical and theoretical examination of British cultural studies’ engagement with theactive audience theoryof theBirminghamSchooland its legacies.
However, this book is no mere reconstruction of active audience theory as Huimin Jin develops new theoretical insights initially through a critical review of Stuart Hall’s classical model of ‘encoding/decoding’ and close readings of David Morley’s groundbreaking ethnographic audience studies. Questioning the discourse model of the active audience proposed by Hall and Morley, Jin elaborates a new materialistic concept of audiences for the twenty-first century.