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  • 中文名:醫學統計學
  • 作者:汪培山、蘆文麗
  • 出版時間:2014年12月1日
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787302375128 


《醫學統計學(留學生與雙語教學用 英文版)》根據醫學專業留學生統計教學的要求,對醫學統計學基本概念、基本理論、基本知識和基本技術進行介紹,尤其是對各種統計指標和方法的使用條件、使用方法及統計結果的理解做正確解釋。
  《醫學統計學(留學生與雙語教學用 英文版)》內容包括緒論、統計描述、統計表與統計圖、統計推斷基礎、兩組資料及多組資料均數比較的f檢驗和方差分析、兩個率或多個率的比較的卡方檢驗、非參數統計方法、相關與回歸、研究設計基礎等。內容簡明易懂,每章後面均附有練習題。
  《醫學統計學(留學生與雙語教學用 英文版)》供醫學專業留學生使用和本科生雙語教學使用。


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 What is statistics
1.2 Study design and data collection
1.3 The purpose of this textbook
1.4 Introduction to some basic terms and notation
Chapter 2 Descriptive Statistics
2.1 Types of data
2.2 Measures of central tendency
2.3 Measures of dispersion
2.4 Tabular and graphical presentation of data
Chapter 3 Probability Distributions
3.1 Definitions and basic ideas related to probability
3.2 The binomial distribution
3.3 The Poisson distribution
3.4 The normal probability distribution
Chapter 4 Introduction to Statistical Inference
4.1 Important definitions and concepts
4.2 Concepts of hypothesis testing
4.3 Interval estimation
Chapter 5 One Sample Statistical Inference
5.1 One sample test for the mean of a normal distribution with known variance
5.2 One sample t test
Chapter 6 Two Samples Statistical Inference
6.1 The paired t test
6.2 The two samples t test for independent means
6.3 Testing for the equality of two variances
6.4 The two sample tests for binomial proportions
Chapter 7 Nonparametric Statistics
7.1 Advantages and disadvantages
7.2 The Wilcoxon signed-rank test for one sample test of central tendency
7.3 Wilcoxon signed rank test for paired data
7.4 Two sample test of central tendency
7.5 The Kruskal-Wallis test
Chapter 8 Chi-square Test
8.1 Comparison of proportion in independent samples
8.2 Comparison of proportion in related samples-McNermar's test
8.3 Chi-square goodness-of-fit test
8.4 Tests for association in contingency tables-measuring independence
8.5 Fisher's exact test
Chapter 9 Correlation and Regression
9.1 Simple linear regression
9.2 Multiple regression
9.3 Linear correlation
Chapter 10 Analysis of Variance Techniques
10.1 One way analysis of variance
10.2 ANOVA for randomized block design
10.3 Factorial designs
Chapter 11 Research Designs
11.1 Sample and sampling techniques
11.2 Design of experiments
11.3 Observational study design
Appendix Tables


