鄒亮,1987年8月生,博士,副教授,碩士生導師,博士畢業於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學,2019年4月入職中國礦業大學信息與控制工程學院,主要從事人工智慧和統計信號處理等方向的研究。已發表SCI/EI論文30餘篇,被引300餘次,作為組委會或技術委員會委員參與主辦了多個國際學術會議,還擔任了如IEEE TSP, IEEE SPL等10餘個期刊的客座編委或審稿人。
- Zou, Liang, et al. "Nondestructive Identification of Coal and Gangue via Near-infrared Spectroscopy based on Improved Broad Learning." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2020).
- Zou, Liang, et al. "Spectral–Spatial Exploration for Hyperspectral Image Classification via the Fusion of Fully Convolutional Networks." IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 13 (2020): 659-674.
- Zou, Liang, et al. "Removing muscle artifacts from EEG data via underdetermined joint blind source separation: A simulation study." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 67.1 (2019): 187-191.
- Zou, Liang, et al. "3D CNN based automatic diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder using functional and structural MRI." IEEE Access 5 (2017): 23626-23636.
- Zou, Liang, Xun Chen, and Z. Jane Wang. "Underdetermined joint blind source separation for two datasets based on tensor decomposition." IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23.5 (2016): 673-677.