- 中文名:邵吉光
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 就職院校:北京交通大學理學院
- 桂文豪, 邵吉光, 何衛力. 大學生數學競賽及研究生入學考試輔導 [M]. 機械工業出版社, 2002-06。
- 邵吉光, 王秋媛. On the modes of some distributions of order k [J]. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics
- 邵吉光, 付盛. On the modes of the negative binomial distribution of order k [J]. Journal of Applied Statistics
- 邵吉光, 付盛. Some generalizations of geometric distribution in Bernoulli trials by TPFG methods [J]. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics
- 邵吉光, 王秋媛, 付盛. The modes of some distributions in independent trials [J]. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics,
- 邵吉光, 王秋媛. Some properties and application of Bk(n,p) [J]. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 2016, 11: 87-93.
- 邵吉光, 王秋媛. 多維幾何分布與多維Poisson分布 [J]. 北京交通大學學報,
- 邵吉光, 付盛. 轉移機率流圖理論對Pascal分布的推廣研究 [J]. 套用數學學報,
- 邵吉光. 獨立試驗次數的數字特徵 [J]. 北京交通大學學報,
- 邵吉光, 王軍. 連續滲流模型理論下的證券價格過程 [J]. 系統工程學報,
- 邵吉光, 王軍. 選舉互動模型下的股市權益定價 [J]. 北京交通大學學報,
- 邵吉光, 馮國臣, 付盛. 極值與切線的運動學原理 [J]. 高等數學研究,
- 邵吉光, 王軍. 齊次Poisson過程中到達時刻的分布 [J]. 數學的實踐與認識,
- 邵吉光, 王軍. 隨機互動系統下證券波動的連鎖反應 [J]. 北京交通大學學報,
- 邵吉光, 王軍. The modes of some distributions in independent trials [J]. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics
- 邵吉光, 王軍. Dynamic average outgoing quality on CSP-3-P [C]. 2010 Second ETP/IITA World Congress in Applied Computing, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering, 深圳,
- 邵吉光, 王軍, 王兵團. The study of AOQ(t) on CSP-2-R with dynamic decomposition [C]. 2010 Second ETP/IITA World Congress in Applied Computing, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering, 深圳,
- 邵吉光. 高等數學教學中的探索與創新. 北京交通大學本科教學研究論文集
- 邵吉光. 函式極值與切線問題的物理學方法探究. 北京交通大學本科教學研究論文集
- 劉曉鵬, 邵吉光. 特徵函式與分布函式中若干問題之探討 [J]. 北京交通大學學報,
- 王軍, 邵吉光. The behavior of stock prices and valuation by continuum percolation theory [C]. Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2008, 4th International Conference on.
- 王軍, 邵吉光, 王兵團. Analysis of two-layered random interfaces for two dimensional Widom-Rowlinson’s model [J]. Abstract and Applied Analysis, Hindawi Publishing Corporation,
- 張軍歡, 王軍, 邵吉光. Finite-range contact process on the market return intervals distributions [J]. Advances in Complex Systems,
- 王軍, 王秋媛, 邵吉光. Fluctuations of stock price model by statistical physics systems [J]. Mathematical and Computer Modelling,
- 王軍, 王秋媛, 邵吉光. Analytical valuation of contingent claims by stochastic interacting systems for stock market [J]. Journal of Computers.