



  • 中文名:運河上的時間
  • 作者:伊甸
  • 譯者:北塔
  • 題材:詩集
  • 出版時間:2023年1月
  • 出版社:花山文藝出版社
  • 頁數:256 頁
  • ISBN:9787551166485
  • 定價:78.00 元




001 運河與人 The Canal and Men
003 運河與我 The Canal and I
005 運河與祖父 The Canal and My Grandfather
007 運河與父親 The Canal and My Father
009 運河與孩子 The Canal and Children
011 運河與陽光 The Canal and Sunshine
013 運河與雨 The Canal and Rain
015 運河與微風 The Canal and Breeze
017 運河與狂風 The Canal and the Gale
019 運河與雪 The Canal and Snow
021 運河與女人 The Canal and Women
023 運河與男人 The Canal and Men
027 運河上空的鳥 Birds over the Canal
031 運河上空的蜻蜓 The Dragonfly over the Canal
033 運河上空的白雲 The White Cloud over the Canal
035 運河上空的烏雲 The Dark Cloud over the Canal
037 運河上空的藍天 The Blue Sky over the Canal
039 運河上空的星星 Stars over the Canal
041 運河上空的閃電 The Lightning over the Canal
043 運河上空的火燒雲 The Flaming Cloud over the Canal
045 運河與淚水 The Canal and Tears
047 運河與詩人 The Canal and Poet
049 運河與縴夫 The Canal and Boat Trackers
051 運河的聲音 Sound of the Canal
055 運河的色彩 Colors of the Canal
057 運河的歡樂 Joy of the Canal
059 運河的早晨 Morning of the Canal
061 運河的正午 Noon of the Canal
063 運河的黃昏 Evening of the Canal
065 運河的月夜 Moon Night of the Canal
067 運河的一滴水 A Drop of Water from the Canal
069 運河的春天 Spring of the Canal
071 運河的夏天 Summer of the Canal
073 運河的秋天 Autumn of the Canal
075 運河的冬天 Winter of the Canal
079 運河的秘密 Secrets of the Canal
083 運河的倒影 Inverted Images in the Canal
085 運河上空的炊煙 Smoke from Kitchen Chimney over the Canal
087 運河與信 The Canal and Letters
091 運河上空的風箏 Kite over the Canal
093 運河上空的麻雀 Sparrow over the Canal
095 運河上的燈光 Lamplight over the Canal
097 運河上的螢火蟲 Firefly over the Canal
099 運河上的古石橋 Ancient Stone Bridge over the Canal
101 運河上的帆 Sail on the Canal
105 運河上的時間 Time on the Canal
107 運河裡的魚 Fish in the Canal
109 運河裡的蛤蟆 Toad in the Canal
111 運河裡的落葉 Fallen leaf in the Canal
113 運河裡的青蛙 Frog in the Canal
117 運河裡的石頭 Stones in the Canal
119 運河裡的冰 Ice in the Canal
121 運河裡的農船 Agricultural Vessel in the Canal
123 運河裡的光影 Shadow in the Canal
125 運河裡的輪船 The Ship in the Canal
127 運河邊的老人 Old Man by the Canal
129 運河邊的水車 Waterwheel by the Canal
131 運河與黃牛 The Canal and the Yellow Buffalo
133 運河邊的釣魚人 Fisherman by the Canal
135 運河裡的碎陶片 Pottery Shard in the Canal
137 運河邊的柳樹 Willow by the Canal
139 運河邊的過客 Passerby by the Canal
141 運河邊的涼亭 Pavilion by the Canal
143 運河邊的農田 Cropland by the Canal
145 運河邊的青草 Green Grasses by the Canal
147 運河邊的笑聲 Laughter by the Canal
149 運河邊的哭泣者 Weepers by the Canal
151 運河邊的碼頭 Wharf by the Canal
153 運河邊的樹林 Forest by the Canal
155 運河邊的村莊 Village by the Canal
157 運河邊的城市 City by the Canal
159 運河邊的懷念 Memory by the Canal
161 運河邊的沉思 Meditation by the Canal
163 運河邊的憂傷 Sorrow by the Canal
167 凝視運河 Gaze at the Canal
171 問運河 Ask the Canal
175 追趕運河 Chase the Canal
177 面對運河 Face the Canal
179 陪伴運河 Accompany the Canal
181 在運河裡照見自己 See Myself in the Canal
183 運河轉彎的地方 Where the Canal Swerves
185 在運河裡游泳 Swimming in the Canal
187 在運河上做夢 Dreaming on the Canal
189 為運河祈禱 Praying for the Canal
191 和運河說話 Talking with the Canal
193 萬物都高過運河 All Things Are Higher than the Canal
195 從運河中升起的霧 The Fog Rising from the Canal
197 在運河邊 By the Canal
199 讓運河通過我的傷口進入我的靈魂 Let the Canal Enter My Soul through
My Wound
201 關於運河的幾個比喻 Some Metaphors of the Canal
203 一顆露珠目不轉睛地看著運河 A Dewdrop Is Attentively Staring at the Canal
205 運河在呼喚我 The Canal Is Calling Me
207 運河……運河…… The Canal,the Canal
215 告別運河 Farewell to the Canal
217 懷念運河 Remember the Canal
219 後記 運河往事 Postscript:The Past between the Canal and Me




