- 中文名:趙強忠
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:食品添加劑、食品乳濁體系
- 任職院校:華南理工大學食品科學與工程學院
- Zhao Long, Mouming Zhao, Dongxiao Sun-Waterhouse, Qinlu Lin, Qiangzhong Zhao*. Effects of sterilization conditions and milk protein composition on the rheological and whipping properties of whipping cream. Food Hydrocolloids , 2016,52: 11-18
- Zhao Long, Mouming Zhao, Ning Liu, Daolin Liu, Dongxiao Sun-Waterhouse, Qinlu Lin, Qiangzhong Zhao*. Physicochemical properties of peanut oil-based diacylglycerol and their derived oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by sodium caseinate. Food Chemistry ,2015,184 : 105-113
- Qiangzhong Zhao, Zhao Long, Jing Kong, Tongxun Liu, Dongxiao Sun-Waterhouse, Mouming Zhao. Sodium caseinate/flaxseed gum interactions at oilewater interface: Effect on protein adsorption and functions in oil-in-water emulsion. Food Hydrocolloids , 2015,43:137-14
- Qiangzhong Zhao, Wanmei Kuang, Min Fang, Dongxiao Sun-Waterhouse, Tongxun Liu, Zhao Long, Mouming Zhao. Frozen, chilled and spray dried emulsions for whipped cream:Influence of emulsion preservation approaches on product functionality. LWT - Food Science and Technology ,2014:1-7
- Qiangzhong Zhao, Daolin Liu, Zhao Long, Bao Yang, Min Fang, Wanmei Kuang, Mouming Zhao*. Effect of sucrose ester concentration on the interfacial characteristics and physical properties of sodium caseinate-stabilized oil-in-water emulsions. Food Chemistry ,2014 (151) :506–513
- Zhao Long, Qiangzhong Zhao*, Tongxun Liu, Wanmei Kuang, Jucai Xu, Mouming Zhao*. Influence of xanthan gum on physical characteristics of sodium caseinate solutions and emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 2013, 32: 123-129.
- Qiangzhong Zhao, Wanmei Kuang, Zhao Long, Min Fang, Daolin Liu, Bao Yang, Mouming Zhao. Effect of sorbitan monostearate on the physical characteristics and whipping properties of whipped cream. Food Chemistry, 2013, 141: 1834–1840.
- Zhao Long, Mouming Zhao, Qiangzhong Zhao*, Bao Yang, Liya Liu. Effect of homogenisation and storage time on surface and rheology properties of whipping cream. Food Chemistry, 2012, 131: 748–753.
- 趙強忠,馮夢瑩,林戀竹,趙謀明*.牛大力糖蛋白的分離、鑑定及抗氧化活性, 華南理工大學學報(自然科學版),2015,43(11):8-15
- 趙強忠,鄺婉湄,趙謀明*.攪打充氣對攪打奶油流變特性的影響, 中國糧油學報,
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- 一種具有抑制腐敗作用的低值魚蛋白深度酶解的方法,2010年度國家專利優秀獎
- 大宗低值蛋白資源生產呈味基料及高檔調味品共性關鍵技術,2007年度廣東省科學技術獎一等獎
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